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Banach Stefan: more books (44) | |||
61. The Science Bookstore - Books banach, stefan. Theorie des Operations Lineaires. Warsaw Z Subwencji FunduszuKultury Narodowej, 1932. banach, stefan. Theorie des Operations Lineaires. http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/bookmain.asp?bookcat=Mathematics |
62. Publications Of Prof. Dr. Stefan Heinrich Prof. Dr. stefan Heinrich. J. Symb. Logic 52, 368373 (1987). banach spacemodel theory. II Isomorphic equivalence with C. Henson Math. Nachr. http://www.uni-kl.de/AG-Heinrich/Publications.html | |
64. Stefan Banach (30.03.1892 - 31.08.1945) stefan banach 30.03.1892 31.08.1945 stefan banach, syn stefana Grzeczeka,mieszkanca staroststwa krakowskiego (30 marca 1892 - 31 sierpnia 1945). http://www.polynet.lviv.ua/Institute/IFN/himath/history/Banach_Stefan/Banach_pol | |
65. The Undergraduate Collection SERIES AddisonWesley series in computer science and information processingCALL NO. QA76.9.D35 A38 1985. AUTHOR banach, stefan, 1892-1945. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/mathcs/mathcscoll/UndeColl.html | |
66. Banach: Message Subjects From 2001 Abstract of a paper by Jesus Araujo and Juan J. Font; A Note on banach Space in Abstractof a paper by stefan Neuwirth; Abstract of a paper by Denny H. Leung and http://www.math.okstate.edu/~alspach/banach/2001sub.html | |
67. 37-021|NSR|NSR Allgemein|Wer Is Wer? Translate this page 1908-1991). Aitken-Neville-Schema. B banach, stefan, österreichischerMathematiker (1892-1945). banach-Raum. C Cauchy, Augustin http://www.wr.inf.ethz.ch/education/nsr/general/who.html | |
68. Through A Reporter's Eyes The Life of stefan banach. Roman Kaluza. The last years; In the eyes of friendsand followers;; Appendix 1; Mathematics in stefan banach's time;; http://www.maa.org/pubs/books/banach.html | |
69. ACM Guide: Category Index K. Computing Milieux browse K. Computing Milieux K.2 HISTORY OF COMPUTING ProperNouns stefan banach Sort by Title Publisher Published Date Author http://portal.acm.org/ccs.cfm?part=author&coll=portal&dl=ACM&row=K.2&idx=11&idx2 |
70. ACM Guide: Proper Noun Subject Index Proper Noun stefan banach. Sort by Title Publisher Published DateAuthor stefan banach 0 -1 of 0 stefan banach 0 - -1 of 0 http://portal.acm.org/nouns.cfm?part=noun&row=S&&idx=Stefan Banach&query=Stefan |
71. Portraits Of Statisticians BAHADUR, Raghu Raj 1923. BAILY, Francis 1744-1844. banach, stefan 1892-1945The Scotch Café in L'viv, Lviv, Lwow, L'vov, Lvov or Lemberg. http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/maths/histstat/people/ | |
72. .plan The following is a delightful extract from Roman Kaluza's biography of stefan banach,who was one of the giants of 20th century mathematics, and my namesake http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~banach/dot.plan/St.Ban.html | |
73. Centres With Representation In ERCOM Name stefan banach International Mathematical Center Acronym BC Scientific DirectorBogdan Bojarski. Address ul. Sniadeckich 8 P00-950 Warsaw Poland. http://www.maphysto.dk/ERCOM/members.html | |
74. Biography.com Bambaataa, 1958 . Bampton, Rose, 1908 . Ban Chao, 32 102. Ban Gu, 32 92. banach, stefan, 1892 1945. Bancroft, Anne, 1931 . Bancroft, Edward, 1744 1821. http://search.biography.com/bio_browse.pl?letter=B&num=200 |
75. Banach Center Publications banach Center Publications publishes proceedings of selected conferences andsemesters held at the International stefan banach Mathematical Center. http://journals.impan.gov.pl/BC/info.html | |
76. Polish Consulate In Sheffield stefan banach 18921945 Mathematician. Born in Krakow, stefan banachstudied mathematics at the Jagiellonian University there. Lecturing http://www.shef.ac.uk/uni/projects/pc/page31.html | |
77. Mathematicians During The Third Reich And World War II Died banach, stefan In Lvov good terms with Russian occupation troops1939. Returned from Kiev to Lvov after German invasion of Russia. http://wwwzenger.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/persons/huckle/mathwar.html | |
78. Hollis: Differential Equations Abel, Niels Henrik Airy, George banach, stefan Bendixson, Ivar Bernoulli, DanielBernoulli, Jacob Bernoulli, Johann Bessel, Wilhelm Borda, Jean Cauchy http://www.math.armstrong.edu/faculty/hollis/dewbvp/ | |
79. B Index contraction mapping theorem,; banach limit,; banach space,; banach, stefan,;banachAlaoglu theorem,; banach-Steinhaus theorem,; banach-Tarski http://www.mathresources.com/products/mathresource/demo/indices/index_b.htm | |
80. Wspomnienia Ze Lwowa Wtedy jedna z nielicznych pewnych dla nas wiadomosci byla ta, ze jednym z jejtworcow byl genialny polski matematyk stefan banach. stefan banach. http://www.lwow.com.pl/m.htm | |
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