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Autolycus Of Pitane: more detail |
21. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 179*) Aronhold, Siegfried (234*) Artin, Emil (475*) Aryabhata the Elder (257) Atiyah,Michael (885*) Atwood, George (186) autolycus of pitane (810) Avicenna http://www.maththinking.com/boat/mathematicians.html | |
22. 300 BC He died 60 years later. autolycus of pitane and Perseus was born. SunZi, also known as Master Sun may have been alive in this year. http://faculty.oxy.edu/jquinn/home/Math490/Timeline/300BC.html | |
23. ACADEMIA_INDICE quadratrix. autolycus of pitane (330 BC), His treatise On the MovingSphere is the oldest written work to survive until the present day. http://descartes.cnice.mecd.es/ingles/maths_workshop/A_history_of_Mathematics/Gr | |
24. Mathematicians c. 350330) *SB *mt. Eudemus of Rhodes (the Peripatetic) (fl. c. 335) *SB.300 BCE. autolycus of pitane (fl. c. 300) *SB. Euclid (fl. c. 295) *SB *MT. http://www.chill.org/csss/mathcsss/mathematicians.html | |
25. Full Alphabetical Index 179) Aronhold, Siegfried (234*) Artin, Emil (475*) Aryabhata the Elder (257) Atiyah,Michael (885*) Atwood, George (186) autolycus of pitane (810) Avicenna http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
26. Science 1206 - Unit 3 - Test #1 Review Sheet 347); converting units (page 348); autolycus of pitane (page 355);speed (page 354359); displacement (page 412 - top of 416); Chinese http://redbaron.bishops.ntc.nf.ca/science/1206/phys/1206rev1.html | |
27. Mathem_abbrev of Perga Appell, Paul Archimedes of Syracuse Archytas of Tarentum Arf, Cahit Aristarchusof Samos Aristotle Atiyah, Michael autolycus of pitane Avicenna, Abu http://www.pbcc.cc.fl.us/faculty/domnitcj/mgf1107/mathrep1.htm | |
28. Adventures In CyberSound Euclid extant in Greek, is a treatise on the geometry of the sphere for use in astronomyand is similar in content to the work, by autolycus of pitane, Moving Sphere. http://www.acmi.net.au/AIC/EUCLID_BIO.html |
29. Biography-center - Letter A doctor.cfm/322.html; autolycus of pitane, wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Autolycus.html;Autry, Gene elvispelvis http://www.biography-center.com/a.html | |
30. Re: [HM] An Ancient Greek Library By George L. McDowell, Jr. 2.. Antiphon 3.. Apollonius of Perga 4.. Archimedes 5.. Archytas of Taras 6.. Aristaeus7.. Aristarchus of Samos 8.. Aristotle 9.. autolycus of pitane 10.. http://mathforum.org/epigone/historia_matematica/merpreezan/009501c19c80$c7b37b6 | |
31. Science Timeline About 310 bce, autolycus of pitane defined uniform motion as being when a pointis said to be moved with equal movement when it traverses equal and similar http://www.sciencetimeline.net/prehistory.htm | |
32. 7. Appendix Geometry And Astronomy. autolycus of pitane (end of IV BC) and Euclid wrote books about sphericalgeometry, in axiomaticdeductive Euclidean style, aimed to astronomical http://www.dm.uniba.it/~psiche/bas2/node8.html |
33. ENC: Curriculum Resources: A History Of Mathematics (ENC-017351, Full Record) Method of exhaustion Mathematical astronomy Menaechmus Duplication of the cube Dinostratusand the squaring of the circle autolycus of pitane Aristotle End of http://www.enc.org/resources/records/full/0,1240,017351,00.shtm | |
34. Euclid Those works are part of a corpus known as The Little Astronomythat also includes the Moving Sphere by autolycus of pitane. http://www.kat.gr/kat/history/Greek/Tc/Euclid.htm | |
35. GRBS Contents 9 (1968) 4754; Petronian Numbers, 9 (1968) 55-57; autolycus of pitane,De Ortibus 1.6, 9 (1968) 58; On Fragments of Three Historians http://www.duke.edu/web/classics/grbs/contents.html | |
36. Data Collection And Measurement In The Hellenistic Period You previously read a selection from the earliest surviving author to writeon astronomy, autolycus of pitane (in IrbyMassie and Keyser, pp 50-53). http://shot.holycross.edu:8080/cocoon/science/F02/assignments/measurement1 |
37. References For Autolycus Books autolycus of pitane, On the moving sphere and on risings and settings (Beirut,1971). TL Heath, A history of Greek mathematics I, II (Oxford, 1931). http://math.ichb.ro/History/References/Autolycus.html |
38. Chronology For 500BC To 1AD About 330BC autolycus of pitane writes On the Moving Sphere which studiesthe geometry of the sphere. It is written as an astronomy text. http://math.ichb.ro/History/Chronology/500BC_1AD.html |
39. áíáæÞôçóç âéâëéïãñáößáò2 Aristotle. Aristotle. Aristotle. Works by Aristotle. autolycus of pitane. Autolycusof Pitane. autolycus of pitane. Democritus. Democritus. Democritus. Democritus. http://www.oncology.gr/1/epistimesarchaia2.HTM | |
40. Áëëåò ÅðéóôÞìåò óôçí Áñ÷áßá ÅëëÜäá Archimedes. Archytas of Tarentum. Aristarchus. Aristeus the Elder. Aristotle.autolycus of pitane. Democritus. Dinostratus. Empedocles. Eratosthenes. Euclid. http://www.oncology.gr/1/1500ab.htm | |
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