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61. James A. Lovell, Jun. Translate this page Astronautenbiographien - james A. lovell, jun. Raumflüge Gemini 7 (Pilot)Gemini 12 (Commander) Apollo 8 (Senior Pilot) Apollo 13 (Commander). http://www.nasa-statistik.de/biographien/lovell-j-a.html | |
62. Astronaut James Lovell Seen At Spacecraft Guidance And Navigation Station Apollo 8 Astronaut james lovell seen at Spacecraft guidance and navigationstation Astronaut james A. lovell Jr., Apollo 8 command http://www.apolloexplorer.co.uk/photo/html/as8/10074985.htm | |
63. Astronaut James Lovell In Bldg 4 Participating In Classroom Work Apollo 8 Astronaut james lovell in bldg 4 participating in classroomwork Astronaut james A. lovell Jr., command module pilot of http://www.apolloexplorer.co.uk/photo/html/as8/10074933.htm | |
64. James Madison University - LOVELL APPOINTED INTERIM DEAN OF EDUCATION From Media Relations November 29, 2001 Dr. Sharon lovell has been office For InformationContact Faculty Staff Gateway Management james Madison University http://www.jmu.edu/jmuweb/fs/news/fs_20011129101216.shtml | |
65. 1999 National Championship Air Races - James Lovell Best known as the astronaut portrayed by Tom Hanks in the movie Apollo 13, CommanderJames lovell is one of several astronauts to serve as grand marshals at http://www.nevadanet.com/airraces/jameslovell.html | |
66. ParkMilwaukee.com Discovery World, The james lovell Museum of Science, In zone 1. 815 N. jameslovell Street Milwaukee, WI. Badger Lot 022, 625 N. james lovell St. / 7th St. http://www.parkmilwaukee.com/parksys/?a=showdest&did=14 |
67. James LOVELL A Vladimír REMEK V planetáriu HVEZDNÝ KONEC RÍJNA. Kosmonauté james lovell a Vladimír REMEK vplanetáriu. Na Ing. Marcel Grün james Arthur lovell. Narozen 25. http://www.astro.zcu.cz/clanky/lovell.html | |
68. James LOVELL & Mary (?) james lovell, Mary (?). b. ? occ. yeoman edu. rel. d. bef 10 Jan 1751, Barnstable,Barnstable, MA br. res. . b. occ. edu. rel. d. br. res. . Children http://history.vineyard.net/allen/Web Cards/WC14/WC14_234.HTM | |
69. Astronaut Biography: James Lovell Biographies of US Astronauts. lovell. james Arthur, Jr. USA. james lovell. Personaldata. Birthdate 25.03.1928. Birthplace Cleveland / Ohio. Marital status married. http://www.spacefacts.de/bios/astronauts/english/lovell_james.htm | |
70. Iowa Clinic, P.C. - James P. Lovell, D.O. james P. lovell, DO Cardiology Practice Information Health Topics AnginaArrhythmias Atherosclerosis Atrial Fibrillation CABG Heart http://www.iowaclinic.com/cgi-bin/physician-search.cgi/office/12225 | |
71. James Lovell - Punta Rock james lovell. james started his orchestra. james lovells star risesat an important historical junction for his people. On May http://www.mundoafrolatino.com/english/jameslovell.htm | |
72. James Lovell james A. lovell During his Naval career he had numerous aviator assignments, includinga four year tour as a test pilot at the Naval Air test Center, Patuxent http://www.worldsfinestnavy.com/JamesLovell.html | |
73. Interview With James Mitchell, Putnam Lovell Securities: TWST Analyst considers JP Morgan as a controversial play james Mitchell, Putnam LovellSecurities james F. MITCHELL is Managing Director, Securities Brokerage http://www.twst.com/notes/articles/paj410c.html | |
74. James A. Lovell, III - Lovells Of Lake Forest james A. lovell, III. Jay is a 1986 graduate of the Culinary Schoolof Kendall College in Evanston, Illinois. After graduating, he http://previewlovells.cdgcommerce.com/index.pl/james_a._lovell_iii | |
75. I71: James Roger LOVELL (____ - ____) Ad james Roger lovell. 61 . Father Walter Evan lovell MotherElaine E. SHULTZ Family 1 Helen Marie BROWN Kevan james lovell. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~rdrunner/Wolf/d0000/g0000025.html | |
76. I29995: Susan CONDIT (____ - 1894) james lovell. 1703 1762. NC deeded to james lovell of Westmoreland Co. 200a. on the Roanoke river opposite Halifax Town (Northampt. DB 2, pp.321-2). http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~harrisonrep/Harrison/d0079/g0000000.htm | |
77. Lovell Pioneers C. Litson, Paul Long, Ralph Long, Robert S. Longpine, james M. Longpine, LesterLongpine, Simon S. lovell, Cloyd lovell, Hazel Wood lovell, james W. Mary http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~tammie/pioneers/lovellpio.htm | |
78. Lovell Pioneers james W. lovell (18581914) and Mary L. (Taliferro) lovell (1856-1915) are buriedin the Oak Vew Cemetery three miles south of the town of lovell. james W. and http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~tammie/pioneers/jwlovell.htm | |
79. BNQ-Revues Anciennes - Wiseman, James Lovell, 1847-1912 Translate this page Illustrateur(s) Wiseman, james lovell, 1847-1912 2. NO 1319. Le Collège Saint-Laurent(près Montréal). Illustrateur(s) Wiseman, james lovell, 1847-1912 2. http://www.bnquebec.ca/illustrations/htm/a298.htm | |
80. Astronaut James A. Lovell This page was created by blue dragon from Midvale Elementary. Astronautjames A. lovell, james A. Novell 1928? My name is james A. Novell. http://www.historyhunt.org/report/report.asp?key=500 |
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