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41. Electricbrain Home Index Arts Celebrities F Sandra Francks, Don francis, Anne Foreman, Deborah Farina, Dennis Fenn, SherilynFichtner, William Flynn, Errol Forlani, Claire francis, stacy Fehr, Brendan http://www.electricbrain.com/index/Arts/Celebrities/F/ |
42. Season Most AtBats. 1. Lisa francis. -. 227. 1994. 2. stacy Stephenson. -. 10. Lisa francis.-. .559. 1993. Most Total Bases. 1. April Stary. -. 139. 1994. 2. stacy Stephenson.-. 135. http://www.culver.edu/athletics/intercollegiate/softball/Records/Top_10/Season/s | |
43. Career 2. Lisa francis. . 627. 1991-94. 3. stacy Stephenson. -. stacy Stephenson. -. 342.1997-00. 2. Aron Potter. -. 309. 1994-97. 3. April Stary. -. 262. 1991-94. 4. Lisafrancis. -. http://www.culver.edu/athletics/intercollegiate/softball/Records/Top_10/Career/c | |
44. The Rams Online -- Texas Wesleyan University Athletics Coaching Staff. stacy francis Head Coach. Queen Sanders Ass't. Coach.stacy francis, Head Coach. Timeout with Coach francis. stacy http://www.ramsports.net/w-basketball/coaches.htm | |
45. Stacy Branch stacy BRANCH, DVM, PhD Assistant Professor of Toxicology. Selected Publications Branch,S., BM francis, CF Brownie, and N. Chernoff (1996) Teratogenic effects http://www.cals.ncsu.edu/toxicology/Branch/Branch.htm | |
46. MISC. WHITE COUNTY COURT RECORDS T. Combs, Rozette Combs, William A. Combs Edward Combs, and francis M. Thornton Elizabeth, his wife, William stacy, Alfred stacy, John stacy, Nancy (or Naray http://www.rootsweb.com/~arwhite/courts.html | |
47. Genealogy Data Granville Birth 1859 stacy, Seatta stacy, Nancy Birth 1865 stacy, Anny Birth 1867 stacy, Tina Birth 1871 stacy, Robert Birth Wyatt, francis Birth ABT http://www.worldramp.net/~wyatt/html/dat79.htm | |
48. I1170: Elvira BAKER (7 Sep 1835 - 21 Jun 1906) 1951. 11012 SOURCE Descendants of francis Baker, by Bertha WinifredClark, Boston 1951. HTML 0048 . stacy POTTER. 1788 1856. http://www.gendex.com/users/Aubrey/aubrey/d0004/g0000010.html | |
49. I10311: Anna Francis Bailey (7 Sep 1889 - 3 Jan 1963) Jake) Allmon _ m 1909 Mary francis Allmon (1918 1919 Arkansas. Father Kenny Neal Douglas Mother Sandra Jean stacy http://www.gendex.com/users/bobspu/spurgeon/d0014/g0000021.html | |
50. NEC Student-Athlete Diary: Cassidy Yeager, St. Francis (PA) After all this maybe Saint francis will let me clep out of my Biology requirements(wink/wink). My social worker told me about stacy on my first treatment. http://www.northeastconference.org/diaries/yeager-sfpa.html | |
51. St. Francis Vs UMBC (05/04/02) 3B Boone. HBP - Rebar; Keiper. SH - Kahn. St. francis IP H R ER BB SO ABBF - Scofield, stacy .. http://www.northeastconference.org/soft02/umbcsfpa.htm | |
52. Genealogy Index For Surnames Beginning With S 1772) stacy, Elizabeth H. (1868-) stacy, francis M. (4 JUN 1966-6 NOV 1879) stacy,francis Morgan (1833-) stacy, Frannie (1864-) stacy, George (-) stacy http://home.mindspring.com/~staceygenealogy/Henley_files/idxs.html | |
53. Genealogy Data stacy, John W. Mother Woolbright, Martha Back to Main Page. Wood, Thomas JeffersonBirth 26 NOV 1841 Meriweather Co, GA Death 1906 New Castle, St. francis http://home.mindspring.com/~staceygenealogy/Henley_files/dat12.html | |
54. Prudential Rand Realty - Westchester, Rockland, Orange, And Putnam New York Real francis, Roshin C. 845624-8100, roshin.francis@prudentialrand.com. Culianos,stacy, 845-735-3700, stacy.culianos@prudentialrand.com. http://www.prudentialrand.com/AgentPages.asp | |
55. 600000 People Connected With European Royalty francis Marsena Roper Margaret Clark Husband francis Marsena Roper 11 stacyC Stewart Margrette Ellen Clark Husband stacy C Stewart 3 http://www.e-familytree.net/f2281.htm | |
56. About City Center ALSO STARRING EVERETT BRADLEY, BRENDA BRAXTON, BRANDON VICTOR DIXON, ALEXANDRA FOUCARD,stacy francis , NIKKI JAMES, PETER francis JAMES, WAYNE PRETLOW, AND http://www.citycenter.org/about/press.cfm | |
57. Francis Hsu In A Nutshell thumbnail photo francis Iwei Hsu. from MIT with a degree in computer science,I moved to Holland, Michigan to be with my then girlfriend stacy, who was http://www.ai.mit.edu/people/francis/ | |
58. Genealogy Data Male Family Marriage 17 JUN 1877 Spouse Boster, Fileanna francis Birth 6 JAN stacy,Lloyd Birth 23 JUL 1894 Death UNKNOWN Gender Male Parents Father http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~davidca/family/dat25.htm | |
59. Genealogy Data 10 FEB 1846 Death 18 OCT 1852 Gender Female stacy, John Jay Irving Stanley Birth living Gender Male Parents Father Hunt, francis Louellen Augustus http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~davidca/family/dat8.htm | |
60. I41978: Joseph Colkitt (____ - ____) _Hugh Costill _ m 1787 _ stacy Costill _Isaac Mother Elise A. Knight Family 1 William francis McCloud Family 2 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~rnelson/html/d0053/g0000069.html | |
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