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Borges Jorge Luis: more books (103) | |||||||||||||||
21. Bibliografía Cronológica De La Obra De J. L. Borges (Annick Louis & Florian Zi Estudio de Annick Louis y Florian Ziche que comprende textos escritos por el autor argentino los publicados en diarios y revistas, los volºmenes, textos traducidos por borges, textos escritos por ©l en colaboraci³n, pr³logos, volºmenes compilados por el autor, reimpresiones y reediciones de las obras, algunas encuestas y reportajes; la bibliografa no comprendemanuscritos y cartas, traducciones de la obra de borges y bibliografa crtica sobre su obra. http://www.hum.aau.dk/institut/rom/borges/louis/main.htm | |
22. Jorge Luis Borges & The Plural I By Eric Ormsby An essay by Eric Ormsby, about the nullification of personal identity in borges literature.Category Arts Literature Authors B borges, jorge luis......jorge luis borges the plural I by Eric Ormsby. It was ironic offate, though perhaps predictable, to allow jorge luis borges to http://www.newcriterion.com/archive/18/nov99/ormsby.htm | |
23. The Jorge Luis Borges Center For Studies & Documentation a los ocho meses de gestación, nace en Buenos Aires jorge luis borges en casa de Isidoro Acevedo, su abuelo paterno. http://www.hum.aau.dk/Institut/rom/borges/borges.htm |
24. Home A presentation of the collection and the publications made so far with material from the collection the interactive CDRom La Biblioteca Total edited in 1996, and four books jorge luis borges Bibliografa Completa , a thorough bibliography of borges' work published in 1997; borges, una enciclopedia , an Encyclopaedia; El factor borges a book of illustrated essays and a facsimile edition of the Revista Multicolor de los S¡bados. Mostly in Spanish, accepts queries in English. http://www.fst.com.ar/ |
25. The Jorge Luis Borges Center For Studies & Documentation by jorge luis borges. By this art you may contemplate the variations of the 23 letters http://www.hum.aau.dk/Institut/rom/borges/english.htm | |
26. The Jorge Luis Borges Center For Studies & Documentation New Rules to Become a Member as Associate Researcher Please, click here.New Formule to Get Variaciones borges À la Carte Please, click here. http://www.hum.au.dk/Institut/rom/borges/borges.htm |
27. Jorge Luis Borges - Poemas_1 Extensa selecci³n de sus poemas para leer en lnea. http://www.avantel.net/~eoropesa/poesia/jlborges1.html | |
28. Borges, Jorge Luis - Autor - Enciclopedia De La Ciencia Ficción Argentina http://www.techne.com.ar/axxon/ecf/e-borges.htm | |
29. Presidential Lectures: Beatriz Sarlo: Excerpts An article, by Beatriz Sarlo. Concludes, in short, that there is no writer in Argentine literature more Argentine than jorge luis borges. http://prelectur.stanford.edu/lecturers/sarlo/excerpts/borges.html | |
30. UVa Special Collections Library: Collections The jorge luis borges Collection. One of the more notable collectionsin the Special Collections Department at the University of http://www.lib.virginia.edu/speccol/collections/borges.html | |
31. Magazine Littéraire - Jorge Luis Borges Archives du Magazine Litt©raire, article de Robert Louit. http://www.magazine-litteraire.com/archives/ar_376.htm | |
32. Jorge Luis Borges http://luis.salas.net/indexjlb.htm | |
33. The Library Of Babel An image inspired by Borge's story, accompanied by the text of the story itself with its original Category Arts Literature Authors B borges, jorge luis......The Library of Babel by jorge luis borges By this art you may contemplate the variationsof the 23 letters The Anatomy of Melancholy, part 2, sect. II, mem. http://jubal.westnet.com/hyperdiscordia/library_of_babel.html | |
34. ¡Bienvenido A LibreríaHispana.com! Antologa que incluye a los autores Gabriel Garca M¡rquez, Julio Cort¡zar, jorge luis borges, Felisberto Hern¡ndez, Jos© Mart, Federico Garca Lorca, Juan Rulfo, C©sar Vallejo y Pablo Neruda. http://www.libreriahispana.com | |
35. Jorge Luis Borges Contiene aspectos biogr¡ficos, selecci³n de poemas, artculos y cuentos. http://usuarios.lycos.es/elpoeta/borges/ | |
36. BORGES - EL ALEPH Versi³n completa del cuento de jorge luis borges. http://usuarios.lycos.es/bibliotecario/relatos/ALEPH.htm | |
37. Elatroz Relato del autor argentino jorge luis borges. http://redescolar.ilce.edu.mx/redescolar/concursos/vadecuento/cuentos/elatroz.ht | |
38. Jorge Luis Borges - Obra Poética Translate this page Compilación de poemas del escritor argentino jorge luis borges, dandocuenta de los libros en los cuales fueron publicados. http://www.geocities.com/adonisestigarribia/ | |
39. Borges - Music: Astor Piazzolla Main Page Details the artist's influences by jorge luis borges. http://www.libyrinth.com/borges/borges_music_piazzolla.html | |
40. Ivan Almeida: Jorge Luis Borges, Autor Del Poema "Instantes" An¡lisis sobre la pol©mica atribuci³n del poema al autor argentino por Iv¡n Almeida. http://www.hum.au.dk/romansk/borges/bsol/iainst.htm | |
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