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121. Condensed Matter - WFU condensed matter Physics. The area of major concentration is condensedmatter physics, which includes the work of three experimentalists http://www.wfu.edu/Academic-departments/Physics/condensed.html |
122. Condensed Matter Physics Group condensed matter Physics Group. Department of Physics,. University of Pune,.Pune 411 007. Faculty PV Panat; DG Kanhere; RK Pathak; Anjali Kshirsagar; B.Dey. http://physics.unipune.ernet.in/~cmg/ |
123. Condensed Matter Theory At Chalmers/GU http://fy.chalmers.se/ap/cmt/ |
124. Research In Condensed Matter Physics condensed matter physics includes the study of solids (solid state physics)as well as liquids. Nationally, condensed matter physics |
125. UMIST Condensed Matter Group UMIST condensed matter Group. Staff. Professor Bruce Hamilton. Professor Wendy Flavell. 7Postdoctoral Fellows. condensed matter Physics. Current Research Activities. http://www.phy.umist.ac.uk/Research/condens.shtml |
126. Condensed Matter Group Home Page We have moved!!! Please go to http//www.indiana.edu/~phys/cmgroup/ .Thank you. Webmaster Email webmaster@gibbs.physics.indiana.edu. http://gibbs.physics.indiana.edu/cmp/ |
127. Universität Basel, Theoretical Condensed-Matter Physics Theoretische Physik der kondensierten Materie. Theoretical condensedmatter Physics.Welcome to our homepage! The former condensed-matter Theory group of Prof. http://monet.physik.unibas.ch/thomas/ |
128. Quantum Unitary Field Dynamics The principles developed for condensed states of matter are used to define quantum fields, life and consciousness. http://www.angelfire.com/ca/sanmateoissues/ |
129. Materials Science Centre - MSC News, events, organization, research and contact information of this part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Groningen, forging interdisciplinary groups to bring together materials research within the condensedmatter community in the departments of physics and chemistry. http://msc.phys.rug.nl |
130. The New Bible Digest condensed online Bible passages in which key phrases are in red letters, allowing the reader to surf the subject matter quickly. http://www.newbibledigest.com/ |
131. Goldstone Bosons These notes review the effective lagrangian treatment of Goldstone and pseudoGoldstone bosons, taking examples from high-energy/nuclear and condensed-matter physics. http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/hep-th/9808176 |
132. Planetary Geology Group Planetary Geology is the study of the origin, evolution, and distribution of matter condensed in the form of planets, satellites, comets and asteroids. The approach used at Arizona State University in solving planetary geology problems incorporates results from spacecraft data analyses, laboratory simulations of various planetary processes, and field studies of features on Earth analogous to extraterrestrial features. http://europa.la.asu.edu/ |
133. Washington University Nanoscience And Thin Film Science The group is based in the Physics department at Washington University in St. Louis. Activities include research in condensedmatter and materials physics with applications in nanoscience, nanotechnology and thin film growth. Typical areas of relevance are magnetic nanostructures, nanostructured titania photocatalysts, ion beam modification of materials and practical ways to create desired nanostructures using directed self-assembly. http://wuphys.wustl.edu/~ramkik/ |
134. Soft Matter Home Page http://www.irc.leeds.ac.uk/soft-matter/ |
135. Xxx.lanl.gov/archive/cond-mat http://xxx.lanl.gov/archive/cond-mat |
136. Www.elsevier.nl/inca/publications/store/5/0/5/7/1/2/ http://www.elsevier.nl/inca/publications/store/5/0/5/7/1/2/ |
137. Electronic Journals From Institute Of Physics Publishing Current http://www.iop.org/EJ/ |
138. H Division Home Page LLNL Public Web Site, LLNL Privacy and Legal Notice. Research FacilitiesOrganization Hot Topics For technical information contact http://www-phys.llnl.gov/H_Div/ |
139. Dipartimento Di Fisica - System And Network Administration Translate this page http://sparc10.unica.it/ |
140. Sprik The group in Amsterdam will be reconstructed to put more emphasis on Soft CondensedMatter Physics. van der WaalsZeeman-Institute, University of Amsterdam. http://www.science.uva.nl/research/scm/ |
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