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61. Physikmania - Biographien Translate this page eine neue physi- kalisch-chemische Wissenschaft, deren Grund- lagen Erfahrung,Experiment und Mathematik sein sollten johann Jakob balmer geb.1828,gest.1898 http://www.physikmania.de/html/biogr_b.html | |
62. Palatines To America Michael Snow Fox 12 OCT 1738 Philadelphia, PA PALMER/balmer, Jacob Snow PANZER, ChristianFrederich Fresia abt 1880 unknown PAPKE, johann Barque Jenny MAY 1872 http://www.genealogy.org/~palam/idx_p.htm | |
63. GREEN EGGS REPORT For Fr.sci.astronomie balmer, johann Jakob; Bernard Lempel; Bienvenuechez Laurent Nottale; Bienvenue dans OLab ! Bienvenue sur http://ibd.ar.com/ger/fr/sci/astronomie/content.html | |
64. GREEN EGGS REPORT For Fr.sci.astrophysique Up To fr.sci Refrenced Links. AGN02; balmer, johann Jakob; Bienvenue chezLaurent Nottale; Eclipses de Soleil; Etude de l'espace temps, la gravitation; http://ibd.ar.com/ger/fr/sci/astrophysique/content.html | |
65. The Balmer Formula On June 25, 1884, johann Jacob balmer took a fairly large step forward whenhe delivered a lecture to the Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Basel. http://dbhs.wvusd.k12.ca.us/Electrons/Balmer-Formula.html |
66. ChemTeam: Photo Gallery Menu images); Francis W. Aston; Amedeo Avogadro; johann Jacob balmer;Henri Becquerel; Jons Jacob Berzelius. Gallery Two 154K. NielsBohr http://dbhs.wvusd.k12.ca.us/Gallery/GalleryMenu.html | |
67. Kimyaokulu - Bilimin öncüleri - Kim Ne Katkida Bulundu Ayrica verilen kisa bilgi, bilim adaminin baslica çalisma alanini gösterir.balmer, johann Jakob (balmer), (18251898) isviçreli matematikçi. http://www.kimyaokulu.com/bilimin onculeri/kisa/b.htm | |
68. Bilimin öncüleri A ANDERSON, Cari David - ARISTOTELE (Aristoteles, Aristo) - ASTON, Francis William- AVOGADRO, Lorenzo Romano Amadeo Graf B- balmer, johann Jakob - BECQUEREL http://www.kimyaokulu.com/bilimin onculeri/bilimin onculeri.htm | |
69. O ESPECTRO Do HIDROGÊNIO E A SÉRIE De BALMER - 2 Translate this page relato. Em 1885, o professor secundário suiço johann balmer meditousobre esses números procurando um jeito de organizá-los. Esse http://www.fisica.ufc.br/hidrogenio2.htm | |
70. LISA: AstronomInnen Walter; balmer, johann Jakob Ein Mathematiker, geboren am 1.5. http://astronomy.meta.org/infosys/ELisa/Art/Hist/histPersonenNF.html | |
71. El Modelo Atómico De Born Translate this page En 1885 johann balmer descubrió una ecuación que describe la emisión y absorcióndel espectro del átomo de hidrógeno 1 / l = 1.097 x 10 7 (1 / 4 - 1 / n http://www.astrocosmo.cl/anexos/m-ato_bohr.htm | |
72. Balmer Physics Faces. johann balmer (18251898) discoveredthe formula for the hydrogen spectrum. http://faculty.rmwc.edu/tmichalik/balmer.htm | |
73. The Balmer Relationship In 1885 johann Jacob balmer (18251898) produces an empirical relationshipbetween the four prominent lines in the hydrogen spectrum. http://gemini.tntech.edu/~tfurtsch/scihist/balmer.htm | |
74. References Lhand13, The Left Hand of the Electron -The Eureka Phenomenon. Natsci, The Natureof Science. B balmer,johann. Reference. Context. Primesec, Hydrogen Energy Levels. http://www.fortunecity.com/emachines/e11/86/refer.html | |
75. Buecher Suchen Hilfe Home Uebersicht Neu Links AGB Versand Translate this page Bach Schwebsch, Erich. johann Sebastian Bach und Die Kunst der Fuge. Zweite erweiterteAuflage. Baer, Hans Ueli di Paul Rudolf balmer, Sagen und Geschichten. http://buchantiquariat.com/buecher/linxuche.php3?suchstr=Baer C H |
76. Personen The following list catalogues his predecessors since the turn of the century190209 johann Bernet, zu Truffersbrunnen. 1910-13 Peter balmer, Lehrer. http://www.grindelwald.ch/admin/epers.htm | |
77. J. BALMER. Translate this page FRANCOWO NA WEB! PÁGINA FLUTUANTE!!!.. Uma biografia de J. balmer.johann Jakob balmer ( 1825 - 1898 ), físico suíço. Descobriu http://www.francowo.org/fisuerj/balmer.htm | |
78. Scientist Biographies 15). balmer, johann Found hydrogen atoms emit a series of lines invisible light v = 1/4 1/n2x 3.29x 1015 s-1 (534). Bartlett http://inst.augie.edu/~calacroi/scientistbiographies.htm | |
79. Balmer-Serie Translate this page 1885 hat der Schweizer Mathematiklehrer johann Jakob balmer eine einfache Formelaufgestellt, mit der man die Lage der Linien des Wasserstoffspektrums http://www.bodensee-sternwarte.de/Archiv/HeiB/themen/wass_01/balmer.htm | |
80. Physiker2 23 ) B balmer, johann Jakob; Wasserstoffspektrum 1900 Atomphysik Bardeen u http://home.t-online.de/home/realschule-freudenberg/physiker.htm | |
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