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81. Biographien - Archiv Translate this page www.taurus-press.de/test.php3?S_Sortie rName=4090 Bradley, Owen, Quintet http//www.taurus-press.de/test.php3?S_SortierName=4091 bradwardine, thomas http//www http://www.biografien-im-netz.de/archiv.php?Letter=B&Page=2400 |
82. Holy Cross Church, Episcopal - Apostolic Succession John Stratford, 1333, Stephen VIII, 939. John Offord, 1348, Maginus II,942. thomas bradwardine, 1349, Agapitus II, 946. Simon Islip, 1349, JohnXIII, 955. http://www.neto.com/holycros/apostle.htm | |
83. Outline - Post-Classical Science - History Of Science Study Guide - Dr Robert A. Aristotle had preferred to compare speeds to speeds, forces to forces, and resistancesto resistances, scholastics like Buridan, thomas bradwardine, and Nicole http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/rhatch/pages/03-Sci-Rev/SCI-REV-Teaching/HIS-SCI-S | |
84. The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia Of Religious Knowledge, Vol. III: Chamier - D Bradford, John. Bradlaugh, Charles. Bradley, George Granville. Bradshaw, William.bradwardine, thomas. Brady, Nicholas. Brahmanism. Brahmo Bullinger. Brahmo Somaj. http://www.ccel.org/s/schaff/encyc/encyc02/htm/TOC.htm | |
85. BRADSHAW, JOHN bradwardine, thomas (c. 12901349), English archbishop, called the ProfoundDoctor, was born. either at Hartfield in Sussex or at Chichester. http://7.1911encyclopedia.org/B/BR/BRADSHAW_JOHN.htm | |
86. History Of Math: Author List 85165) Diophantus of Alexandria (ca. 200-284) Pappus of Alexandria (ca. 300-350)Proclus (ca. 410-485) Boethius (ca. 480-524) thomas bradwardine (ca. http://www.brown.edu/Facilities/University_Library/exhibits/math/authorfr.html | |
87. Www.math.ku.dk/~ramskov/3mh-f98/rene/bioindex.txt 421 Maniére universelle de M.Desargues pour practiquer la perspective Bourbaki,Nicolas (synonym) 734 Eléments de mathématique bradwardine, thomas (12951349 http://www.math.ku.dk/~ramskov/3mh-f98/rene/bioindex.txt |
88. THE PHILOBIBLON OF RICHARD DE BURY || The Book Arts Web Among these were such men as thomas bradwardine, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury,and author of the De Causa Dei; Richard Fitzralph, afterwards Archbishop http://www.philobiblon.com/philobiblon.htm | |
89. Medieval Church.org.uk: Thomas Becket (?1120 - 70) Medieval Church.org.uk, thomas Becket. (?1120 70). Synopsis. BECKET, thomas,Archbishop of Canterbury; b. in London, Dec. 21, 1118; d. in Canterbury, Dec. http://www.medievalchurch.org.uk/p_becket.html | |
90. Brady, Diamond Jim Family Education Network Explore Our Sites http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0808683.html | |
91. Mittelal http://www.phidi.de/intelekt/kanon/alllinks/geslinks/mittelal/mittelal.html | |
92. Archbishop Of Canterbury | Succession List 1368, William Whittlesey. 1366, Simon Langham. 1349, Simon Islip. 1349, ThomasBradwardine. 1333, John de Stratford. 1328, Simon Meopham. 1313, Walter Reynolds. http://www.archbishopofcanterbury.org/office/success.html | |
93. Résumés 2000 http://upr_76.vjf.cnrs.fr/Revues&collections/R_ADHLMA/AHDLMA_Resumes_00.html | |
94. BSHM: Gazetteer -- LONDON MAIN INDEX Sir Hermann Bondi; Mary Boole; Robert Boyle. B (continued). James Bradley; ThomasBradwardine; William Henry Bragg William Lawrence Bragg; Jacob Bronowski; http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/bshm/zingaz/London.html | |
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