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21. Albertus Magnus. (in MARION) by that celebrated student Translated from the German. Author albertus,magnus, saint, 1193?1280. Spurious and doubtful works. http://js-catalog.cpl.org:60100/MARION/AHX-1268 | |
22. Albertus Magnus albertus magnus, saint, Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2001 http//encarta.msn.com© 19972001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. http://www.angelfire.com/realm/shades/demons/biblic/albertusmagnus.htm | |
23. [Discuss-DOI] Albertus Magnus Internationally Showcased For EWTN Scholar They are known as the albertus magnus Institute. And saint Albert, along with saintThomas Aquinas, were Dominican Fathers. Hence, a Dominican reading of St. http://www.doi.org/mail-archive/discuss-doi/msg00449.html | |
24. Miskatonic University Library - Grimoires earliest authentic works extant on European alchemy are those of the English monkRoger Bacon and the German philosopher saint albertus magnus both believed http://www.yankeeclassic.com/miskatonic/libscien/magic/magnus.htm | |
25. TPCN - Great Quotations (Quotes) By Saint Albertus Magnus To Inspire And Motivat saint albertus magnus. Q U O T E S T O I N S P I R E Y O U, Greatquotes to inspire, empower and motivate you to live the life of http://www.cyber-nation.com/victory/quotations/authors/quotes_magnus_saintalbert | |
26. Albertus Magnus - Wikipedia albertus magnus, also known as saint Albert the Great and Albert of Cologne, wasa Dominican friar who became famous for his universal knowledge and his http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albertus_Magnus | |
27. Albertus Magnus albertus magnus (1193 or 12061280), German monk and alchemist, known as Doctor albertuswas beatified in 1622 In 1931, Pope Pius XI declared him a saint and a http://www.english.upenn.edu/~jlynch/FrankenDemo/People/albertus.html | |
28. Albertus Magnus Introduction and short biography.Category Society Religion and Spirituality...... In the thirteenth century German named albertus magnus (c.12081280) might beconsidered another magus. Later he was canonized as saint Albert the Great. http://www.themystica.com/mystica/articles/m/magnus_albertus.html | |
29. Albertus Magnus "De Animalibus" albertus magnus, saint (12001280), was called Albert the Great and knownas doctor universalis for his wide interest in natural science. http://www.falcons.co.uk/mefrg/Falco/13/Magnus.htm | |
30. Albertus Magnus And The Lex Shield of the Roman Catholic Church, having as one of his students saint Thomas Aquinas. AlbertusMagnus is the bestknown work of German sculptor Gerhard Marcks and http://www.law.uh.edu/magnus.html | |
31. Albertus Magnus Translate this page albertus magnus Beitrage zu seiner Wuurdigung. Essai de bibliographie albertinienne,dans Maitre Albert, Revue Thomiste, saint-Maximin (Var), sd p.198-238. http://antology.rchgi.spb.ru/Albertus_Magnus/_biblio.rus.html | |
32. Thomas_Aquinas novices called him dumb ox. It is said that albertus magnus once predicted in MiraclesEdith Stein Kahlil Gibran Thomas Merton Joel Goldsmith saint Teresa of http://www.ctlightseeker.homestead.com/Thomas_Aquinas.html | |
33. The New Age And Albertus Magnus - By Edward OBrien, Jr. - Homiletic & Pastoral does the scholarly saint fare at the hands of the modernist New Agers? Ambiguously.One of these three works is The Book of Secrets of albertus magnus, Best http://www.catholic.net/rcc/Periodicals/Homiletic/2000-07/obrien.html | |
34. Saint Thomas Aquinas Aquinas, saint Thomas, sometimes called the Angelic Doctor and the Prince He studiedunder the German Scholastic philosopher albertus magnus, following him to http://www.ifrance.com/art-and-folys/saint_thomas_aquinas.htm | |
35. Directory :: Look.com albertus magnus, saint Short biographical entry in the Columbia Encyclopedia. saintalbertus magnus Brief biography, with bibliographical references. http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=103771 |
36. MedHist: UK's Gateway To Resources For The History Of Medicine ,This section of the Bibliothèque Interuniversitaire de...... albertus magnus, saint 1193?1280. Title, Sources de l'alchimie. http://medhist.ac.uk/browse/byname/detail/d9e88d00b64d803546eeb6b3c30cfcc0.html | |
37. Albertus Magnus Already called the Great (magnus), albertus was accepted as an authority equalto Aristotle in 16, 1931, Pope Pius XI declared him a saint and a doctor of http://chemistry.mtu.edu/PAGES/HISTORY/AlbertusMagnus.html |
38. Dibner Library Incunabula 1485, Florence. A0221, albertus, magnus, saint, 1193?-1280, De anima. 1481,Venice. A-0223, albertus, magnus, saint, 1193?-1280, De animalibus. 1478, Rome. http://www.sil.si.edu/libraries/dibinc.htm | |
39. Pioneers Of Psychology [2001 Tour] - School Of Education & Psychology At saintJacques he lectured on the Bible for two years and then for Albert the Great(1932); James A. Weisheipl (ed.), albertus magnus and the Sciences (1980 http://educ.southern.edu/tour/who/pioneers/magnus.html | |
40. Short Title List Of Books Shelved In The Medieval Studies Room Collectanea Hispanica. Call Number 189.4.A3341B Author albertus, magnus, saint,1193?1280. Call Number B765.A41 1900Z F albertus, magnus, saint, 1193?-1280. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/medieval/room.htm | |
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