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Lichtenberg Byron: more detail |
81. MIT Man Vehicle Laboratory - Astronauts Steve is an active astronaut, in training as backup for ISS Expedition Crew 4. 19789,byron K. lichtenberg, Sc.D, Graduate student Sc.D, 1979, Biomedical Engr. http://mvl.mit.edu/MVL-astronauts.htm | |
82. USAF NASA Astronauts USAF NASA Payload Specialists. Left Program. lichtenberg, byron, Major MA ANG BornFebruary 19, 1958 in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. Flew on STS9 and STS-45. http://www.losangeles.af.mil/SMC/HO/USAFAstr.htm | |
83. Www.arrl.org/files/infoserv/ead/sarexold.txt 28 December 8, 1983 John W. Young, CDR Columbia Brewster H. Shaw Jr., PLT OwenK. Garriott, MS, W5LFL Robert A. Parker, MS byron K. lichtenberg, PS Ulf http://www.arrl.org/files/infoserv/ead/sarexold.txt | |
84. Astronaut Autographed Covers List lichtenberg, byron STS9 Launch, 11-28-83, KSC - MC, Titusville-Moonportcachet, $20.00. Lind, Don autographed by byron lichtenberg Ulf Merbold, http://www.bizubcomm.com/LibertyBell/autocovers.htm |
85. CSA - Space Life Science Archives: Results in Weightlessness and Readaptation to Earth s Gravity Laurence R. Young, CharlesM. Oman, Douglas GD Watt, Kenneth E. Money, and byron K. lichtenberg. http://www.space.gc.ca/asc/eng/csa_sectors/space_science/life_sciences/author.as |
86. Pioneer Press | 02/05/2003 | 'Right Stuff' Is Different For New Breed byron lichtenberg had been an F4 Phantom pilot, flying 138 combatmissions over Vietnam. But his master's degree in mechanical http://www.twincities.com/mld/pioneerpress/news/nation/5106338.htm | |
87. Lichtenberg, Byron Category Arts Celebrities L lichtenberg, byron. http//www.nss.org/askastro/lichtenberg/biography.htmlCreated 200006-14 000000. http://www2.cybercafenet.com/Arts/Celebrities/L/Lichtenberg,_Byron |
88. Www.ksc.nasa.gov/mirrors/images/images/pao/STS9/10061588.txt NASA Photo ID S8338055 File Name 10061588.jpg Film Type 4x5 cn Date Taken 08/05/83Title byron lichtenberg with models of A-10 aircraft and shuttle with http://www.ksc.nasa.gov/mirrors/images/images/pao/STS9/10061588.txt | |
89. Www.ksc.nasa.gov/mirrors/images/images/pao/STS9/10061677.txt NASA Photo ID STS00903-068 File Name 10061677.jpg Film Type 35mm cn Date Taken11/23/83 Title STS-9 payload specialist byron lichtenberg attached to http://www.ksc.nasa.gov/mirrors/images/images/pao/STS9/10061677.txt |
90. Astronaut Antics: The Untold Stories Of Human Spaceflight Images. A moment of rest for Tom Henricks. Somersaulting byron Lichtenbergplanted his feet right on the spot. More Stories. French http://www.space.com/news/spacehistory/astronaut_stories_010112.html | |
91. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg Translate this page Georg Christoph lichtenberg (1742 - 1799). Georg Christoph lichtenberg ist einVertreter der deutschen Aufklärung, der besonders von Kant beeinflußt ist. http://www.philosophenlexikon.de/lichtenb.htm | |
92. The Scientist - U.S. Space Startup Flies HighIn Both English And Russian When the space shuttle Columbia touched down in late 1983, payload specialist ByronK. lichtenberg emerged from the Spacelab1 mission both triumphant and http://www.the-scientist.com/yr1989/jul/fellman_p7_890724.html | |
93. Athens Daily Review: News Story had happened. Tammy lichtenberg, wife of Athens resident and former astronautByron lichtenberg, saw the incident live. I was watching http://www.athensreview.com/display/inn_news/news14.txt | |
94. B.Lichtenberg Bryon Kurt lichtenberg. Born 19 March 1948, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania,United States. Nationality American. Died Flights 1, STS9, http://www.worldspaceflight.com/bios/l/lichtenberg-b.htm | |
95. Space Exploration Interviews Historical Reminiscences of Cosmonaut Georgi Grechko, Part 2; Astronaut ByronLichtenberg Speaks on Space; Majel Barrett Roddenberry An Interview. http://www.astrodigital.org/space/interviews.html | |
96. Experiment Information Search Life Sciences Data Archive. Experiment Information. ExperimentTitle (ID), Vestibular Experiments in Spacelab (178072 1/2). http://lsda.jsc.nasa.gov/scripts/cf/exper.cfm?exp_index=1 |
97. Remarks During A Conference Call With Chancellor Helmut Kohl Of http://www.reagan.utexas.edu/resource/speeches/1983/120583a.htm | |
98. Payload Specialist Astronauts Payload Specialist Information Bio's Provided by the HighTechProductions.com Science Technology Centers, http://www.bsa-science.com/payload.htm | |
99. Mcall.com - Former Crew Member, Others Express Sorrow Angle seeks reelection to County Council Feb 5, 2003. Stroudsburg native ByronLichtenberg never forgot the aircraft that propelled him into the heavens. http://www.mcall.com/news/local/easton/all-a3_4localfeb02,0,371543.story?coll=al |
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