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Cartwright Dame Mary: more detail |
81. A.J. Macintyre Macintyre was married to a fellow mathematician (and student of dame mary Cartwrightand EM Wright), Sheila Scott (19101960) of Edinburgh, who shared research http://www.bgsu.edu/departments/math/Ohio-section/bicen/macintyre.html | |
82. 99boys13state mary's. Stephan Page, SR, Warrensburg. Dominic. Oliver Sanders, SR, Cape NotreDame. Tom Scorfina, JR, AquinasMercy. Forwards. Johnny cartwright, SR, WebbCity. http://www.mosoccercoach.homestead.com/99boys13state.html | |
83. Senator William Aniskovich marys Roman Catholic Grammar School in Branford and After graduating from NotreDame, Bill received the bid of the Honorable John C. cartwright, a Member of http://www.senatereps.state.ct.us/senainfo/Aniskovich.htm | |
84. Asia Source: Policy & Government: Keesing Profiles GovernorGeneral .. dame Silvia cartwright Official Secretary .. MaryAnne Thompson Executive Assistant .. http://www.asiasource.org/policy/keesings/newzealand.cfm | |
85. Women In Math: Biographies Caldwell, Patricia A. Chang, Rosemary S. Chang, SunYung Alice S. (1948 - ) Chang, Sun-Yung Alice (1948-) Cox, Gertrude mary (1900-1978) Cox, Gertrude Cummings, Louise Duffield (1870-1947) Cunningham, Susan Jane (1842-1921) http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~wmnmath/People/Biographies/C.html | |
86. Untitled All Things cartwright. Links to interesting cartwright sites! Should your cartwrightsite be listed here? The voice of Bart Simpson Nancy cartwright! http://www.gis.net/~cartwright/cartlink.htm | |
87. Davila, Henrico Caterino, The Historie Of The Civill Warres Of longstanding gentry family. A famous scion was the mathematician DameMary cartwright (1900-1998)., Wing D 413. £750. This item is http://www.polybiblio.com/unsworth/10616.html |
88. BNM: Proyectos Translate this page CANTOR, GEORG. CANTOR, MORITZ. CARDANO, GIROLAMO. CARNOT, SADI. cartwright, DAMEMARY. CAUCHY, AUGUSTIN-LOUIS. CAVALIERI, BONAVENTURA. CAYLEY, ARTHUR. CHASLES, MICHEL. http://www.bnm.me.gov.ar/s/proyectos/hea/exposiciones/matematicas/aei.php | |
89. LMS Council Diary March 1999 Council welcomed warmly the proposal to host an annual lecture in memory of DameMary cartwright, which it is planned to launch early next year. Tony Scholl. http://www.lms.ac.uk/policy/old_councildiary.d/councildiary_jun99.html | |
90. Photos-warwick Tom McDonough, John Guckenheimer, Steve Smale, John Nohel, Trevor Hawkes Row 3 DameMary cartwright, Patrick Parks, Robert Roussarie, Francois Laudenbach Row 4 http://www.math.sunysb.edu/~tony/album/warwick.html | |
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