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1. Andre-Marie Ampere AndreMarie Ampere. Andre-Marie Ampere was a French physicist who founded andnamed the science of electrodynamics, now known as electromagnetism. http://kauko.hallikainen.org/cuesta/et153/StudentPapers/Ampere/braine.html | |
2. References For Ampere Translate this page CA Valson, La vie et les travaux d'Andre- Marie ampere (Lyon, 1886). LP Williams,andre-marie ampere, Scientific American 260 (1989), 72-79. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Ampere.html | |
3. The Inventors (E) andremarie ampere. Born 20 Jan 1775 in Lyon, France Died 10 June1836 in Marseilles, France. Despite not attending school, Andr http://www.theelevatormuseum.org/e/e-10.htm | |
4. Andre Marie Ampere Micro-biography ampere, andremarie, Date and Place of Birth, 10 January 1775. Lyon, France.Parents, Jean-Jacques ampere, ? Education, Mainly taught by father and self. http://m2.ph.man.ac.uk/livarch/biogs/Ampere.biog.html | |
5. Name Andre Marie Ampere Category Scientists Burial Location Name Andre Marie ampere. Category Scientists. BurialLocation Cimitiere Montmartre, Paris, France. http://www.mike-reed.com/Graves/ampere-andre-marie.htm | |
6. Andre-marie Ampere Translate this page André-Marie Ampère. (Polémieux, Lyon, 1775 - Marselha, 1836).Físico francês. De formação autodidacta, manifesta interesse http://www.vidaslusofonas.pt/andremarie_ampere.htm | |
7. The Science Bookstore - Chronology ampere, andremarie Born 1/20/1775 Died 6/10/1836, 1775 AD, andre-marieampere, one week later, announces right hand screw rule. http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?searchstring=Ampere |
8. Andre-Marie Ampere (1775-1836) Search By Keyword. Browse Choose a subject http://www.allbookstores.com/book/063117849X | |
9. Zientzia Eta Teknologiaren Ataria andremarie ampere. Fisikari eta matematikari honek Lyonen ikusi zuen lehenaldiz mundu honetako argia 1775.eko urtarrilaren 22an. andre-marie ampere. http://www.zientzia.net/artikulua.asp?Artik_kod=7294 |
10. Andre-Marie Ampere (Cambridge Science Biographies Series) andremarie ampere (Cambridge Science Biographies Series). http://www.halljava.com/computer_science/circuitry/299.shtml | |
11. Andre-Marie Ampere (Cambridge Science Biographies Series) AdRevolver Banner Manager andremarie ampere (Cambridge Science Biographies Series). andre-marieampere (Cambridge Science Biographies Series) Buy it Now! http://www.computer-science-online.com/andre_marie_ampere_cambridge_science_biog | |
12. ANISP Romania andremarie ampere formuleaza una din legile de baza ale electromagnetismului siregula mainii drepte, referitoare la influenta curentului electric asupra unui http://www.anisp.ro/?c=enciclopedie-istoric |
13. Magnetic Fields -- History Futher reading look up in an encyclopaedia Halley, Edmond , Oersted,Hans Christian , ampere, andremarie and Maxwell, James Clerk. http://www.phy6.org/Education/whmfield.html | |
14. WhoWhatWhen - Interactive Historical Timelines Timeline for andremarie ampere (java), Search Google for andre-marie ampere,andre-marie ampere, French scientist; electrodynamics, 01/20/1775, 06/10/1836,61. http://www.sbrowning.com/whowhatwhen/index.php3?bydesc_x=1&desc=scientist |
15. Campos Magneticos -- Historia Hans Christian , ampere, andre-marie y Maxwell, James Clerk. http://www-istp.gsfc.nasa.gov/Education/Mhmfield.html | |
16. Pioneros De La Radio Translate this page ampere, andre-marie (1775 - 1836) Eminente físico y matemáticofrancés, nacido en Lyon. Tras su nacimiento, se retiraron sus http://www.teoveras.com.do/pionerosradio.htm | |
17. Ampere ampere, andremarie 1775-1836 French physicist and mathmatician whofounded the science of electrodynamics. He discovered that an http://www.hyperhistory.com/online_n2/people_n2/science_n2/ampere.html | |
18. Centenari De La Ràdio Translate this page de ondas. ampere, andre-marie (1775 - 1836) Inicio Final Eminentefísico y matemático francés, nacido en Lyon. Tras su http://www.weblandia.com/radio/pioner-e.htm | |
19. Ampere DSB. Hofmann, andremarie Ampère, ch. 7 (containing a detailed accountof Ampères investigations). Norman 43 (1821 reprint). 37292. http://www.sparkmuseum.com/BOOK_AMPERE.HTM | |
20. Ampere, Andre Marie ampere, Andre Marie. Andre ampere (17751836) was a French physicistwho laid the foundations for the science of electrodynamics http://historia.et.tudelft.nl/wggesch/geschiedenis/personen/ampere/ | |
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