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41. Girolamo Cardano Hvem var Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss. Gauss bliver født den 30 april1777 i Brunswick og dør den 23. februar 1855 i Göttingen. http://hp6.edu.cbs.dk/bentzen/courses/ha/history/gauss.htm | |
42. LookSmart - Girolamo Cardano cardano, girolamo Galileo Project Learn about the mathematics professor's researchand writing and how he was thrown into prison for casting Christ's http://canada.looksmart.com/eus1/eus302562/eus317836/eus317914/eus328800/eus5187 |
43. [HM] Girolamo Cardano's De Subtilitate Libri XXI a topic from HistoriaMatematica Discussion Group HM girolamo cardano's De subtilitatelibri XXI. post a message on this topic post a message on a new topic http://mathforum.org/epigone/historia_matematica/plumprouglox | |
44. [HM] Girolamo Cardano's De Subtilitate Libri XXI a topic from historia HM girolamo cardano's De subtilitate libriXXI. post a message on this topic post a message on a new topic http://mathforum.org/epigone/historia/plumprouglox | |
45. GIROLAMO CARDANO cardano's Kosmos ; http://www.litlinks.it/cx/cardano.htm | |
46. Cardano, Astrologie, Traumbuch, Artemidor Und Synesius, Stirnlininekunde Translate this page cardano, girolamo. Italienischer Arzt, Astrologe und Naturphilosoph.Er übersetzte und kommentierte die Astrologie des Ptolemäus. http://www.sphinx-suche.de/lexeso/cardano.htm | |
47. 4.4 Girolamo Cardano (1501 - 1576) (Dejiny Algebry) 4.4 girolamo cardano (1501 1576). Taliansky lekár, filozof a matematikbol nemanelské dieta milánskeho právnika Facia Cardana. http://www.matika.sk/zdroje/texty/recenz/Dejalg/Cast4/Part4-4.htm | |
48. Siraisi, N.G.: The Clock And The Mirror: Girolamo Cardano And Renaissance Medici of the book The Clock and the Mirror girolamo cardano and RenaissanceMedicine by Siraisi, NG, published by Princeton University Press....... http://pup.princeton.edu/titles/6054.html | |
49. GIROLAMO CARDANO Translate this page girolamo cardano. girolamo cardano lebte ein reiches Leben von dem wirviele Details dank seiner Autobiographie De vita propria liber http://www.ksk.ch/mathematik/mathonline/biographien/renaissance/cardano.htm | |
50. List Of Books 2 books found. ARS Magna or the Rules of Algebra by girolamo cardano,. Coop Discount10%. The Book of My Life (De Vita Propria Liber) by girolamo cardano,. http://www.semcoop.com/author/18710 | |
51. ARS Magna Or The Rules Of Algebra -- Girolamo Cardano T. Richard Witmer by girolamo cardano,. Translated by T. Richard Witmer. Dover Publications.Due/Published December 1993, 267 pages, paper. ISBN 0486678113. http://www.semcoop.com/detail/0486678113 | |
52. Cardano Risk Management - Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576) Who was cardano? girolamo cardano (Pavia, 24 September 1501, Rome,21 September 1576). In Ars Magna (1545), cardano's magnum opus http://www.cardano-riskmanagement.nl/english/who_was_cardano.htm | |
53. Cardano Risk Management - Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576) Wie was cardano? girolamo cardano (24/9/1501, Pavia 21/9/1576,Rome). In cardano's grote werk Ars Magna (1545) zijn we getuige http://www.cardano-riskmanagement.nl/wie_was_cardano.htm | |
54. ITCuliacán-Ciencias Básicas-Biografías-Girolamo Cardano Translate this page girolamo cardano 1501 - 1576. En 1550, girolamo cardano publica una serie de diferenciasentre el ámbar y la magnetita o piedra imán, observando que http://www.itculiacan.edu.mx/cb/biografias/e-cardano.html |
55. Girolamo Cardano Translate this page SIGLO XVI girolamo cardano 1501 - 1576 MÉDICO, FILÓSOFO, MATEMÁTICOMECÁNICO Observa, establece y publica, las diferencias entre http://www.itculiacan.edu.mx/cb/galeria/e-cardano.html |
56. CSPF: Progetto Cardano: WWW-pagine Relative A Girolamo Cardano Translate this page 500 e '600. WWW-pagine relative a girolamo cardano. I seguenti linkssono una raccolta di pagine WWW relative a girolamo cardano. http://www.cspf.mi.cnr.it/cardano/www.html | |
57. Astrologix - Girolamo Cardano S Tod - Ruediger Plantiko Translate this page Vielleicht war das bei girolamo cardano der Fall, dem Mathematiker und nebenAndreas Vesalius und Paracelsus berühmtesten Arzt seiner Zeit. http://www.astrologix.de/plan_002.htm | |
58. Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics And You - Timeline - Girolamo Cardano girolamo cardano was a sixteenth century mathematician and physician whomade an important adaptation to the design of the camera obscura. http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/optics/timeline/people/cardano.html | |
59. Girolamo Cardano Translate this page girolamo cardano nasceu em 24 de setembro de 1501 em Pavia, Itália.Morreu no dia 21 de setembro de 1576, em Roma. cardano foi http://www.brasil.terravista.pt/magoito/1866/Historia/cardano.htm | |
60. EVOLUCIÓN DEL PENSAMIENTO CIENTÍFICO: GIROLAMO CARDANO http://tierra.ciens.ucv.ve/~rmartin/hfishtm/cardano.html | |
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