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Autolycus Of Pitane: more detail |
41. Directorio Bookmarks B Brmehlman NonAstronomers I; Aselli, Gaspare; Ashmole, Elias; Assalti, Pietro; autolycus of pitane;Bachet de Meziriac, ClaudeGaspar; Bachmann, Augustus Quirinus http://directorio.dirson.com/inter.net/Bookmarks/B/brmehlman/nonAstronomers/ |
42. *.*.* BIOGRAFÍA *.*.* Poco se conoce de la vida de autolycus de pitane, fue profesor de Arcesilaus quien nació en el 315 a.C. http://astromania.galeon.com/autolico.htm |
43. Autolycus, Greek Astronomer And Mathematician. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth 2001. autolycus, Greek astronomer and mathematician. (ôt l´ k s) (KEY), fl. 4th cent. BC, astronomer and mathematician of pitane in Aeolis. http://www.bartleby.com/65/au/Autolycu.html | |
44. Autolycus, Greek Astronomer And Mathematician encyclopediaEncyclopedia autolycus, ôtol'ikus Pronunciation Key. autolycus, fl. 4th cent. BC, astronomer and mathematician of pitane in Aeolis. http://www.infoplease.com/ce5/CE003752.html |
45. UCL/FLTR - Translate this page J. MOGENET, autolycus de pitane. Histoire du texte suivie de l'édition critiquedes traités de la Sphère en mouvement et des levers et couchers. 1950. http://zeus.fltr.ucl.ac.be/recherche/publications/pub_histphil.html | |
46. Neuerwerbungslisten: 08/2001 ZWST 00 / Fach Klassische Philologie Translate this page autolycus de pitane histoire du texte suivie de l'édition critique des traitésde la sphère en mouvement et des levers et couchers / par Joseph Mogenet. http://www.opac.uni-bamberg.de/neuerwerbungen/00/29/2001_08_52.html | |
47. Hronologija Dogaðaja Od 30.000. Godine G.p.n.e. Do 1. Godine N.e. Oko 330 gpne autolycus iz pitane pie O pokretnim sferama u kojimaproucava geometriju lopte. Delo je pisano kao astronomski tekst. http://www.astronomija.co.yu/istorija/hronologija.htm | |
48. Autolycus autolycus fl. 4th cent. bc , astronomer and mathematician of pitane in Aeolis. autolycus.fl. 4th cent. bc , astronomer and mathematician of pitane in Aeolis. http://www.slider.com/enc/4000/Autolycus.htm | |
49. Bibliographica Translate this page Vol I. Le idee, 1996, pp. 29-37. Mogenet-1950 autolycus de pitane, De la sphèreen mouvement, et Des levers et couchers, Université de Louvain, Recueil de http://www.maurolico.unipi.it/instrume/biblio.htm | |
50. Books-histoire Translate this page La République, Platon, -347°. Timée, Platon, -347°. La sphère en mouvement,autolycus de pitane, -330. Organon, Aristote, -322. Physique, Aristote, -322°. http://www.astrosurf.com/lombry/bookshistoire.htm | |
51. 1Up Info > Autolycus, Greek Astronomer And Mathematician (Astronomy, Biographies Related Category Astronomy, Biographies. autolycusôt l´ k s PronunciationKey, fl. 4th cent. BC, astronomer and mathematician of pitane in Aeolis. http://www.1upinfo.com/encyclopedia/A/Autolycu.html | |
52. Boekenantiquariaat De Lezenaar - WETENSCHAP Translate this page MILHAUD Gaston, Le rationnel, Paris, F.Alcan, 1939, 180pp., nouvelle édition, belétat, 21,07 Eur. MOGENET Joseph autolycus DE pitane, autolycus de pitane. http://www.antiqbook.com/delezenaar/catalogi/Wetenschap.html | |
53. Arcesilaus - Wikipedia Born at pitane in Aeolia, he was trained by autolycus, the mathematician, andlater at Athens by Theophrastus and Crantor, by whom he was led to join the http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcesilaus | |
54. Arcesilaus At PhilosophyClassics.com -- Essays, Resources Born on pitane in Aeolis, he was trained by autolycus, the mathematician, andlater at Athens by Theophrastus and Crantor, by whom he was led to join the http://www.philosophyclassics.com/philosophers/Arcesilaus/ | |
55. Classical Mythology Online - Myth Summary For Chapter 25 In one version of his myth he seduced the daughter of autolycus, Anticlea, before Evadne,daughter of Poseidon and pitane, became by Apollo the mother of IAMUS http://www.classicalmythology.org/chaptertopics/25/summary.html | |
57. ARCADIUS OF ANTIOCH Born ur pitane in. Aeolis, he was trained by autolycus, the rnathe fri atician,and later at Athens by Theophrastus and Crantor, ~l whom he was led to join http://33.1911encyclopedia.org/A/AR/ARCADIUS_OF_ANTIOCH.htm | |
58. Index Aurelius, 217. Aureolus, 238. Ansonia, 114, 213, 232, 233. autolycus, 257. Azael,46. Pierian, 247. Pisidians, 132. pitane, 120. Plato, 18, 37, 267, 272, 273. http://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/sib/sib17.htm | |
59. The Internet Classics Archive | Lucullus By Plutarch About this time Mithridates left Pergamus, and retired to pitane, where being closely andsay, Go on a little further, Lucullus, for autolycus is coming to http://classics.mit.edu/Plutarch/lucullus.html | |
60. Lunar Republic : Craters autolycus. 30.7N. 1.5E. 39. ~ of pitane (c. 360c. 290 BC), Greek mathematician,academic and astronomer; two of his books (On the Moving Sphere, a work on the http://www.lunarrepublic.com/gazetteer/crater_a.shtml | |
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