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Al-karkhi: more detail |
81. History Of Mathematics: Arabic Mathematics Alhazen) (c. 9651039); Abu l-Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni (973-1055);Abu Bakr al-Karaji (al Karkhi) (c. 1000); Abu `Abdallah al http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/arab.html | |
82. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians A list of all of the important mathematicians working in a given century.Category Science Math Mathematicians Directories...... 1037); Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad ibn alHusayn al-Karaji (al Karkhi) (c.1000) *SB; Abu `Abdallah al-Hasan ibn al-Baghdadi (c. 1000); Al http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/chronology.html | |
83. Abu Abdullah Muhammed Ibn Musa Al Khwarizmi - Mathematics And The Khwarizmi. Mathematics Teacher 79 (1986), 53841. An introductionto the work of al Karaji (often known as al Karkhi). Includes http://math.truman.edu/~thammond/history/AlKhwarizmi.html | |
84. Tasawwuf Abu Hanifa from Abu alQasim al-Nasirabadi, who received it from al Shibli, who received itfrom Sari al-Saqati who received it from al Ma`ruf al Karkhi, who received it http://www.sunnah.org/tasawwuf/scholar2.htm | |
85. UAE - UAE Embassies And Consolates SAUDI ARABIA HE.The Ambassador, UAE Embassy, Diplomatic Area, Abu Bakr Al KarkhiZone, Amr bin Omayad Street, PO Box 94385, Riyadh 11693, Saudi Arabia. http://www.emirates.org/tourism/embassies.html | |
86. Fattah_bio for the poets, Al Risafi (made of Bronze and situated at Al Rasheed Street Baghdad),Al Qadimi (made of bronze, situated at Al Qadimiya City), and Al Karkhi. http://www.artzotic.com/artists/fattah_bio.htm | |
87. GoDubaiInformation On Dubai City,citylife,culture And Heritage Str., 4 Moscow CIS, RUSSIA Tel 1436414 Fax 9561143 - 9382137, SAUDI ARABIA HE.TheAmbassador, UAE Embassy, Diplomatic Area, Abu Bakr Al Karkhi Zone, Amr bin http://www.godubai.com/citylife/uae_consulates_abroad.asp?user_id=&s_id= |
88. UAE Embassies World-wide Saudi Arabia UAE Embassy Diplomatic Area Abu Bakr Al Karkhi Zone Amr bin Omayad StreetPO Box 94385, Riyadh 11693, Saudi Arabia Tel + 966 1 4826803 Fax + 966 1 http://www.asinah.net/uaeembassies.html | |
89. Imam Ibn Taymiyya En Lo Que Respecta A Los Santos Translate this page Shaykh Abdul Qadir Gilani, Junayd ibn Muhammad, Hasan al Basri, al Fudayl ibn alAyyad, Ibrahim bin al Adham, Abi Sulayman ad Darani, Maruf al Karkhi, Sari as http://www.naqshbandi.org/topics/espanol/imamibn.htm | |
90. PUNTOS DE VISTA DE LOS SABIOS DEL CONOCIMIENTO EXTERNO EN APOYO A LA PRECEDENCIA Translate this page recibió su camino de Abul Qasim an-Nasarabadi, quien lo recibió de Shibli, quelo recibió de Sari as-Saqati, que lo recibió de Maruf al Karkhi, que lo http://www.arrakis.es/~margarit/sufismo/vianaqash/Conocimientointerioryexterior. | |
91. Traveling Around Mesopotamia And Iraq in Baghdad which includes (Sheikh AbdulQadir Al-Gailani, Sheikh Junaid Al-Baghdadi,Sheikh , Sheikh , Prophet , Sheikh Ma'aroof Al Karkhi, Zubaida Khatoon http://visitiraq.cjb.net/ | |
92. Reach4 UAE: Reference Source For The UAE UAE EmbassySAUDI ARABIA Diplomatic Area, Abu Bakr Al Karkhi Zone,Amr bin Omayad Street, PO Box 94385, Riyadh 11693, Saudi Arabia. http://www.reach4uae.com/Usefuladdress.asp?p=517&cate=4 |
93. Mathematicians 1000. Jayadeva (c. 1000). Abu Ali alHusain ibn 'Abdullah ibn Sina (Avicenna) (980-1037).Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad ibn al-Husayn al-Karaji (al Karkhi) (c. 1000) *SB. http://www.chill.org/csss/mathcsss/mathematicians.html | |
94. Nation-Online.com The New Nation Internet Edition 505), Fakhruddin al Razi (d. 606), Saifuddin Al Amidi, Abul Hasan Al Karkhi (d.349),Fakhruddin Al Bazdawi (d. 483), Abu Bakr Al Jassas (d. 370), Sadr Al http://www.nation-online.com/200209/06/n2090602.htm |
95. Shajarah Sharif 21. Ramadaan. 203. Iran. 09. Hazrat Shaikh Sayyid Maruf al Karkhi. 2. Muharram.200. Baghdad. 10. Hazrat Shaikh Sayyid as-Sari as-Saqati. 13. Ramadaan. 253. Baghdad.11. http://www.sunnirazvi.org/shajara/main.htm | |
96. UAE Embassies & Consulates Abroad TOP. SAUDI ARABIA HE.The Ambassador, UAE Embassy, Diplomatic Area, Abu Bakr AlKarkhi Zone, Amr bin Omayad Street, PO Box 94385, Riyadh 11693, Saudi Arabia. http://www.kfs-uae.org/uembassiesb.html | |
97. Chapter Five Abu al Hasan al Karkhi (d 340) wrote his wellknown hook al Usul The Sources ,which was printed with a collection of other books in Cairo (no date). http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/law/alalwani_usulalfiqh/ch5.html | |
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