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41. Maria Gaetana Agnesi The New Grove Dictionary of Music Musicians, Edited by Stanley Sadie, 1995. http://www.vialattea.net/esperti/mat/MariaGaetanaAgnesi.htm | |
42. Maria Gaetana Agnesi Library Of Congress Citations Subjects agnesi, maria Gaetana, 17181799. Catholics Biography. agnesi,maria Gaetana, 1718-1799. DuChcatelet, Gabrielle-Emilie, 1706-1749. http://www.mala.bc.ca/~mcneil/cit/citlcagn.htm | |
43. Malaspina.com - Maria Gaetana Agnesi (1718-1799) Launch Previous Entry in New Window Malaspina Science Database Launch Next Entryin New Window maria Gaetana agnesi (17181799) Agnes Scott College. http://www.mala.bc.ca/~mcneil/agnesi1.htm | |
44. More Women In Math (Maria Agnesi) (Hurrah!) Now, let me introduce you to maria Geatan agnesi, the first woman mathprofessor. maria Geatan agnesi was undoubtably unique among mathematicians. http://www.mathnews.uwaterloo.ca/BestOf/WomenInMath6903.html | |
45. Maria Gaetana Agnesi maria Gaetana agnesi. maria agnesi 1718 1799. agnesi, maria Teresa in TheNew Grove Dictionary of Music Musicians, Edited by Stanley Sadie, 1995. http://www.realgurl.com/menu_items/salute/Agnesi/Angesi.html | |
46. Women In Math: Biographies Aganice, (circa 1878 BCE) agnesi, maria Gaetana (1718 1799) agnesi, maria Gaetena(1718-1799) agnesi, maria Gatan Allen, Florence Eliza (c. 1876 - ?) Anderson http://www.uoregon.edu/~wmnmath/People/Biographies/A.html | |
47. Women In Math: Biographies A. Aganice, (circa 1878 BCE) agnesi, maria Gaetana (1718 1799) agnesi, maria Gaetena(1718-1799) agnesi, maria Gatan Ayrton, Hertha (1854-1923) Ayrton, Hertha http://www.uoregon.edu/~vitulli/WomenInMath/People/Biographies/A.html | |
48. SingleMOMZ - The Site By Single Moms, For Single Moms agnesi. maria Gaetana agnesi (b. 0506-1718 was a legendary Italianmathematician and philosopher. As the oldest of 21 children, she http://www.singlemomz.com/holidays/womenshistory/agnesi.shtml | |
49. Operasbywomen Translate this page 9, agnesi, maria Teresa, Italian, Ulisse in Campania, 1720-1795, serenata,I-Nc. 8, agnesi, maria Teresa, Italian, Il re pastore, 1756? dramma serio,A-Wn. http://www.homestead.com/operasbywomen/files/operasbywomen_1.html | |
50. Operas_chronological Translate this page 9, agnesi, maria Teresa, Italian, Ulisse in Campania, 1720-1795, serenata, I-Nc. 3,agnesi, maria Teresa, Italian, Il restauro d'Arcadia, 1747, cantata pastorale,lost. http://www.homestead.com/operasbywomen/files/operas_chronological_1.html | |
51. COSMIC BASEBALL ASSOCIATION Maria Agnesi 1999 Plate maria Gaetana agnesi Mathematician 17181799 Team Owner 1999 Sweepland Curves.The Witch of agnesi curve, with Cartesian equation of is named after her. http://www.cosmicbaseball.com/agnesi9.html | |
52. Zzzebra - Ideenbank Für Kinder - Maria Gaetena Agnesi Translate this page maria Gaetena agnesi. Mit 20 Jahren veröffentlichte maria agnesi ihre erste Schrift,191 teils naturphilosophische, teils naturwissenschaftliche Thesen. http://www.zzzebra.de/index.asp?themaid=386&titelid=2646 |
53. Www.nbi.dk/~natphil/hug/hugin.091.100.txt Litteratur agnesi, maria Gaetana Instituzioni analitiche ad uso dellagioventu' italiana, Milano, 1748. agnesi, maria Gaetana Analytical http://www.nbi.dk/~natphil/hug/hugin.091.100.txt | |
54. Www.iper1.com - Maria Gaetana Agnesi Translate this page Cerca la rima. maria Gaetana agnesi. abiogenesi maria Gaetana agnesianamnesi Andamanesi blastogenesi maestri campionesi cariocinesi http://www.iper1.com/rime/index.asp?cerca=Maria Gaetana Agnesi |
55. Maria Agnesi Und Laura Bassi Translate this page des Mathematikers Paolo Frisi 2 . Auf die Biographie Frisis haben 100 Jahre langall diejenigen zurückgegriffen, die über maria agnesi geschrieben haben. http://www.physik.uni-halle.de/Fachgruppen/history/agbas.htm | |
56. Abstract Litteratur agnesi, maria Gaetana Instituzioni analitiche ad usodella gioventu italiana, Milano, 1748. agnesi, maria Gaetana http://www.dfi.aau.dk/ivh/kollokvier/susanne_bel_30_09_99.dk.html | |
57. LookSmart - Maria Agnesi 4000 Years of Women in Science maria agnesi Details the life of this childprodigy who wrote a major calculus textbook by the time she was 20. http://canada.looksmart.com/eus1/eus302562/eus317836/eus317914/eus328800/eus5187 |
58. Maria Teresa Agnesi Operas Translate this page maria Teresa agnesi (1720-1795). The Operas of maria Teresa agnesi. TheOperas - Title, date and place of first performance and libretto. http://www.karadar.com/Operas/agnesi.html | |
59. Maria Teresa Agnesi - Musica Classica - Karadar Bertoldi Ensemble - Klassische M Translate this page maria Teresa agnesi. (18th cent.). The Works of maria Teresa agnesi. Stage Works.Il ristoro d'Arcadia (cantata pastorale, G. Riviera), Milan, Teatro Ducale, 1747? http://www.karadar.com/Works/agnesi.html | |
60. Cinderella: A Curva De Maria Agnesi [Fórum] maria agnesi. Está aaceder como utilizador anónimo. A curva de maria agnesi. http://cinderella.lmc.fc.ul.pt/forum/msg/36/ | |
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