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41. Swedish Institute Of Space Physics, Uppsala, Information Page This web page is obsolete. In early 2001, the IRF 'Wave Group' and part of the 'SatelliteGroup' was merged into the IRF 'Physics in Space' research programme. http://www.wavegroup.irfu.se/ | |
42. University Of Maryland Space Physics Group Welcome. About Us. Members. Projects. Current Events. Publications.Seminars. Resources. Contact Us. Credits. UMd Home. UMd Physics. http://space.umd.edu/ | |
43. Space Weather Resources Very large, categorized collection of links related to the interaction of solar wind and the magnetosphere.Category Science Earth Sciences Atmospheric Physics...... space physics Models. NSSDC space physics Models; GSFC Magnetospheric ModelingGroup; Rice ElectroMagnetic Field Models; space physics Observatories. Radars. http://space.rice.edu/ISTP/ | |
44. UH Space Physics Group space physics Group. Activities, People and Programs. The space physics group occupiesa total of four large laboratory rooms totalling approximately 370 squ. http://www.uh.edu/research/spg/spgmain.html | |
45. SPA On-Line Open House The members of the space physics and Aeronomy section of the American GeophysicalUnion (AGU) would like to take this opportunity to share information with the http://www.windows.ucar.edu/openhouse/open_house.html | |
46. GI Space Physics And Aeronomy Home Page GI logo UAF logo. Welcome to the Geophysical Institute's space physicsand Aeronomy Group. The members of the group conduct studies http://www.gi.alaska.edu/space/ | |
47. UAF GI Space Physics And Aeronomy Home Page UAFGI space physics and Aeronomy Group. Welcome to the Space Physicsand Aeronomy Group. Members of the space physics and Aeronomy Group. http://elf.gi.alaska.edu/space.htm | |
48. Space Physics Research Laboratory Left John Pesce Right Dr. Abas Sivjee Jan 1, 1996 South Pole Station,John Pesce's Ice Sculpture, http//www.sprl.db.erau.edu/index http://chapman.sprl.db.erau.edu/home_page.html | |
49. AGU: Chapman Conferences Regular program of small, focussed meetings that provide significant time for discussion and interaction among the participants. Topics include all aspects of geophysics and space physics. http://earth.agu.org/meetings/chapman.html | |
50. Dartmouth Space Physics In plasma and space physics, active areas of research include magnetohydrodynamics,computational physics, plasma simulation and plasma theory. http://www.dartmouth.edu/artsci/physics/spacephy/ | |
51. Astronomy And Space Physics Department Home Page Astronomy and space physics Department. Third year students of general physics mayspecialize themselves in our Department and take space physics speciality. http://space.univ.kiev.ua/ | |
52. THE INSPIRE PROJECT A nonprofit scientific, educational corporation whose objective is to bring the excitement of observing natural and manmade radio waves in the audio region to high school students. INSPIRE is an acronym for Interactive NASA space physics Ionosphere Radio Experiments . Since 1990, The INSPIRE Project has been involved in the investigation of very low frequency (VLF) radio signals in the earth's magnetosphere. http://image.gsfc.nasa.gov/poetry/inspire/ | |
53. Space Physics - Umeå University space physics, Logo. The Department of space physics gives coursesin both space technolgy and space physics. If you have chosen to http://www.ryp.umu.se/index_eng.html | |
54. NASA/GSFC SSDOO SSDOO is responsible for the project management of selected missions and the development and operations of data and information systems which support processing, management, archiving and distribution of space physics, astrophysics, and planetary data. http://ssdoo.gsfc.nasa.gov/c630/ssdoo_main.html | |
55. University Of Kansas Space Physics Similar pages kuspa1.phsx.ukans.edu8000/~galileo/ Similar pages space physics Home Page 90117). space physics Information Home Page. Institute of Nuclear Physics,Moscow State University. Institute. To top space physics Models. http://kuspa1.phsx.ukans.edu:8000/ | |
56. University Of Newcastle Space Physics Research Group space physics Research Group in Australia http://plasma.newcastle.edu.au/spwg/ |
57. NSSDC Space Physics ModelWeb Models for the neutral atmosphere, ionosphere, magnetosphere, geomagnetic field. http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/space/model/models_home.html | |
58. UIowa Space Plasma Wave Group Site of the University of Iowa research group describes various undertaken space plasma wave projects Category Science Physics Plasma Space Plasmas...... We are one of several space physics research groups here in the department witha heritage including the very first successful US launch of Explorer 1 in http://www-pw.physics.uiowa.edu/plasma-wave/home.html | |
59. Roger Smith Professor at the University of Alaska. Includes recent papers, and details on the GI space physics undergraduate intern program. http://www.gi.alaska.edu/space/roger_smith/index.htm | |
60. Space Physics Section Homepage for space physics Section, Department of Physics, Universityof Bergen. NORSK, University Physics. space physics Section. Main http://www.fi.uib.no/Spacephysics/spacephysics.html | |
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