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21. Niels H. Abel Niels Henrik Abel(18021829) was born on August 5, 1802, in Finnöy,Norway. He was the second of six children. Abel and his brothers http://www.math.ukans.edu/~engheta/bio/abel.html | |
22. Niels Henrik Abel Niels Henrik Abel. http://www.mathresources.com/products/mathresource/demo/pics/full/abel.htm | |
23. Niels Henrik Abel Niels Henrik Abel (18021829). Det fins mye Abel-stoff på nettet. Her er litt historiskstoff EXAMEN ARTIUM NIELS HENRIK ABEL August 1821 Modersmaalet . . . . http://www.nordreisa.vgs.no/Larere/HI/1MA-2000/Matematikere/Abel.htm |
24. Abel Niels Henrik Abel (18021829), Froland ungdomsskole 4820 Froland, Tlf. 3723 55 73, Niels Henrik Abel ble født i 1802 på Finnøy i Rogaland. http://www.froland.gs.aa.no/abel.html | |
25. NIELS HENRIK ABEL And His Times Called Too Soon By Flames Afar Translate this page Abel Biographie Geschichte der Mathematik biography history of mathematics MathematikAllgemeines Lexika abel niels henrik Fachbücher Gebundene Ausgabe http://www.dvd-video-dream.de/niels-henrik-abel-and-his-times-called-too-soon-by | |
26. Ask Jeeves: Search Results For "Abel, Niels Henrik" http//www.mnc.net/norway/abel.htm 7. Niels Henrik Abel (18021829) Niels Henrikabel niels henrik Abel (1802-1829) Niels Henrik Abel was born on August 5th http://webster.directhit.com/webster/search.aspx?qry=Abel, Niels Henrik |
27. Niels Henrik Abel Niels Henrik Abel. In de eerste helft van en Galois. Ook de Noorsewiskundige Niels Henrik Abel leefde in die tijd. In zijn korte http://www-math.sci.kun.nl/medewerkers/grooten/biografieen/abel.shtml | |
28. Niels Henrik Abel - Susning.nu Skaffa dig en susning.nu Niels Henrik Abel. Startsida Senaste NielsHenrik Abel, matematiker (18021829) från Norge . Dog utfattig http://susning.nu/Niels_Henrik_Abel | |
29. The Norwegian Mathematical Olympiad Also known as the niels henrik abel Contest. Problems and results. http://www.math.uio.no/abelkonkurransen/ | |
30. Abel-jubileet 2002 niels henrik abeljubileet 2002. abel 3. januar, Faglig-pedagogisk dagpå Universitetet i Oslo med eget program om niels henrik abel. 6 http://www.math.uio.no/2002/ | |
31. Nieles Henrik Abel - Mennesket Og Matematikken. In Norwegian Artikkel skrevet av Steinar Thorvaldsen ved H¸gskolen i Troms¸. http://www.afl.hitos.no/mahist/abel/ | |
32. ABELSENTERETS OFFISIELLE HJEMMESIDE Ideell stiftelse i Gjerstad, Aust Agder, som skal tilby etter og videreutdanning av l¦rere og forskere, forskning og publisering og niels henrik abel museum. http://www.abel.org/ | |
33. NIELS HENRIK ABEL - EN VERDENSMATEMATIKER FRA GJERSTAD niels henrik abel SENTER FOR MATEMATIKK OG NATURVITENSKAP niels henrik abel NORDENS STØRSTE MATEMATIKER niels henrik abel (1802 1829) er Norges, Nordens og en av de største matematikere som har levd. http://www.abel.org/nhan.html | |
34. Niels Henrik Abel Artikkel om niels henrik abel skrevet av H¥kon Fenstad. http://www.apollon.uio.no/apollon01-96/abel.html | |
35. Abel Biography of niels abel (18021829) niels henrik abel. Born 5 Aug 1802 in Frindoe (near Stavanger), Norway http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Abel.html | |
36. References For Abel Books O Ore, niels henrik abel, Mathematician Extraordinary (New York, 1974). VBrun, niels henrik abel Neue biographische Funde, J. Reine Angew. Math. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Abel.html | |
37. Index Matematikkonkurranse for norske niendeklassinger. Konkurransen er kalt opp etter den norske matematikeren niels henrik abel. http://www.kappabel.com/ | |
38. Abel Norwegian mathematician. Worked on elliptic functions and integrals, algebraic solution of equations and solubility by radicals. http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Abel.html | |
39. Abel, Niels Henrik (1802-1829) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biog Branch of Science " Mathematicians Nationality " Norwegian abel, niels henrik (18021829) Norwegian mathematician who accomplished an amazing amount of brilliant work in his short lifetime. abel was born on August 5, 1802 in the small village of http://www.treasure-troves.com/bios/Abel.html | |
40. Abel, Niels Henrik (1802-1829) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biog abel, niels henrik (18021829), 307-326, 1986. Ore, Ø. niels henrik abel, MathematicianExtraordinary. New York Chelsea, 1957. Author Eric W. Weisstein. http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Abel.html | |
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