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Bartholin Erasmus: more detail | ||||
81. Untitled Document West and B. Pakkenberg, Neurological Research Laboratory, bartholin Institute, Kommunehospitalet ofCell Biology and Genetics, erasmus University Rotterdam, Dept http://www.brainbank.nl/nhb/ned/programs/hb_proj_alzheimer.htm | |
82. Sketches Of The History Of Electromagnetics Timeline of classical electromagnetism, including optics, magnetism, electricity and their unification.Category Science Physics Electromagnetism History...... theory of light. 1669, erasmus bartholin publishes A Study of IcelandSpar, about his discovery of double refraction. 1675, Robert http://history.hyperjeff.net/electromagnetism.html | |
83. Nicol Prism In 1669 erasmus bartholin (162598) discovered that it was doubly refracting; whena naturally-occuring crystal is placed over some writing, the writing is http://www2.kenyon.edu/depts/physics/EarlyApparatus/Polarized_Light/Nicol_Prism/ | |
84. Fauth Translate this page an der Astronomie Während dieser Zeit wohnte Römer auf dem Gut erasmus bartholins(1625 Lebens ein Dorn im Auge gewesen, gelang es bartholin, einige seiner http://home.t-online.de/home/m.holl/roemer.htm | |
85. IEE - Famous Scottish Technologists And Scientists - N Nicol prism; phenomenon of double refraction (erasmus bartholin).Thought to have lectured to James Clerk Maxwell. Made important http://www.iee.org/TheIEE/Locations/SEC/Famous/sts_n.cfm | |
86. TLW's 1730s (1730-1739) Timeline erasmus Darwin (d. 1802), Charles Darwin's grandfather. Politicians. Deaths Danishscientist Kaspar bartholin, discover of the bartholin glands of the vagina. http://www.tlwinslow.com/timeline/time173x.html | |
87. Food For Thought Biographies bartholin, Caspar Berthelsen (bartholinus) (Danish physician), 15851629.bartholin, erasmus (Danish physician, mathematician, physicist), 1625-1698. http://www.evcom.net/~tourette/bio/bio_B.htm |
88. Ole Rømer Museet Born in Aarhus. He came to Copenhagen as a young student, where he studiedunder erasmus bartholin, his fatherin-law to be of his first marriage. http://www.oleroemer.dk/english/roemer/top.html | |
89. Ole Rømer Museet Translate this page Geboren in der Stadt Aarhus, Universitätsstudien in Kopenhagen, wo erbei seinem späteren Schwiegervater, erasmus bartholin, studierte. http://www.oleroemer.dk/german/roemer/top.html | |
90. Astronomi Ved Københavns Universitet 1479-1957 har haft de bedste betingelser med de to dygtige læremestre bartholin og Picard. Ikomedien erasmus Montanus gør Holberg således grin med Horrebow ved at http://www.cozmo.dk/almanak/ | |
91. I14779: Caspar BARTHOLIN (____ - ____) Caspar bartholin. . Caspar bartholin INDEX. http://home.online.no/~nermo/slekt/d0013/g0000086.html | |
92. Untitled ROEMER was twice married in 1601 to ANNE MARIA bartholin (the daughter of ERASMUSbartholin) and after her death in 1694, to ELISA MAGDALENA bartholin (the http://dibinst.mit.edu/BURNDY/OnlinePubs/Roemer/chapter4(part2).html | |
93. The Lake County Astronomical Society After studying mathematics and astronomy he became the personal assistant toErasmus bartholin, lived in his house and finally became his son inlaw. http://homepage.interaccess.com/~purcellm/lcas/Articles/romer.htm | |
94. Physics History Hooke, studies with a microscope 1668 Wallace, conservation of momentum 1669Erasmus bartholin, polarisation effects of Iceland feldspar 1669 Gottfreid http://webplaza.pt.lu/fklaess/html/HISTORIA.HTML | |
95. User:Someone Else/Sandbox - Wikipedia Main Page Recent changes Edit this page Older versions Specialpages. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Someone_else/Sandbox | |
96. Molecular Expressions Microscopy Primer: Light And Color - Polarization Of Light The first clues to the existence of polarized light surfaced around 1669 when ErasmusBartholin discovered that crystals of the mineral Iceland spar (more http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/lightandcolor/polarizedlighthome.html | |
97. Physik: Zeittafel Historische Daten aus Physik und Technik ab dem 16. Jahrhundert, die für den Physikunterricht in Category World Deutsch Naturwissenschaften Physik Geschichte...... http://szallies.de/Zeittafel.htm | |
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