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41. Greene, Graham. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. greene, graham. (Henrygraham greene), 190491, English novelist and playwright. http://www.bartleby.com/65/gr/Greene-G.html | |
42. 25964. Greene, Graham. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996 ATTRIBUTION graham greene (19041991), British novelist. The QuietAmerican, pt. 1, ch. 3, sct. 3 (1955). Later in the book, the http://www.bartleby.com/66/64/25964.html | |
43. Greene, Graham encyclopediaEncyclopedia greene, graham. greene, graham (Henry grahamgreene), 190491, English novelist and playwright. Although http://www.factmonster.com/ce5/CE021853.html | |
44. Graham Greene A list of spy fiction by graham greene. http://www.dryden.co.uk/spies/greene.htm | |
45. Graham Greene, Mystery And Suspense Writer Novels. greene, graham, England Made Me, Bantam, New York, 1935. Collectionsof Short Fiction. greene, graham, May We Borrow Your Husband? http://www.hycyber.com/MYST/greene_graham.html | |
46. Altogether Adverse :The Story Of Graham Greene And The Holy Office" By Steph by Stephen Schloesser, S.J. http://www.americamagazine.org/articles/schloesser.htm | |
47. NRK - Portretter Spionromaner, krim og Guds mirakler. greene, graham (19041991). Journalistog aktuell. Det er ikke så veldig lenge siden graham greene døde. http://www.nrk.no/nyheter/bakgrunn/portretter/931157.html | |
48. GREENE, GRAHAM Tilbage Til forsiden greene, graham. født den 2. oktober 1904 i England og dødeden 3. april 1991 1970 Klim (graham greene biblioteket), 1. udg. 1997. http://www.bibliografi.dk/greene_graham.htm | |
49. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Greene, Graham (Featured Authors) Looking for the best facts and sites on greene, graham? HIGH SCHOOL BEYOND Literature British Literature Featured Authors greene, graham. http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Lit | |
50. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Greene, Graham (D-H) Looking for the best facts and sites on greene, graham? HIGH SCHOOL BEYOND Literature British Literature British Authors DH greene, graham. http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Lit | |
51. CATHERINE WALSTON/GRAHAM GREENE PAPERS: INDEX TO greene, graham 1948 45 12 FONTEYN, MARGOT HONORARY DEGREE, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY1962 70 11 GARDINER, HAROLD C. - graham greene, CATHOLIC SHOCKER Article http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/index/i168}2.htm | |
52. CATHERINE WALSTON/GRAHAM GREENE PAPERS: INDEX ACTON, HAROLD CORRES. TO greene, graham 1953 (10/8) 45 5 ACTON, HAROLD- CORRES. TO greene, graham 1951 (12/28) 11 2 CARTWRIGHT, JL - CORRES. http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/index/i168}1.htm | |
53. Greene, Graham encyclopediaEncyclopedia greene, graham. greene, graham (Henry grahamgreene), 190491, English novelist and playwright. Although http://www.infoplease.com/cgi-bin/id/A0821744.html | |
54. Graham Greene. Editorial Seix-Barral, Graham Greene. Editorial Seix-Barral Translate this page graham greene, nacido en 1904 y fallecido en 1991, es una de las principales figurasde la narrativa británica contemporánea. greene, graham. Biografía. http://www.seix-barral.es/fichaautor.asp?autor=110 |
55. Una Especie De Vida. Graham Greene. Editorial Seix-Barral, Barcelona. 1987, Una Translate this page Una especie de vida. greene, graham. Colección Biblioteca de BolsilloGenero Memorias 192 págs. PVP 4,20 euros ISBN 84-322-3044-8, http://www.seix-barral.es/fichalibro.asp?libro=55 |
56. Roman Policier - Greene, Graham, 1904-1991 Leministère de la peur ; suivi de A armes égales / graham greene ; trad. http://www.sdm.qc.ca/txtdoc/pol/adu/GREENEGRAHAM.html | |
57. Graham Greene Translate this page Home_Page graham greene (1904-1991), Novelista inglés cuya obra reflejalos conflictos espirituales de un mundo en decadencia. Hijo http://www.epdlp.com/greene.html | |
58. Search For Greene, Graham At Epwbooks.com - E. P. Waggener & Sons, Booksellers 48 books matched your search in author for greene, graham Showing books 1 through11 1. Brighton Rock. Author greene, graham Publisher Viking Press. http://www.epwbooks.com/search.php?field=author&q=greene, graham |
59. Search For Greene, Graham At Epwbooks.com - E. P. Waggener & Sons, Booksellers 48 books matched your search in author for greene, graham Showing books 1 through11 1. Brighton Rock. Author greene, graham Publisher Viking Press. http://www.epwbooks.com/search.php?field=author&q=Greene, Graham |
60. Greene, Graham Artsworld links Kingsley Amis Alec Guinness, Biography graham greene Writer EnglandBorn Died 3 Apr 1991 On graduating from Balliol College, Oxford, greene http://www.artsworld.com/books-film/biographies/g-i/graham-greene.html | |
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