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Carlitz Leonard: more detail | ||
1. Carlitz Leonard Carlitz. Born 26 Dec 1907 in Leonard Carlitz' father was a Ukrainianwhile his mother was a Latvian. They were a Jewish family http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Carlitz.html | |
2. HISTORICAL THINGS IN NUMBER THEORY Bukhshtab (RMS); Leonard carlitz leonard Carlitz (MacTutor); LeonardCarlitz (19071999) (NAMS). Eugène Charles Catalan (MacTutor); Nikolai http://www.math.uga.edu/~ntheory/N14.html | |
3. UntitledThis Page Is Quoted From Jerry Grossman, See Link Below. Kumar VIJAYAN, Carleson, Lennart. carlitz, leonard. Carlotto, MArk J. Carlson, D. http://www.cs.unlv.edu/~bein/erdos/Erdos2.txt | |
4. Carlitz Biography of leonard carlitz' (19071999) leonard carlitz. Born 26 Dec 1907 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , USA http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Carlitz.html | |
5. References For Carlitz References for leonard carlitz'. Articles JV Brawley, Dedicated to leonardcarlitz the man and his work, Finite Fields Appl. 1 (2) (1995), 135151. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/Carlitz.html | |
6. Leonard Carlitz (19071999), Volume 48, Number 11 David R. Hayes. leonard carlitz died on September 17, 1999, at the http://www.ams.org/notices/200111/comm-carlitz.pdf |
7. Math2.math.nthu.edu.tw/jcchuan/note/carlitz2 MathSci Disc 1980 1987 1 of 61 AU- carlitz,-leonard TI- Somerestricted multiple sums. JN- Fibonacci-Quart. The-Fibonacci http://math2.math.nthu.edu.tw/jcchuan/note/carlitz2 |
8. References For Carlitz References for the biography of leonard carlitz' J V Brawley, Dedicated to leonard carlitz the man and his work, Finite Fields Appl. http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/References/Carlitz.html | |
9. Carlitz Portrait Portrait of leonard carlitz' leonard carlitz'. JOC/EFR August 2001 http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/PictDisplay/Carlitz.html | |
10. NEW LISTINGS, NUMBER THEORY WEB: November 2000-December 2001 September 2001. 11th November 2001. leonard carlitz (19071999), DRHayes, Notices of the AMS. 48, Dec 2001. 9th November 2001. Local http://www.math.uga.edu/~ntheory/additions6.html | |
11. Edos Number Erdos1, Version 2002, February 2, 2002 This is a list of the 507 coauthors of Paul Erdos, together with their co-authors listed beneath them. W., Jr. BROWN, WILLIAM G. Brualdi, Richard A. carlitz, leonard Carlson, Bille Chandler Charnow, Allen K. Cooke, Kenneth http://www.acs.oakland.edu/~grossman/Erdos1 | |
12. SIAM AG On Orthogonal Polynomials And Special Functions Topic 8 OP-SF NET 8.5 - September 15, 2001 ~~~~~From OPSF NET Editor Subject Death of leonard carlitz Thanks to Tom http://gams.nist.gov/opsf/personal/carlitz.html | |
13. Oct Ober Welc Ome leonard carlitz. leonard carlitz retired James B Duke Pro http://www.math.duke.edu/math_news/October99.pdf |
14. SIAM AG On OP And SF - Problems Functions. Personal, Obituaries, etc. Death of leonard carlitz; HonoraryDoctorate for Ian Macdonald; Eduardo Sontag Wins Reid Prize; http://gams.nist.gov/opsf/personal.html | |
15. Members Of The School Of Mathematics CARAYOL, Henri, 198384. CARDOSO, Fernando, 1972-74. CARLESON, Lennart AE, 1961-62,1988-89. carlitz, leonard, 1935-36. CARNAP, Rudolf, 1952-54. CARR, Danielle, 1997-98. http://www.math.ias.edu/cnames.html | |
16. Table Of Contents Translate this page 17. . ARTICLE, carlitz, leonard Weighted quadratic partitions (mod pr). 40.. ARTICLE, Wang, Hao The categoricity question of certain grand logics. 47.. | |
17. Discrete Mathematicians And Their Citations In The AMS MathSciNet Erdos, Paul, dec. 1531, 1939. carlitz, leonard, dec. 735, 1939, Durham, NC. Shelah,Saharon, 596, 1969. Harary, Frank, 550, 1949, New Mexico State Univ., Las Cruces. http://www.cs.clemson.edu/~hedet/discretemath.html |
18. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of CAR Carlisle, IV, Charles, University of Texas at Austin, 1966. carlitz, leonard, Universityof Pennsylvania, 1930. Carlson, Billie, Carlson, Mark, Indiana University, 1982. http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/letter.phtml?letter=CAR |
19. Ph.ds carlitz, leonard, 1930 (HH Mitchell), Galois fields of certain types. McDonough,Donald L. 1931 (HH Mitchell), On the expansion of a certain type of determinant. http://www.math.upenn.edu/History/math-phds1.html | |
20. Ph.ds carlitz, leonard 1930 (HH Mitchell); Galois fields of certain types. McDonough,Donald L. 1931 (HH Mitchell); On the expansion of a certain type of determinant. http://www.math.upenn.edu/100/math-phds.html | |
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