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81. Duncan Sheik - Duncan Sheik: Phantom Moon - Audio CD, Compact Discs At Earfloss. Get information about and purchase the audio compact disc duncan sheik Phantom Moon. Other CDs duncan sheik - Phantom Moon. Click here http://www.earfloss.com/8910552.html | |
82. Duncan Sheik - Duncan Sheik: Humming - Audio CD, Compact Discs At Earfloss.com Get information about and purchase the audio compact disc duncan sheik Humming.Other CDs are available by browsing or searching. duncan sheik - Humming. http://www.earfloss.com/8911853.html | |
83. Spinner Home Artist Info. NAMES STARTING WITH duncansheik. sheik, duncan, Rock, 90s.duncans, Rock, 90s. duncan, Sean, Rock, 90s. duncan, Sandy, Child, duncanson, Tony,Rock, http://www.spinner.com/gateway/artistInfo.jhtml?artist=Duncan Sheik |
84. Hip Online: Artists: Duncan Sheik IT'S a rock record, says duncan sheik, excitement rushing through his typicallycalm South Carolinaraised voice, in that it's mostly guitars. http://www.hiponline.com/artist/music/s/sheik_duncan/ | |
85. Flak Magazine Review Of Duncan Sheik's Daylight, 10-23-02 Four albums after his brilliant debut single, duncan sheik puts cries of, 'onehitwonder!' to death. Reviewed by Bob Sassone for Flak Magazine. Related Links. http://flakmag.com/music/sheik.html | |
86. Harmony Central®: OLGA Index: DUNCAN SHEIK Get your Stevie Ray Vaughan tabs here. OLGA Index duncan sheik. Jumpto 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. http://www.harmony-central.com/Guitar/OLGA/all/duncan_sheik.html | |
87. George Graham Reviews Duncan Sheik's "Phantom Moon" duncan sheik Phantom Moon by George Graham. If anyone is set to carry the mantleof the late Nick Drake, it's duncan sheik, at least on his new CD. http://georgegraham.com/reviews/dsheik.html | |
88. George Graham Reviews Duncan Sheik's "Daylight" format. duncan sheik Daylight by George Graham. This week we havea good example, duncan sheik, whose new CD is called Daylight. A http://georgegraham.com/reviews/sheikday.html | |
89. KRT Wire | 01/20/2003 | Duncan Sheik Brings A Bit Of 'Daylight' To Audiences 20, 2003, duncan sheik brings a bit of 'Daylight' to audiences BY VAUGHN WATSONThe Providence Journal. duncan sheik's new album is eclectic and absorbing. http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate/entertainment/music/4936273.htm | |
90. Duncan Sheik Webring Welcome to my duncan sheik Webring. Do you have a duncan sheik page? Would you liketo put it in my webring? Thanks! Submit site to The duncan sheik Webring. http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Delta/6805/duncan.html | |
91. MTV.com - News -Duncan Sheik Remembers Jeff Buckley On New Record Album Of Jeff Buckley's Live Recordings In The Works. duncan sheik Remembers JeffBuckley On New Record. duncan sheik Remembers Jeff Buckley On New Record. http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1426657/19980903/story.jhtml | |
92. Duncan Sheik - ICQ Interest Groups - ICQ.com Groups. Back to Homepage Groups Music Artists AZ duncan sheikICQ Interest Groups duncan sheik, 1 Group in duncan sheik, Sort http://web.icq.com/groups/browse_folder?tid=3859 |
93. KARAOKE SONGS - SH By Artist SheDaisy. SC315907. Barely Breathing. sheik, duncan. MM6188-11. Barely Breathing.sheik, duncan. SC2113-03. Barely Breathing. sheik, duncan. SC3001-03. http://www.karaokeworldnews.com/s_sh_artist.html | |
94. Interests Interests. . Interested users The following users are also interestedin duncan sheik. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page. http://www.ujournal.org/interests.bml?int=duncan sheik |
95. Duncan Sheik's 'Daylight' Illuminates Pop Style In the mid1990s, singer-songwriter duncan sheik planted the seed for the currentcrop of literate nice-guy true-life songwriters such as John Mayer, Ryan http://www.dailypress.com/entertainment/music/dp-duncan31jan30,0,3675967.story?c |
96. Paste Magazine :: Review :: Duncan Sheik :: ,duncan sheik , , You expect duncan sheik's music to dripwith longing, to ooze the melancholy heard on his http://www.pastemagazine.com/action/article?article_id=36 |
97. Katalog - Wirtualna Polska Serwis Katalog w Wirtualna Polska S.A. pierwszy portal w Polsce. http://katalog.wp.pl/DMOZ/Arts/Music/Bands_and_Artists/S/Sheik%2C_Duncan | |
98. Hard Rock Live Select. http://www.hardrock.com/live2/stats.asp?Action=Photos&hdnEventId=1825 |
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