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1. Ahmes focus in this website is on some of the theories on how ahmes, the scribe of the papyrus, calculated the fraction table. http://www.math.sfu.ca/History_of_Math/Egypt/Ahmes/frametop.html |
2. The Rhind/Ahmes Papyrus - Mathematics And The Liberal ArtsThe Rhind/Ahmes Papyru A quotation by ahmes. Accurate reckoning the entrance into knowledge of all existing things and all obscure secrets. http://math.truman.edu/~thammond/history/RhindPapyrus.html | |
3. Gazalé, M.: Number: From Ahmes To Cantor. a topic from HistoriaMatematica Discussion Group HM Any views on 'Number from ahmes to Cantor'? post a message on this topic post a message on a new topic 18 Sep 2000 HM Any views on 'Number from ahmes to Cantor'?, by David Wilkins http://pup.princeton.edu/titles/6794.html | |
4. Ahmes ahmes. Born about 1680 BC in Egypt Died about 1620 BC in Egypt. ahmes claimsnot to be the author of the work, being, he claims, only a scribe. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Ahmes.html | |
5. Ahmes Biography of ahmes (1680BC1620BC) ahmes is the scribe who wrote the Rhind Papyrus (named after the Scottish Egyptologist Alexander Henry Rhind who went to http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Ahmes.html | |
6. A Quotation By Ahmes A quotation by ahmes. Accurate reckoning the entrance into http//wwwhistory.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Quotations/ahmes.html. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Quotations/Ahmes.html | |
7. History Of Mathematics @ SFU Region - - Time - - Person or Topic - ahmes, Ancient Egyptian Fractions Euclid, His Works and Influences http://www.math.sfu.ca/histmath | |
8. - Great Books - ahmes and the Rhind Papyrus (1680 BC1620 BC), ahmes was the Egyptianscribe who wrote the Rhind Papyrus. The papyrus is our chief http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_57.asp | |
9. Ahmes Launch Page Please check the other window. If another window did not appear, you needat least Netscape 3 or Internet Explorer 4 to view this website. http://www.math.sfu.ca/histmath/Egypt/Ahmes/ | |
10. History Of Mathematics: Egypt Egypt. Mathematicians. ahmes (c. 1650 B.C.E.) http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/egypt.html | |
11. Ahmes Translate this page ahmes (Ahmose) égyptien, vers -1650 ahmes indique que son papyrus est, en partie,une copie de résultats plus anciens (vers -2000) remontant aux Babyloniens. http://www.sciences-en-ligne.com/momo/chronomath/chrono1/Ahmes.html | |
12. King Ahmes II ahmes (II) (Amasis) Khnemibre (570526 BC). Horus name Semenmaat Nebty name Zaneit-sepedtawyGolden Falcon name Setepnetjeru Prenomen Khnemibre Nomen ahmes, http://www.petrie.ucl.ac.uk/digital_egypt/chronology/ahmesii.html | |
13. Ahmes Translate this page ahmes. égyptien, vers -1650. Ce scribe égyptien p = 3,125. ahmes donneune table de décomposition des fractions de la forme 2/n 2 http://www.reunion.iufm.fr/Recherche/irem/histoire/ahmes.htm | |
14. Ahmes High Priest Of Letopolis ahmes. We also know that his eldest son Heriu II was born in 214, which seems moreconsistent with the earlier date of death for ahmes. Ý. 7 BM 378. Ý. http://www.geocities.com/christopherjbennett/ptolemies/hpls/aahmes.htm | |
15. High Priests Of Letopolis: Ahmes Crosslink http://www.geocities.com/christopherjbennett/ptolemies/hpls/hpl_ahmes.htm | |
16. Peripheria - Ahmes (1680-1620 Av. J.-C.) ahmes (1680-1620 av. JC). ahmes, scribe égyptienné vers 1680 av. JC en Egypte, mort vers 1620 av. JC en Egypte. http://www.peripheria.net/bios/ahmes/ | |
17. Peripheria - Ahmes - Images ahmes - images. retour à ahmes Papyrus de Rhind, le Papyrusde Rhind rhind6.gif 1142 x 1425 x 2 58132 octets. retour à ahmes. http://www.peripheria.net/bios/ahmes/images.php | |
18. The Ahmes Papyrus Aritmetic The ahmes Papyrus. The ahmes was written in hieratic, andprobably originated from the Middle Kingdom 20001800 BC. It http://www.math.tamu.edu/~don.allen/history/egypt/node3.html | |
19. Counting And Aritmetic -- Basics next up previous Next The ahmes Papyrus Up $FILE Previous Basic facts about ancientCounting and Aritmetic basics. ahmes gives a table of unit fractions. http://www.math.tamu.edu/~don.allen/history/egypt/node2.html | |
20. Ahmes Translate this page ahmes. weitere(r) Name(n) Tätigkeit Prinz und Hohepriester von Heliopolisaus Al-Gabalain in Oberägypten. Titulatur Epoche Zeit http://www.manetho.de/person/a/ahmes.htm | |
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