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41. CSLA: Henry Mendell Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, 16 (1998), 160225. 1998, Reflectionson Eudoxus, callippus and their Curves Hippopedes and Callippopedes . http://www.calstatela.edu/faculty/hmendel/ | |
42. Online treatment Also those against whom we have had any grievance or any previous differenceswith them as callippus had when he You can find a lot of information http://www.all-for-pc-and-mac.com/computer_component_part_mfg.asp |
43. Online callippus 21 Another line of argument refers to things which are supposed to happenand yet seem incredible We may argue We offer all kind of high quality http://www.all-for-pc-and-mac.com/gran_turismo_3com.asp |
44. Greek And Copernican Astronomy callippus of Cyzicus (c. 330BC)34 spheres; models of Eudoxus and callippus werepurely mathematical constructions; said nothing about the actually mechanics http://www.msu.edu/course/lbs/492/stillwell/greekastro.html | |
45. L'Encyclopédie De L'Agora: La Vie De Dion - 3e Partie Translate this page LX. Trame perfide de callippus contre Dion. -LXI. LXII. callippus rassure,par les plus forts serments, la femme et la sur de Dion. LXIII. http://agora.qc.ca/reftext.nsf/Documents/Platon--La_vie_de_Dion_-_3e_partie_par_ | |
46. L'Encyclopédie De L'Agora: La Vie De Dion - 2e Partie Translate this page Syracusains il marchait à la tête de ses troupes, couvert d'armes brillantes,ayant à ses côtés Mégaclès son frère et l'Athénien callippus, tous deux http://agora.qc.ca/reftext.nsf/Documents/Platon--La_vie_de_Dion_-_2e_partie_par_ | |
47. Creative Essays - Free Essays, Free Term Papers, Free College Essays, Free Book Aristotle refined callippus' geometrical and spherical concepts, and developedthe geocentric theory, which was believed for two thousand years. http://www.freeessay.com/creative/science/skx130.shtml | |
48. ATHENA: Literature, Books; Pierre Perroud Translate this page 2 (in English, at PERSEUS) · Against Callicles (in English, at PERSEUS) · AgainstCallicles (in English, at THE-TECH.MIT) · Against callippus (in English http://un2sg4.unige.ch/athena/html/author_d.html | |
49. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Time Measurement (Reference) Equation of Time; History of Time; History of Time From Thales to callippusCLOCKS; Introduction; Sundials; Clepsydra; Astrolabe; Pendulum http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Ref | |
50. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Horology (Time Measurement) Analemmas, Mean Time Analemmatic Sundial; Electrical Horology Systems; Equationof Time; History of Time; History of Time From Thales to callippus. http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/Middle_School/R | |
51. Njudge.htm contains the number of days the Sun spends in each zodiacal sign, and also sayson which day various authorities Euctemon, Eudoxus, callippus place the http://hbar.phys.msu.su/gorm/almagest/njudge.htm | |
52. Mathematician Index Johann(II) Bernoulli, Johann(III) Bernoulli, Nicolaus(I) Bernoulli, Nicolaus(II)Bombelli, Raphael Brahe, Tycho Bruns, Heinrich callippus Cardano, Girolamo http://members.fortunecity.com/kokhuitan/mathematicianindex.html | |
53. Bibliotheca Augustana Translate this page Id quidem callippus 1) et Eudoxus 2) per concentricos circulos deducere laborantesnon potuerunt et his omnium in motu sidereo reddere rationem, non solum eorum http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/Chronologia/Lspost16/Copernicus/kop_c01.html | |
54. Dem. 50 50.47 When it was manned, callippus, the son of Philon, of Aexone, cameon board, and ordered the pilot to steer the course for Macedonia. http://www.mit.edu/afs/athena/course/21/21h.401/www/local/demosthenes_50.html | |
55. DGC Linksammlung Sonnenuhren Translate this page Die Geometrie des Krieges, 1500-1750. Von Thales zu callippus Eine kleine Einführungin deutsch Sonnenuhren. Interessante Thesen Startime sundial. http://www.dg-chrono.de/links/dgc-links-sonnenuhren.html | |
56. Hypertext Library -- Authors D Androtion Against Apatourius Against Aphobus 2 Against Aristocrates Against Aristogiton2 Against Boeotus Against Callicles Against callippus Against Conon http://www.tulane.edu/~jhouston/library/authorD.htm | |
57. Aristotle's Rhetoric: Book II - Chapter 23 since it is not well to be unpopular or you answer, No, it is well to be educated,since it is well to be wise. The Art of Rhetoric of callippus is made up http://www.public.iastate.edu/~honeyl/Rhetoric/rhet2-23.html | |
58. Pausanias Attica The thesmothetae (lawgivers) were painted by Protogenes 3 the Caunian, and Olbiades4 portrayed callippus, who led the Athenians to Thermopylae to stop the http://www.earth-history.com/Ancient-texts/Greece/Pausanias/pausanias-attica-boo | |
59. References For Callippus References for callippus. Biography in Dictionary of Scientific http//wwwhistory.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/References/callippus.html. http://www.math.hcmuns.edu.vn/~algebra/history/history/References/Callippus.html |
60. World's Literature Against Timotheus. Against Polycles. On the Trierarchic Crown. AppollodorusAgainst callippus. Appollodorus Against Nicostratus. Against Conon. http://griffe.com/projects/worldlit/author.phtml?name=Demosthenes |
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