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85. Charles Napier Name charles George Douglas napier, Country England. Rank Captain. Service RoyalFlying Corps Royal Air Force. Units 20, 48. Victories 9. Born Place of Birth http://www.theaerodrome.com/aces/england/napier1.html | |
86. Charles Napier Simpson (19 June 1845 - 21 April 1872) charles napier Simpson farmer of Blinkfontein, Orange River (assumed) born 19June 1845, London died 21 April 1872, Blinkfontein, Orange River. Notes http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/rensburg/I058.html |
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94. Kataweb Cinema Translate this page I grandi festival seguiti da kwcinema. I grandi film seguiti da kwcinema. CharlesNapier. Filmografia. Il rompiscatole (1996). Un lavoro da giurato (1995). http://www.kwcinema.kataweb.it/templates/kwc_template_2col/0,4858,6142-schedaper | |
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