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161. Martin, Mark An essay on numerous subjects including physics, space exploration, and cinema. http://www.accs.net/users/mmartin/mmshow.htm |
162. Radio And Space Plasma Physics Knitting Patterns The Cooperative UK Twin Auroral Sounding System Clanger knitting pattern. http://ion.le.ac.uk/cutlass/clanger.html |
163. The Quantum Theory Of Ur-Objects As A Theory Of Information Here the quantum theory of urobjects proposed by C. F. von Weizsaecker is reviewed, and the philosophical consequences of its interpretation as an information theory are demonstrated by means of some important concepts of physics such as time, space, entropy, energy, and matter, which in ur theory appear to be directly connected with information as ''the'' fundamental substance. http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/quant-ph/9611048 |
164. University Of Maryland Electron Ring - UMER Designed to investigate the physics of highly spacecharge-dominated beams transported in a circular lattice. Features project overview, visitors guide, design, publications, and technical notes. http://www.ireap.umd.edu/ebte/ring/ |
165. The Particle Physics And Astronomy Research Council The Particle physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC)funds UK research, education and public understanding in its four broad areas of science particle physics, astronomy, cosmology and space science. http://www.pparc.ac.uk/ |
166. Alfvén Laboratory Research and educational activities focused on laboratory, space, and fusion plasma physics, electron physics, and accelerator technology. News, research, education, and administration. http://www.alfvenlab.kth.se/ |
167. Steet Cred Head Space MetaCreations' CDROM Life in the Universe makes the most of multimedia and gives life to the heady theories of physics guru Stephen Hawking. Wired News http://www.wired.com/news/news/story/6341.html |
168. IGN Review by Ivan Sulic, 78%. Pick it up if you crave space combat in any and every form, or just love to meet and greet other online denizens, but be prepared for a slower paced physics focused flight and combat model that won't cater to the new and unfamiliar alike. http://pc.ign.com/articles/166/166696p1.html |
169. Sun-Earth Connection Division One of four science themes within the Office of space Science at the National Aeronautics and space Category Science Technology Centers Goddard space Flight Center......Responsible NASA Official Dr. Richard Fisher. NASA Headquarters, CodeS. NASA IT Security Banner Privacy Statement. Webmaster J. Rumburg. http://sec.gsfc.nasa.gov/ |
170. Quantum And Braided Spin The modern KaluzaKlein theories of unification of gauge fields and gravitation, the theories of grand unification and, more recently, superfield, super-string, membrane and conformal field theories have enhanced the role of the geometry of multidimensional spaces in fundamental theoretical physics. An analagous quantum geometry is explored in these online lectures. http://kaluza.physik.uni-konstanz.de/2MS/rosenb/rb/node1.html |
171. Astronomy And Space Pysics Department WARNING Our site moved to http//space.univ.kiev.ua Waiting for 10seconds to connect automaticly Please update your bookmarks! http://space.ups.kiev.ua/ |
172. The Exploration Of The Earth's Magnetosphere Detailed nonmathematical introduction to the research on the Earth's magnetic environment in space Category Science Earth Sciences Education...... Glossary The Birth of a Radiation Belt Brief History of Magnetospheric Physicsduring the space Age Talk on the Concepts and Ideas Underlying Exploration http://www-istp.gsfc.nasa.gov/Education/Intro.html |
173. Astrophysics At UW-Madison, Dept. Of Physics Department of physics. (pengi pics) Amanda. Observatory) Astrophysics in the UWMadisonAstronomy Dept. (Sterling Hall pic) UW-Madison physics Department. http://wisp5.physics.wisc.edu/ |
174. Physics Department, Rice University Faculty and staff directory, course information, upcoming colloquia, research programs, details about Category Science physics Academia Universities United States......For more information contact physics@rice.edu. Copyright © 1998 Rice UniversitySite design DAC. Science and Engineering Home Page Rice University Homepage. http://dacnet.rice.edu/depts/ricephys/ |
175. Astrophysics Division Herschel space Observatory/SPIRE instrument a new project to studyastronomical objects at infrared and submillimetre wavelengths; http://www.sstd.rl.ac.uk/SSD/sp.html |
176. NASA Goddard Institute For Space Studies Includes a spotlight on global warming, and information on their research into the climate and climate Category Science Environment Global Change Research Centers......Welcome to the NASA Goddard Institute for space Studies (GISS) at ColumbiaUniversity in New York City. Information about space Shuttle Columbia. http://www.giss.nasa.gov/ |
177. SPIDR http://spidr.ngdc.noaa.gov/ |
178. SPARC http://www.windows.ucar.edu/sparc/ |
179. Instituto De Astronomía Y Física Del Espacio - Institute For http://www.iafe.uba.ar/ |
180. Rymdfysikinstitutionen - Umeå Universitet Information om utbildningen vid rymdingenjörsprogrammet.Category World Svenska Teknisknaturvetenskaplig fakultet......Rymdfysikinstitutionen bedriver utbildning i både rymdteknik och rymdfysik.Har du valt att läsa till Högskoleingenjör i rymdteknik http://www.ryp.umu.se/ |
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