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41. Alfabetisk Oversikt Over Vitenskapelige Ansatte Ved UiO 1811-1984. Utnevnt 1969.07.18. Professor II i medisin ved Medisinsk fakultet. bjerknes,carl Anton. Født 1825.10.24 i Kristiania. Død 1903.03.20. http://www.hf.uio.no/hi/prosjekter/univhist/databaser/vaListeAlfabetisk.html | |
42. 1977, University Of California: In Memoriam: Table Of Contents James Percy Bennett, Botany; Plant Nutrition Berkeley. Jack bjerknes,Meteorology Los Angeles. carl Eckart, Geosciences San Diego. http://sunsite.berkeley.edu:2020/dynaweb/teiproj/uchist/inmemoriam/inmemoriam197 | |
43. Norske Matematikere Vol. 89 (1992). Kingston Ontarion Canada. carl Anton bjerknes (1825 1903). TheMac Tutor History of Mathematics archive. Vilhelm bjerknes (1862 - 1951). http://home.hia.no/~aasvaldl/norskem.html | |
44. Full Alphabetical Index 467*) Billy, Jacques de (150) Binet, Jacques (438*) Biot, JeanBaptiste (417*) Birkhoff,George D (623*) Biruni, Abu al (3002*) bjerknes, carl (56*) bjerknes http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
45. B Index 150) Binet, Jacques (438*) Biot, JeanBaptiste (417*), Birkhoff, Garrett (1164*)Birkhoff, George D (623*) Biruni, Abu al (3002*) bjerknes, carl (56*) bjerknes http://www.math.hcmuns.edu.vn/~algebra/history/history/Indexes/B.html |
46. Before 1955: Numerical Models And The Prehistory Of GCMs at the University of Stockholm, associated with the eminent meteorologist carlGustafRossby in the 1960s did models based on the bjerknes/Richardson primitive http://www.aip.org/history/sloan/gcm/prehistory.html | |
47. Albert Einstein, The Incorrigible Plagiarist In addition, we must emphasize that Christopher Jon bjerknes is the great greatgrandson of carl Anton bjerknes, who created the Pulsating Sphere Theory of http://www.dipmat.unipg.it/~bartocci/ep6/ep6-bjerk-rec.htm | |
48. Universitas 28. Januar 1998 Inngang kr 20. onsdag 28. Lærerne musiserer i Levinsalen. Verker av carl Nielsen,Beethoven. Lesesalen, Vilhelm bjerknes hus, kl 18.59. lørdag 31. http://universitas.uio.no/Arkiv/1998/03/PLAKATEN.HTM | |
49. Links To NWP And WP Sites Largs) Homepage; carl Anton bjerknes Homepage; Horace Lamb Homepage;Vilhelm bjerknes Homepage; Theodore von Karman Homepage; Lewis Fry http://www.met.fu-berlin.de/dmg/dmg_home/nwp_links.html | |
50. Abstract In the first decades of the 20th century the development of hydrodynamic analogiesof magnetism, established by carl Anton bjerknes in Oslo, was driven further http://www.phys.ntnu.no/~rolandw/bjerknes.html | |
51. Work Bibliography Allwood, carl M., and David Hakken nd Deconstructing use Problems of bjerknes,G. 1992 Dialectical reflections on information systems development http://www1.sunyit.edu/~hakken/bib.html | |
52. Www.interlog.com/~uniam/jun00.txt mydeja.com) writes Angel Garcia wrote His relative (nephew, Ithink) V. bjerknes Vilhelm bjerknes was actually carl Anton's son. http://www.interlog.com/~uniam/jun00.txt |
53. Archives Of The Scripps Institution Of Oceanography Institution of Washington. bjerknes's other students included carlGustafRossby and Theodore Hesselberg. Sverdrup followed bjerknes http://scilib.ucsd.edu/sio/archives/siohstry/sverdrup-biog.html | |
54. Om Oslo Geofysikeres Forening Til tross for sin høye alder var bjerknes en trofast og interessert møtedeltager.Professor carl Størmer (18741957) ble også valgt i 1949. http://www.geofysiker.org/aresmedlem.html | |
55. Table Of Contents Translate this page Wasser bewegen, 291. . . ARTICLE, bjerknes, carl Anton Zusatz zu demAufsatz von Schiötz, 310. . PERIODICAL ISSUE, 313. . . ARTICLE, Hoppe | |
56. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 467*) Billy, Jacques de (150) Binet, Jacques (438*) Biot, Jean-Baptiste (417*) Birkhoff,George D (596*) Biruni, Abu al' (306*) bjerknes, carl (56*) bjerknes http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/matematici.html | |
57. Møller Investor | Team (Norsk) | Personer Navn Ulf bjerknes Tittel Investeringsdirektør Telefon 22 88 88 29 ulf.bjerknes@moller.no Les mer. Navn carl H. Sibbern Tittel Finansanalytiker Telefon | |
58. Møller Investor | Om Oss | Kontakpersoner Ulf bjerknes, ulf.bjerknes@moller.no, Investment manager, 22 88 88 29. carlH. Sibbern, carl.henrik.sibbern@moller.no, Financial analyst, 22 88 88 58. | |
59. Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada Translate this page finlandês) 23/10/1985 - Morte do matemático irlandês John Greenlees Semple 24/10/1825- Nascimento de carl Anton bjerknes (matemático norueguês) 24/10 http://www.ponteiro.com.br/mostrad8.php?w=13&pg=8 |
60. Teknologihistorie - Innholdsoversikt Han var sønn av matematikeren professor carl Anton bjerknes og en yngre brortil den berømte vitenskapsmannen Vilhelm bjerknes. Les mer. Edvard Munch. http://www.iu.hio.no/~ulfu/historie/innhold.html | |
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