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81. Antiquity DharmasUtras. The law codes of Apastamba, Gautama, baudhayana, and VasiSTa,transl. Patrick OLIVELLE (1999), Oxford Oxford UP. xlvi + 434 pp. http://www.sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de/bibweb/Miles/Antiquity.html | |
82. Luckyfortune Lottery And Lotto Winning Reports The Formula known today as the Pythagorean Theorem was first postulated by Indianmathematician baudhayana in the 6th century CE long before Europe's math http://www.luckyfortune.com/numerology/ | |
83. Indian History, Orissa, Ashokan, Kalingan, Culture, Religion, Trade, Arts, Craft In the 6th C. BC, Vedic Sutrakara baudhayana mentions Kalinga as being beyond theVedic fold, indicating that Brahminical influences had not yet touched the http://india_resource.tripod.com/orissa.html | |
84. Table Of Contents -- Mahfil/Journal Of South Asian Literature -- Digital South A Applied To Kalidasa's Kumarasambhava Canto VIII p. 129 Sketch Kalidasa's Springp. 143 Some Afterthoughts On A Production Of baudhayana's The Hermit And The http://dsal.uchicago.edu/books/mahfil/toc.html?volume=7 |
85. World's First Voice Enabled Indian Entertainment Portal besides juridical matters. The more important of these texts arethe sutras of Gautama, baudhayana, and Apastamba. The contents http://www.telugutoranam.com/hinduism/index.php3?slide=shastras |
86. History, Scientific Terms, Nomenclature, Etc. - Numericana have been recorded as the authors of Indian Sulbasutras (the geometrical rules appendedto the Vedas for the construction of religious altars) baudhayana (fl. http://home.att.net/~numericana/answer/culture.htm | |
87. Itihaas: Ancient: Contribution: Demise Of Aryan Invasion/Race Theory-I entire population. Even in the ancient times some of the great Sutraauthors like baudhayana and Apastamba were from South. Agastya http://www.itihaas.com/ancient/contrib1.html | |
88. Books Of Kalamulasastra Series Editor / Translator Dr. HG Ranade. baudhayanasrauta-sutra, A srautatext. Editor / Translator Dr. TN Dharmadhikari, Prof. CG Kashikar. http://ignca.nic.in/kkmllist.htm |
89. Ikari - Institute For Research In Humanities, Kyoto Univ. ?, pp.37348. 1983, baudhayana Srautasutra X on theAgnicayana, an annotated translation. Agni The Vedic Ritual of http://www.zinbun.kyoto-u.ac.jp/staff/ikari.html | |
90. Indian Text Survey | Title Index Chandogya Upanishad (CdU); Dharma Sûtras Apastamba (ApD); Gautama (GtD);baudhayana (BdD); Vasistha (VsD). DighaNikaya (Dgn); Dipavamsa (Dpv http://www.umass.edu/wsp/survey/apparatus/title.html | |
91. Books On Hinduism The following are a selection of books on Hinduism published in India. Please click on the hyperlink "Details" to see complete table of contents and excerpts from the jacket/preface of that particular book. If you are looking for a particular title http://www.vedamsbooks.com/Hinduism.htm | |
92. ORALITY VS ORALITY vs. WRITTEN TEXT MEDIAEVAL DEVELOPMENTS IN VEDIC RITUAL LITERATURE http://haldjas.folklore.ee/folklore/vol8/veda.htm | |
93. Internet For Girls World Wide Web Resource List Internet for Girls World Wide Web Resource List This list contains resources in mathematics and science, parent resources, teacher resources, and sites created especially for women and girls. http://www.sdsc.edu/~woodka/resources.html | |
94. J. Patrick Olivelle CV http://inic.utexas.edu/asnic/pages/facultyCVs/JPO/jpocv.html | |
95. 21A1.Riddles In Hinduism PART I Riddle In Hinduism. . Contents.PART I RELIGIOUS. Riddle No. 1 The difficulty of knowing why one is a Hindu. http://www.dr-ambedkar.com/thoughts/21A1.Riddles in Hinduism PART I.htm | |
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