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81. Harry Nilsson Web Pages - David Cassidy (new) david cassidy. Song Credits Songwriter This Could Be The Night . Vocals This Could Be The Night . Recordings Other david cassidy Articles. http://www.harrynilsson.com/misc-1871-15788.html | |
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92. David Cassidy: Man Undercover 1990's Cop Rock 1990 The Bradys -1990 On the Air - 1992 The Chevy Chase Show- 1993 david cassidy Man Undercover As his first big project after The http://www.spudtv.com/features/worst/cassidy.html | |
93. The Covers Project : David Cassidy This page contains information about songs that has covered, as well as songsby david cassidy that have been covered by other artists. david cassidy. http://covers.wiw.org/artist/David Cassidy | |
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96. Harry Nilsson Web Pages - This Could Be The Night Songs. This Could Be the Night {david cassidy}. Credits Songwriter Harry Nilsson.Songwriter david cassidy. Vocals david cassidy. Other Recordings http://www.harryfest.com/song-566-18572.html | |
97. Katalog - Wirtualna Polska Serwis Katalog w Wirtualna Polska S.A. pierwszy portal w Polsce. http://katalog.wp.pl/DMOZ/Arts/Celebrities/C/Cassidy%2C_David | |
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