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Al-karkhi: more detail |
61. The Life Of Imam Ali (a.s) > From Hijrah Till The Demise Of The Holy Prophet (w. Abu 'Abd Allah informed me Ahmad b. Isa alkarkhi told me Abu al-'Ayna Muhammadb. al-Qasim told us Muhammad b. 'A'isha told us on the authority of Isma'il b http://www.imamalinet.net/en/ec/ecc/eccc/ecc5.htm | |
62. Untitled kinds heavily patronized by Abbasid court. 813 Death of Ma'ruf alkarkhiwho brought Sufism to Baghdad. 816 Death of Abu Nuwas, dissolute http://hs1.hst.msu.edu/~fisher/hst373/chronology/highmideast.html | |
63. Mathematics sexagesimal system. alkarkhi was primarily responsible for popularisingHindu numerals before the advent of Arabic ones. His book http://jews-for-allah.org/Why-Believe-in-Allah/math.htm | |
64. My Mother Died, Can I Do Anything For Her? is known in Baghdad has the 'Proven Medicine', that is, for prayers to be answeredand worries to be relieved, and so is the tomb of Ma'ruf alkarkhi, also in http://www.tazkiya.net/Library/Fiqh/Hanafi/Misc/mother_died_can_do_anything_4her | |
65. The Country And People Of Iraq AlMulla Aboud al-karkhi Poems Al-Orfali Gallery of Baghdad By Widad Orfali andother painters Internet Movie Database Movie TV reports Iraqi Art Page http://www.hejleh.com/countries/iraq.html | |
66. 1000-1250 1000. Alhazen (optics, geometric algebra); Gerbert or Pope Sylvester II (arithmetic,globes). 1024. alkarkhi (algebra). 1042. Edward the Confessor became king. http://euphrates.wpunj.edu/courses/math21180/chrono08.htm | |
67. Garib Sayyidi Da'ud atTa'i. Sayyidi Fathu's-Su'ud. Sayyidi Ma'ruf al-karkhi. SayyidiSa'd Sayyidi Sa'id. Sayyidi as-Sari as-Saqati. Sayyidi Ahmad al-Marwani. http://www.sufism.20m.com/garib.htm | |
68. Why We Call It Algebra One of the greatest Arab mathematicians of the century following alKhwarazmi wasal-karkhi, who wrote a treatise to which he gave the title al-Fakhri. He http://mathwise.net/pages/Why_we_call_it_Algebra.htm | |
69. Deneme - Tarihçe - Derleme - Hikaye / Prof. Dr. Erhan Güzel 1150) cebirsel yöntemlerle bir çok problemi çözmüslerdir.Islam matematikçileriarasinda Mohammed ibn Musa alKhoWarizmi (MS 825) ve al-karkhi (MS 1100 http://www.cebirciyim.netteyim.net/deneme.htm | |
70. (((( THE HABASHI HERESY )))) to touch the wall and stones of prophets or saints grave Awliyaa to seekblessings, claiming that the grave of Sheikh (Maaroof alkarkhi) is a well http://www.alsalafyoon.com/EnglishPosts/habashie.htm | |
71. BELAJAR PUNCA KUASA DUA MELALUI KAJIAN POLA alkarkhi, se orang ahli matematik Islam, telah mengemukakan cara menganggar nilaipunca kuasa dua dengan menggunakan formula ( Al-Daffa , 1977 ; Shauqi dan http://members.tripod.com/~MUJAHID/puncadua.html | |
72. Pearl Publishing House: Endowment Of Divine Grace, Pref. Among these blessed servants of God Almighty were AlHassan Al-Basri, Al-Fadhil Bin'Iyãd, Ma'rouf al-karkhi and others, may God Almighty be pleased with them http://www.pearlpublishing.com/gilanipref.shtml | |
73. 90 / 37 Translate this page Manche Gelehrte wie al-Imam Zaid ibn Ali 4, Malik, Sufyan at-Thauri, al-Hasanal-Basri und al-karkhi 5 lehnen die Kafa´a ganz oder zumindest für die http://www.al-fadschr.de/nr081_090/af090/af090_37.htm | |
74. SEJARAH FALSAFAH SAINS MODEN Khwarizmi, alFarghani, al-Razi, Thabit ibn Qurra, al-Battani, Hunain bin Ishaq,al-Farabi, Ibrahim ibn Sinan, al-Masudi, al-Sina, Ibn Yunus, al-karkhi, Ibn al http://el.usm.my/academic/sploo/PLG333/333t11.htm | |
75. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page Abu Ali (2490*) al-Hasib Abu Kamil (1012) al-Haytham, Abu Ali (2490*) al-Jawhari,al-Abbas (627) al-Jayyani, Abu (892), al-Karaji, Abu (1789) al-karkhi (1789) al http://www.maththinking.com/boat/mathematicians.html | |
76. Usul3. alkarkhi, one of the Imams of deduction in the Hanafi school, relatesthat accepting the statement of the Companion is part of the Sunna. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ABewley/usul3.html | |
77. Usulgloss2. He died in 150/167. Abu'lHasan al-karkhi A Hanafi faqih who wrote al-Usul.d. 390. Abu Hurayra He became Muslim in the year of Khaybar. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ABewley/usulgloss2.html | |
78. QUERIES ON ORIENTAL SOURCES IN RECREATIONAL MATHEMATICS By David Singmaster THE LAZY WORKER, who gains for each day he works and forfeits for dayshe doesn't work, appears in alkarkhi (c1010) and Fibonacci, etc. http://anduin.eldar.org/~problemi/singmast/mideastr.html | |
79. Nahj Al Balagha Among his teachers a few other names may be mentioned Abu 'Ali alHasan ibn AhmadXal-Farsi (307-77/919-87), a Mutazili; Abu al-Hasan al-karkhi; 'Ali ibn 'Isa http://www.al-shia.com/html/eng/books/nahjulbalaga/lifelineage.htm | |
80. Introduction Basri (d. 436), Imam al Haramayn al Juwayni (d.487), Abu Hamid al Gazali (d.505),Fakhruddin al Razi (d. 606), Saifuddin Al Amidi, Abul Hasan Al Karkhi (d.349 http://www.wponline.org/vil/Books/SH_Usul/introduction.htm | |
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