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         Cantor Georg:     more books (71)
  1. Gesammelte Abhandlungen mathematischen und philosophischen Inhalts: Mit erläuternden Anmerkungen sowie mit Ergänzungen aus dem Briefwechsel Cantor-Dedekind (German Edition) by Georg Cantor, 1980-09-01
  2. Georg Cantor: Leben, Werk und Wirkung (German Edition) by Herbert Meschkowski, 1983
  3. Transfinite number: Transfinite Number, Cardinal Number, Ordinal Number, Finite Set, Absolute Infinite, Georg Cantor, Infinity, Cardinality
  4. Universe (mathematics): Mathematics, Set Theory, Foundations of Mathematics, Class, Element, Real Number, Real Line, Georg Cantor, Cardinality
  5. Sculpture from the Collection of B. Gerald Cantor: Drawings from the Georg Kolbe Museum, Berlin by Georg Kolbe, 1972
  6. Georg Kolbe Sculpture from the Collection of B Gerald Cantor Drawings from the Georg Kolbe Museum Berlin Limited Ed by Georg Kolbe, 1972-01-01
  7. Georg Cantor (Biographien hervorragender Naturwissenschaftler, Techniker und Mediziner) by Walter Purkert, 1985
  8. Sculpture from the Collection of B. Gerald Cantor, Drawings from the Georg Kolbe Museum, Berlin by Georg; Leavitt, Thomas W. (Preface by), and Thiesenhausen, Maria von (For Kolbe, 1972-01-01
  9. DU27 SHOW BUSINESS Eddie Cantor/Georg Murphy Lobby Card.Here's a politically incorrect lobby card from the original release of SHOW BUSINESS featuring a great image of EDDIE CANTOR and GEORGE MURPHY in black-face.Lobby card is in EXCELLENT-condition. No pinholes, no stains, no tears, a miniscule chip on the left upper corner. by n/a, 1944
  10. DW36 Show Business EDDIE CANTOR/GEORG MURPHY Lobby Card.Here's a terrific lobby card from the original release of SHOW BUSINESS featuring a great image of EDDIE CANTOR and GEORGE MURPHY.Lobby card is in EXCELLENT+ condition. A few pinholes, no stains, no tears, pieces of brown paper masking on the back. by n/a, 1944
  11. Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers by Georg CANTOR, 1918
  12. Transfinite numbers: Three papers on transfinite numbers from the Mathematische annalen (The classics of the St. John's program) by Georg Cantor, 1941
  13. Gesammelte Abhandlungen Mathematischen Und Philosophischen Inhalts by Georg, Herausgegeben Von Ernst Zermelo Cantor, 1966
  14. Georg Kolbe. Sculpture from the collection of B. Gerald Cantor by GEORG. KOLBE, 1972-01-01

61. Georg Cantor - Education
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62. VEDA
georg cantor mel zpocátku soukromého vychovatele a poté navštevovalzákladní školu v St. Petersburu. V roce 1856, když
Pondìlí 23.7.2001
Svátek má Libor
Biologie a pøíroda




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Alena Marešová Neviditelný pes již pøed èasem uveøejnil dotazník paní doktorky Marešové z Institutu pro kriminologii a sociální prevenci v Praze, týkající se extremismu. Nyní vás znovu prosí o pomoc. Institut pro kriminologii a sociální prevenci se t.è. zabývá trestnou èinností policistù - jejími pøíèinami, nezbytnými podmínkami její existence a možnostmi její redukce. Dílèím úkolem je zjištìní, jak v souèasnosti policii a policisty vnímá veøejnost a odborná veøejnost. Ze zkušených pracovníkù justice a policie byl vytvoøen soubor expertù, jejichž názory budou zpracovány a interpretovány zvl᚝ .Vzhledem k vynikajícím zkušenostem ze sbìru názorù prostøednictvím dotazníkù pøedložených internetové èásti veøejnosti, také v tomto pøípadì jsem zpracovala krátký dotazník a prosím uživatele internetu o jeho vyplnìní.
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63. Georg Cantor Page
georg cantor(18451918). History of Mathematics. Full Name is georg Ferdinand LudwigPhilipp cantor; georg was educated early in his life by private tutoring;
Georg Cantor(1845-1918)
History of Mathematics
Visitors since July 2000
My Georg Cantor paper for a grade in Math 461
(Now almost completeupdated on May 2, 2002)
  • Born: March 3, 1845 in St Petersburg, Russia
  • Died: January 6, 1918 in Halle, Germany
  • Full Name is: Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor
  • Georg was educated early in his life by private tutoring
  • He went to primary school while in St. Petersburgh, Russia.
  • In 1856 his family moved to Germany for a warmer climate, due to his father's poor health Cantor's father wanted him to be an Engineer, but Georg was interested in Mathematics
  • In 1873 Cantor proved the rational numbers are countable,they can be put into a 1-1 correspondence with the natural numbers.
  • He showed that the algebraic numbers, the numbers which are roots of polynomial equations with integer coefficients, were countable.
  • Cantor is famous for proving that the real numbers are not countable.
  • A transcendental number is an irrational number that is not a root of any polynomial equation having integer coefficients.
  • Cantor showed that almost all numbers are transcendental by proving the real numbers were not countable while proving that the algebraic numbers were countable.

Translate this page HISTORIA DE georg cantor Descendiente de judíos por ambas ramas, georgcantor fue hijo mayor del próspero comerciante georg Waldemar
HISTORIA DE GEORG CANTOR Descendiente de judíos por ambas ramas, Georg Cantor fue hijo mayor del próspero comerciante Georg Waldemar Cantor y de su mujer María Bohm. El padre había nacido en Copenhague, Dinamarca, pero emigró siendo joven a San Petersburgo, Rusia, donde nació el matemático Georg Cantor el 3 de marzo de 1845 . Una enfermedad pulmonar fue causa de que el padre se trasladara en 1856 a Francfort, Alemania, donde vivió en el cómodo retiro hasta su muerte en 1863. Debido a esta curiosa mezcla de nacionalidades es posible que diversas patrias reclaman a Cantor como hijo. Cantor se inclinó hacia Alemania, pero no puede decirse que Alemania le favoreciera muy cordialmente. Los primeros estudios de Cantor fueron semejantes a los de la mayor parte de los matemáticos eminentes. Su gran talento y su interés absorbente por los estudios matemáticos fueron conocidos precozmente ( antes de cumplir los 15 años ). Su primera educación fue confiada a un preceptor particular, y después siguió un curso en la escuela elemental de San Petersburgo. Cuando la familia se trasladó a Alemania, Cantor asistió a algunas escuelas privadas de Francfort y de Damstandt primero, ingresando luego en el Instituto de Wiesbaden en 1860, cuando tenía 15 años. Comenzó sus estudios universitarios en Zurich, en 1862, pero pasó a la Universidad de Berlín al siguiente año, después de la muerte de su padre. En Berlín se especializó en Matemáticas, Filosofía y Fisíca.

65. Dauben, J.W.: Georg Cantor: His Mathematics And Philosophy Of The Infinite.
of the book georg cantor His Mathematics and Philosophy ofthe Infinite by Dauben, JW, published by Princeton University Press.......
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Georg Cantor:
His Mathematics and Philosophy of the Infinite
Joseph Warren Dauben
424 pp.
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Reviews One of the greatest revolutions in mathematics occurred when Georg Cantor (1845-1918) promulgated his theory of transfinite sets. This revolution is the subject of Joseph Dauben's important studythe most thorough yet writtenof the philosopher and mathematician who was once called a "corrupter of youth" for an innovation that is now a vital component of elementary school curricula. Set theory has been widely adopted in mathematics and philosophy, but the controversy surrounding it at the turn of the century remains of great interest. Cantor's own faith in his theory was partly theological. His religious beliefs led him to expect paradoxes in any concept of the infinite, and he always retained his belief in the utter veracity of transfinite set theory. Later in his life, he was troubled by recurring attacks of severe depression. Dauben shows that these played an integral part in his understanding and defense of set theory. Review: "Historians of mathematics can only be grateful for the effort Professor Dauben has expended to create the synthesis of Cantor scholarship found in this book. But the book can, and I hope will, be read with profit by a far more extensive audience. Any student, mathematician, philosopher, theologian, or general historian with an interest in Georg Cantor and the wondrous revolution in mathematical and philosophical thought that his work did so much to precipitate will find this book of considerable interest."Thomas Hawkins

66. Cantor-Medaille
Translate this page Die georg-cantor-Medaille. Die Preisträger. 1990 Karl 2002 Yuri Manin.Stiftungssatzung für die georg-cantor-Medaille. Die Deutsche
Die Georg-Cantor-Medaille
  • Georg-Cantor-Medaille
  • Verabschiedet auf der Mitgliederversammlung am 19.9.91 Autor: Dirk Ferus Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung
  • 67. Georg Cantor
    Translate this page georg cantor. Storia della Matematica. Nacque a Pietroburgo nel 1845 emorì nel 1918 ad Halle. Egli espose la teoria dei numeri irrazionali
    Georg Cantor Storia della Matematica Nacque a Pietroburgo nel 1845 e morì nel 1918 ad Halle. Egli espose la teoria dei numeri irrazionali, definì i numeri cardinali , i concetti di numerabilità e potenza di un insieme. Nel 1895 elaborò la teoria degli insiemi . In essa si studiano gli insiemi, indipendentemente dalla natura degli elementi che li costituiscono; tale teoria può pertanto applicarsi indifferentemente ad un insieme di numeri (in aritmetica), ad un insieme di figure (in geometria), e così via. Stabilì inoltre, grazie al suo famoso teorema , l'esistenza di diversi livelli di infinito, risolvendo così il problema posto dai paradossi dell'equinumerosità A tale proposito formulò anche l' ipotesi del continuo , che dice: "tra un livello di Infinito Attuale e il successivo non esistono altri livelli di infinito". I principali indirizzi di ricerca facenti capo alla teoria degli insiemi furono due: uno verteva sulle proprietà più generali degli insiemi, l'altro faceva riferimento all'analisi e alla topologia. Cantor diceva: "

    68. Philosophical Dictionary: Caird-Catharsis
    cantor, georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp (18451918). Recommended Reading georg cantor,Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers , tr.
    F A Q Dictionary ... Locke
    Caird, Edward
    Scottish Hegelian philosopher. Caird was one of the first generation of ' British idealists ,' whose philosophical work was largely in reaction to the then-dominant empiricist and associationist views of Alexander Bain (1818-1903) and J.S. Mill . Best known for his studies of Kant A Critical Account of the Philosophy of Kant (1877) and The Critical Philosophy of Immanuel Kant at Hegel Hegel (1883), Caird also exercised a strong influence on later idealists such as John Watson and Bernard Bosanquet , particularly concerning the development of an 'evolutionary' account of religion; see his two series of Gifford lectures, The Evolution of Religion (1893), and The Evolution of Theology in the Greek Philosophers (1904). [Contributed by Will Sweet Recommended Reading: The Collected Works of Edward Caird at Also see IEP ELC , and noesis
    Cambridge Platonists
    An influential group of seventeenth-century English philosophers and latitudinarian theologians who rejected the tenets of (Oxford-taught) scholasticism in favor of an eclectic rationalism that employed a neoplatonic metaphysics and placed great emphasis on the role of innate ideas in the acquisition of worthwhile knowledge of reality, while opposing the

    69. WIAS - Overview - About Karl Weierstrass - Album - Georg Cantor
    WIAS / Overview / About Karl Weierstra / Album / georg cantor, georg cantor.18451918. Deutscher Mathematiker, promovierte 1867 bei Weierstraß.




    ... Album / Georg Cantor
    Georg Cantor German mathematician, doctorate with Weierstrass in 1867
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    70. Zum Begriff Georg Cantor
    Translate this page - Ihre Suchmaschine mit den Treffern zum richtigen Begriff georg cantor.Suche nach URL anmelden. - Webseiten zum Thema georg cantor. cantor

    71. Biography Of Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor
    Click to see 2 big pictures of georg cantor. Summary. georg cantor was a very successfulmathematician who advanced the study of mathematics in many ways.
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    Biographies of Mathematicians - Cantor
    Personal Life
    Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor was born in St. Petersburg, Russia, on March 3, 1845. Georg had a very diverse background. His father was a Danish merchant that converted from the Jewish faith to the Protestant faith, and his mother was a Danish Roman Catholic. The Cantor family stayed in Russia until 1856, when his father became deathly ill. At this point, the family moved to Frankfurt, Germany, because it had a more acceptable environment. All of the Cantor children showed an early talent in mathematics, including Georg. His father saw this ability and tried to push his son into the field of engineering. In a letter from his father, he was told that his entire family and God Himself were expecting him to become a "shining star" as an engineer. He wasn't thrilled about this idea, but he lacked the assertiveness to stand up to his father. After several years of training, though, he became so tired of his father that he became demoralized enough to beg his father to become a mathematician rather than an engineer. Finally, just before entering college, his father let him study mathematics.

    72. Encyclopædia Britannica
    cantor, georg (Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp) German mathematician who founded set theoryand introduced the mathematically meaningful concept of transfinite numbers Cantor

    73. FRACTALES.ORG Fractales. Conjunto De Cantor.
    Translate this page georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp cantor. La creación del Polvo o Conjuntode cantor comienza con un segmento de recta. A continuación

    Translate this page georg cantor. Questa teoria sarà ripresa più tardi proprio da un allievo che stravolgeràe darà nuove fondamenta alla scienza matematica georg cantor.
    Trimestrale di psicologia analitica e filosofia sperimentale a cura dell'Associazione G.E.A.
    Direttore : Dott. Ada Cortese
    Genova: Via Palestro 19/8 - Tel. (010) 8391814
    Milano: Via Salasco 20 - Tel. (0339) 5407999
    Home Anno 8° N° 28 Giugno 1999 Pag. 4° Maria Campolo PROFILI GEORG CANTOR
    evidenti, non confutabili.
    Fin dalle sue origini greche la matematica si era imbattuta in paradossi che derivavano dall'accettazione dell'infinito attuale e si era cercato, in tutta la tradizione successiva, di aggirare sempre questo ostacolo.
    La teoria degli insiemi fu presentata da Cantor nel 1883 in un lavoro intitolato Fondamenti di una teoria universale degli insiemi, in cui il matematico prendeva in esame il problema dell'infinito autentico o attuale. Tale infinito viene concepito come una grandezza sui generis
    Alla teoria degli insiemi fu ricondotta la fondazione dell'analisi e quella dell'aritmetica, ma proprio quando tale lavoro era appena terminato Russell e Burali-Forti scoprirono che nella teoria erano presenti delle antinomie che rimettevano nuovamente tutto in gioco.
    Maria Campolo HOME TOP Tutti i diritti sui testi qui consultabili sono di esclusiva proprieta' dell'Associazione G.E.A. e dei rispettivi Autori. Per qualsiasi utilizzo, anche non commerciale, si prega prima di contattarci:

    75. Cantor
    cantor, georg (18451918). Appeared in ?. georg cantor was German,but he spent most of the first eleven years of his life in St.
    Cantor, Georg (1845-1918)
    Appeared in: ?.
    Georg Cantor astonished the mathematical world with his discovery that the integers and the real numbers cannot be placed into one-to-one onto correspondance, showing that there is not just one infinity but at least two infinities: countable infinity and uncountable infinity. It was later discovered that there is actually an infinite tower of infinities, a result of the theorem that the power set of any set has larger cardinality than the set itself. Georg Cantor was German, but he spent most of the first eleven years of his life in St. Petersburg, Russia, and then his family moved back to Germany where he spent the rest of his life. He got his doctorate from the University of Berlin in 1867, with a dissertation on number theory. In his years as a mathematician and professor, he corresponded frequently with Dedekind, who published one of best rigorous definitions of real numbers (now called Dedekind cuts), and he inspired Cantor to work on this and other problems related to Analysis. In 1878 Cantor published his paper that made the concept of a 1-1 correspondence precise, and this began a long period where he was looked upon with disfavor by many important mathematicians of the time, because his ideas were so controversial and so contrary to the accepted mathematical understanding. Unfortunately Cantor suffered through many periods of depression, which was certainly aggravated by the fact that many mathematicians disliked his ideas. When not working on math he worked on philosophy and also his pet literary project, which was his theory that Francis Bacon actually wrote all of Shakespeare's plays. From 1905 onward he was ill much of the time, and spent most of the rest of his life in a hospital, dying in 1918 of a heart attack.

    76. Alphamusic - Georg Cantor
    Translate this page Buch cantor, georg - Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of TransfiniteNumbers. Startseite, International Customers click here! Suche, Profisuche.
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    77. Natural Theology > Synopsis > 16 Cantor
    to restore theology to the mainstream of science. georg cantor. (18451918). Thenatural numbers, 1, 2, 3 are infinite, since we can always add another one.
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    ... to restore theology to the mainstream of science
    Georg Cantor
    The natural numbers, 1, 2, 3 ... are infinite, since we can always add another one. It was known in antiquity that Pythagoras' theorem implies that there are quantities that cannot be measured by the natural numbers or by the rational numbers, ratios (eg 3/5) of natural numbers. To measure such quantities, we must invent the 'irrational' or real numbers. Cantor showed that the step from natural to real numbers is not unique, but the first an endless series of steps to even bigger number spaces, which he called the transfinite numbers. Following Cantor, our theology is based on the hypothesis that the transfinite can help us to understand God. One might argue that the oldest scientific problem in the world is the relationship between discrete and continuous systems. A continuous system is something like a wheel, which moves smoothly without jumps or gaps. A discrete system is the exact opposite. Each unit of the system is separate from the others, and if one is to move, one must jump the gaps between the elements of the system. Language is a discrete system. Different words and sentences have a gap between them. Cantor found a path toward understanding the relationship between discrete and continuous systems which, through quantum mechanics, shows us how the mathematical relationship between discrete and continuous is played out in reality.

    78. C.E. 1800 - 1899
    cantor, georg (18451918 CE) georg cantor was one of the most assailed mathematiciansin history. He developed the modern theory on infinite sets.

    CANTOR, GEORG (1845-1918 C.E.)
    Georg Cantor was one of the most assailed mathematicians in history. He developed the modern theory on infinite sets. Despite the irony of spending his later year in mental institution, Georg Cantor was recognized for his lifetime echievement by the Royal Society of London and was made a member of to other Societies for Mathematics and Sciences. This web site will link you to related information on Cantor: Karl Weierstrass, Zeno of Elea, Cantor function, Cantor set, Cantor-Bernstein theorem, Zeno's paradoxes.
    EVARISTE GALOIS (1811-1832 C.E.)
    He was a french Mathematician who develpoed new techniques to study equations called group theory.
    SONYA KOVALEVSKAYA (1850-1891 C.E.)
    Sonya was a great mathematician, a writer, and advocate of women's rights in the 19th century.
    She was one of England's first women to obtain a doctorate in mathematics.
    GUISEPPE PEANO (1858-1932 C.E.)

    He was one of the pioneers in mathematical logic and axiomatization of mathematics. See Peano's Axiome
    ABEL NIELS (1802-1829 C.E.)

    79. Cantor
    Steiner. Sylvester. Weierstrass. cantor,georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp (18451918)?,GFL.Ph.(cantor,georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp).
    Abel Bernoulli-Daniel Bernoulli-Jocob Bernoulli-Johannes ... Weierstrass Cantor,Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp ¡]18451918¡^ ±d¦«º¸¡AG.F.L.Ph.(Cantor,Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp) 1845¦~3¤ë3¤é¥Í©ó«X¹´µ¸t©¼±o³ù(St.Peter-sburg);
    1918¦~1¤ë6¤é¨ò©ó¼w°ê«¢¹p(Halle)¡C ¼Æ¾Ç¡B¶°¦X½×¡C ¡@¡@¼w°ê¼Æ¾Ç®a¡C¢°¢·¢³¢´¦~¥Í©ó«X°ê¸t©¼±o³ù¡A¨ò©ó«¢¹p¡A¬O¤¦³ÁµS¤Ó°Ó¤H¤§¤l¡C¶°¦X½×ªº³Ð©l¤H¡A¨ü±Ð©ó¼Æ¾Ç®a®wÀqº¸¡B¥~º¸´µ¯S©Ô´µ©M§J¹¤º§Jµ¥¤H¡C¢°¢·¢µ¢¶¦~Àò³Õ¤h¾Ç¦ì¡C ¡@¡@±d¦«º¸ªº¶°¦X½×´I¦³­²©R©Ê¡A¨ä²z½×«Üø³Q¥ß§Y±µ¨ü¡A¥H­P¾D¨ü¤@¨Ç¼Æ¾Ç®aªº¤Ï¹ï¡A¦ý¥Lªº²z½×µLº¬O¹ï¤Q¤E ¥@¬ö¥½¡B¤G¤Q¥@¬öªìªº¼Æ¾Ç°ò¦ªº¬ã¨s²£¥Í¤F²`»·ªº¼vÅT¡A¶°¦X½×¤wº¯³z¨ì¦U¼Æ¾Ç¤À¤ä¡A¦¨¬°¤ÀªR²z½×¡B´ú«×½×¡B ©Ý¼³¾Ç¤Î¼Æ²z¬ì¾Ç¤¤¥²¤£¥i¯Ê¤§²z½×¡C

    80. Biografia De Georg Cantor
    Translate this page georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philip cantor. Clique aqui para obter fotos. georg FerdinandLudwig Philip cantor - matemático de origem Russa, nasceu na cidade de St.
    C a n t o r
    Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philip Cantor
    - matemático de origem Russa, nasceu na cidade de St. Petersburg a 03 de março de 1845. Deixou a Rússia ainda menino, emigrando com a família para a Alemanha. Sua formação foi realizada na Alemanha e Suíça, primeiramente na Universidade de Zurich até 1862, posteriormente na de Berlim, onde foi aluno de notáveis matemáticos como Ernst Kummer Karl Weierstrass e Leopold Keonecker , e finalmente em Göttingen. Na universidade de Berlim ele recebeu o seu doutorado em 1867, aceitando em 1872 sua nomeação na Universidade de Halle como professor assistente de matemática, assumindo a direção da cadeira a partir de 1879, caracterizando-se, sua vida, por contrastante sucesso de períodos de grande lucidez, quando produziu obras geniais, e períodos de forte depressão, que obrigavam seu internamento em clínicas de doenças mentais. No dizer de muitos, a teoria dos conjuntos, criada por cantor, é uma das mais notáveis inovações matemáticas dos últimos séculos. Nessa teoria, Cantor apresenta demonstrações novas de fatos conhecidos e, ao lado disso, inúmeros fatos novos. A teoria contribuiu decisivamente para que se passasse a encarar sob outra perspectiva os problemas da matemática, desde os que surgem nos fundamentos da disciplina até os que são típicos de ramos especializados da álgebra, da análise e da geometria. Apresentada em pleno século XIX, a teoria dos conjuntos foi muito combatida pelos contemporâneos de Cantor, suscitando várias polêmicas. A intervenção de paradoxos que conduziam a resultados aparentemente inaceitáveis, e a rejeição de axiomas clássicos, muito contribuíram para o não reconhecimento, por parte dos matemáticos da época, da nova teoria. Todavia, com o decorrer dos anos, as aplicações da teoria dos conjuntos vieram comprovar sua extraordinária importância para o progresso da análise.

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