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81. ANDRE MARIE AMPERE ANDRE MARIE ampere. (1775 1836). ampere se je rodil 22. 1. 1775 leta kotsin bogatega trgovca in mestnega uradnika v Polemieuxu v Franciji. http://lizika.jump.org/didakticna_gradiva/zgodovina/andre_marie_ampere/ | |
82. Editando Andre Marie Ampere Translate this page Escribe el nuevo artículo aquí. Resumen Por favor, ten en cuentaque todas las contribuciones a la enciclopedia se consideran http://enciclopedia.us.es/wiki.phtml?title=Andre Marie Ampere&action=edit |
83. Untitled The summary for this Bihari page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.school.net.th/library/snet3/physician/ampere/ampere.htm | |
84. Bienvenue à Hotel Stars Beaune 8 Rue Andre Marie Ampere, Beaune, France - Bea . ***** Hotel Stars...... Italie). HOTEL STARS BEAUNE. 8 rue andre marie ampere, Beaune,France Beaune - France. http://www.online-hotels-in-france.com/fr/destination/beaune/hotels/hotel_stars_ | |
85. Welcome To Hotel Stars Beaune 8 Rue Andre Marie Ampere, Beaune, France - Beaune . ***** Hotel Stars...... Spain Italy). HOTEL STARS BEAUNE. 8 rue andre marie ampere, Beaune,France Beaune - France. http://www.online-hotels-in-france.com/en/destination/beaune/hotels/hotel_stars_ | |
86. André Marie Ampère Translate this page Oxford, 1995). L de Launay, Le grand Ampère (Paris, 1925). CA Valson,La vie et les travaux d'Andre- Marie ampere (Lyon, 1886). http://fisica.cdcc.sc.usp.br/cientista/ampere.htm | |
87. PADUCAH TECHNICAL COLLEGE Andre Marie ampere. One of the founders of electricity, Andre Marie ampere, is knownfor the ampere, the unit of electric current, which is named after him. http://www.iet-ky.com/Pages/CurrentNewsletter.htm | |
88. INDEX Albert Einstein. Alpha particles. ampere, Andre Marie. Andre Marie ampere. Antivirussoftware. Biodetectors. Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC). | |
89. ivotopisy Fyziku Ludwig Boltzmann, Charles Auguste de Coulomb, Alessandro Volta, AndreMarie ampere. Heinrich ..az jiného zdroje Andre Marie ampere. Blaise http://www.maturita.cz/referaty/fyzika/zivotopisy_fyziku.htm | |
90. Andre Marie Ampere (1775-1836) Andre Marie ampere (17751836). By Trudy Sidener. Andre Marie amperewas a French physicist who laid the foundations for the science http://kauko.hallikainen.org/cuesta/et153/StudentPapers/Ampere/sidener.html | |
91. Miexamen.com - Andre Marie Ampere, Biografia De Andre Marie Translate this page André Marie ampere. (1775-1836). Nació en Poleymieux, cerca de Lyon,en 1775, Francia y desde muy temprana edad había leido todas http://www.miexamen.com/Biografias/Andre Marie Ampere.htm |
92. Western Power : Andre Ampere About Us World of Energy Student's Area Energy Scientists Andre ampere.Andre Marie ampere was the first to explain the electrodynamic theory. http://www.westernpower.com.au/html/about_us/world_of_energy/students_area/energ | |
93. Biographies Info Science Ampère André Marie Page d'affichage des biographies d'Info Science et mathématicien français (Lyon, 1775 Marseille, 1836). André Marie Ampère est un enfant particulièrement doué. http://www.infoscience.fr/histoire/biograph/biograph.php3?Ref=3 |
94. Íѧà´Ã ÁÒÃÕ áÍÁá»Ãì (Andre Marie Ampere) The summary for this Bihari page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.viboon.com/his/sci/sci20.htm | |
95. Ýíöèêëîïåäèÿ Áðîêãàóçà è Åôðîíà | Àìïåð (Ampere The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://brokgauz.academic.ru/misc/brokgauz.nsf/ByID/NT00000AB6 | |
96. «ne°ª¤¤¾Ç²ß±M°Ï_ª«²z The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.nani.com.tw/big5/content/2002-04/02/content_7947.htm | |
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