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Spence Sebastian: more detail |
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83. Karie's Web World--Sebastian Spence's Bio Full Name sebastian spence Nickname Bass Birthplace St John's, Newfoundland, CanadaBirthday December 9,1969 Hair/Eyes Light Brown / Blue Height/Weight 5 http://www.karieswebworld.com/ss_bio.html | |
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92. Sebastian Spence @ Filmbug Home sebastian spence Biography, sebastian spence sebastian spence. Tell uswhat you think of sebastian in the Filmbug forum Facts. Occupation, Actor. http://www.filmbug.com/db/31277 | |
93. Sebastian Spence Pictures sebastian spence. Name sebastian spence Date of Birth December 9,1969 Place of Birth St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada Occupation http://cute_actors.tripod.com/sebastian_spence.html | |
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95. Star-tv.com | The Entertainment Information Station SebastianSpence. http://www.star-tv.com/vault/bio.asp?artist=487 |
96. SebastianSpence.com - The Official Online Website Of Sebastian Spence http://www.sebastianspence.com/ |
97. Pathfinder Members A?at?s? st? Pathfinder ID a http://profiles.pathfinder.gr/browse/2519 | |
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