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Coffield Kelly: more detail |
61. Electricbrain Home Index Arts Celebrities C Jackie Chabert, Lacey Campbell, Neve Clooney, George Crawford, Joan Chaplin, CharlieCole, Gary Cage, Nicolas Carpenter, John coffield, kelly Cheung, Leslie Cox http://www.electricbrain.com/index/Arts/Celebrities/C/ |
62. Celebrites Et Stars: Trouvez Tout! 5000 Celebrites 30 000 Sites Choisis Choisis Translate this page The kelly coffield Web Page Come and read about funny girl kelly coffield, best knowfor Lil' Miss Trouble and Andrea Dice Clay on the Emmy Award Winning Show http://www.celebrites-selection.com/celebrites/celebz1494.htm | |
63. Smoking List - Coffield FAQ By Movie Change log Search Missing information Contact maintainer.Female A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z . kelly coffield. http://smokingsides.com/asfs/C/Coffield.html | |
64. Ancestors Of Asher Abbot White M.D. And Family (esp. Rogers) Parents Richard Howard and Catherine kelly coffield. Children were JenniferLouise coffield, Catherine kelly coffield, James Lloyd IV coffield . http://eclectic.ss.uci.edu/~drwhite/Rogers-White/d3.htm | |
65. Episodes Friend 1 kelly coffield . Naomi Jourdan Fremin . Nancy kelly coffield .Naomi Katie Johnston (I) . Lisa Kimberly McCullough . Jennifer. http://www.geocities.com/once_and_again_au/episodes/episodes.html | |
66. JIMMY THE GENIUS - The Italian Jim Carrey Fan Site: IN LIVING COLOR - LASSIE 199 LASSIE 90. James Carrey/Timmy kelly coffield/Mom Pitbull/Lassie Extras/Mr.Tompkins and henchmen Jim (calling out of a window) Lassie, oh Lassie. http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Wing/5806/lassie90.html | |
67. OutNow.CH :: Suche Translate this page Person kelly coffield Previews und Reviews. Film. Wertung. Kinostart. Scary Movie.01.11.2000. Infos. Film. Typ. Kinostart. Keine passende Filme gefunden. LegendeFilm. http://outnow.ch/search/person.asp?p=Coffield, Kelly |
68. Arts: Movies: Titles: F: Field Of Dreams - WorldSearch.com asSeenonScreen. Show me more Categories. coffield, kelly@ (1);Costner, Kevin@ (20); Jones, James Earl@ (6); Lancaster, Burt@ (4). http://www.worldsearch.com/dp.lisa/en/Arts/Movies/Titles/F/Field_of_Dreams | |
69. CelebrityFiles : C 6) Close, Glenn (3) Cobain, Kurt (31) Cobb, Keith Hamilton (5) Coburn, James (9)Cochrane, Rory (1) Cocteau, Jean (2) Coen, Joel (4) coffield, kelly (1) Cohen http://www.celebrityfiles.net/htmls/Celebrities/C/index.shtml | |
70. CelebrityFiles : C: Coffield, Kelly C coffield, kelly (1). IMDb.com kelly coffield kellycoffield's filmography at The Internet Movie Database. http://www.celebrityfiles.net/htmls/Celebrities/C/Coffield,_Kelly/ | |
71. Classic Video Club: Video Search Found 2 films with Actor containing kelly coffield Field of dreams Directedby Phil Alden Robinson, USA, 1990. Search Films with kelly coffield as Title. http://www.classicvideo.ch/Films.cfm?ARG=Actor&TRM=Kelly Coffield |
72. NC State 15, St. Joseph's 4 :: 2B Tarewicz(3), Bradshaw(4), Kokol(2), Dougher(2), kelly(1), Orvella(5),Wright(10), coffield(3). 3B - Wright(1). HR - Godusky(3). HBP - Orvella. http://www.fansonly.com/schools/ncst/sports/m-basebl/stats/031502aaa.html | |
73. NC State 14, St. Joseph's 12 :: 29/rf Dougher, 23/c Wolfer, 20/cf kelly, 36/3b Menke, 8/p Braun,. NC State starters11/cf Maynor, 5/ss Orvella, 33/lf Wright, 22/1b Hicks, 30/dh coffield, 6/c http://www.fansonly.com/schools/ncst/sports/m-basebl/stats/031602aaa.html | |
74. Www.fernsehen.ch - Das Interaktive Und Aktuelle Fernsehprogramm, Sortiert Nach T Translate this page DVD, Video, Biografien und Hintergrundinformationen. Shops, kelly coffield.lesen.ch - unser Partner-Shop, DVD, Video. Biografien. amazon http://www.fernsehen.ch/info/info.php?actor=Kelly Coffield |
75. Kelly Coffield - Internet Celebrity Information And Movie kelly coffield, Rockn-Reel.com The Online database of information aboutMusic in the Movies. kelly coffield Rating 0.00/10 (0 votes). http://www.rock-n-reel.com/Database/talent.asp?actID=9603 |
76. Open Directory - Arts Celebrities C Cochrane, Rory (5); Cockburn, Serge (2); Cocteau, Jean (1); Coen,Ethan@ (6); Coen, Joel@ (6); coffield, kelly (1); Cohen, David Oliver http://newhoo.com/Arts/Celebrities/C/ |
77. Open Directory - Arts: Performing Arts: Acting: Actors And Actresses Cochrane, Rory@ (5); Cockburn, Serge@ (2); coffield, kelly@ (1); Cohen,Scott@ (11); Cole, Bradley@ (3); Cole, Gary@ (2); Coleman, Charlotte http://newhoo.com/Arts/Performing_Arts/Acting/Actors_and_Actresses/full-index.ht | |
78. MetaEUREKA Metasearch Cockburn, Serge, Cocteau, Jean. Coen, Ethan, Coen, Joel. coffield, kelly,Cohen, David Oliver. Cohen, Scott, Cole, Bradley. Cole, Gary, Cole, Jennifer. http://www.metaeureka.com/cgi-bin/odp2.pl?dir=Arts/Celebrities/C/ |
79. Celebrities/C - Fractured Atlas Links Directory Coburn, James (2). Cochrane, Rory (2). Cockburn, Serge (2). Cocteau, Jean(2). coffield, kelly (1). Cohen, Scott (13). Cole, Bradley (3). Cole, Gary(2). http://www.fracturedatlas.org/site/links/Celebrities/C/ | |
80. Coffield, Kelly Website Results :: Linkspider UK coffield, kelly Websites from the Linkspider UK. coffield, kelly Directory. CompleteResults for coffield, kelly Related Topics. Keyword coffield, kelly. http://www.linkspider.co.uk/Arts/Celebrities/C/Coffield,Kelly/ | |
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