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21. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Index Of CHO chowla, Paromita, University of Colorado at Boulder, 1961. chowla, sarvadaman,University of Cambridge, 1931. chowla, Inder, University of Cambridge, 1942. http://genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/letter.phtml?letter=CHO |
22. Netgazette | Internal On-Line Newsletter For The Canisius College Community | Ap Acclaimed Mathematician Dr. James G. Huard, professor of mathematics, has editeda three volume work titled, Collected Papers of sarvadaman chowla. http://www2.canisius.edu/canhp/netgazette/Volume2/3.28.01/applauds.html | |
23. LIST OF BOOKS ( 14 ? ?N 2 ? 3 Huard, JG Williams, KS (Eds.), The Collected Papers of sarvadaman chowla, Vol. Huard,JG Williams, KS (Eds.), The Collected Papers of sarvadaman chowla, Vol. http://www.kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp/library/2003.2.3-1.html | |
24. IMUCC 109 BHN. ARF, Cahit. Born 1910; died 1997-12-26. IMUCC 109. chowla,sarvadaman (WDM 1-9 only}. Born 1907-11-22 *(1907-10-22 according http://wwwmaths.anu.edu.au/other/imu/109/imucc109.html | |
25. Www.cs.sunysb.edu/~algorith/biblio/testdata/erdos-number 3 1 CHEN, HANG 146 284 377 66 1 11 CHEN, ROBERT W. 311 67 3 20 CHINN, PHYLLIS ZWEIG71 153 184 68 3 0 CHOI, SLG 242 300 426 69 8 55 chowla, sarvadaman D. 12 23 http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~algorith/biblio/testdata/erdos-number | |
26. Members Of The School Of Mathematics CHOU, Arthur W. 198384. CHOVER, Joshua, 1955-56. CHOW, Wei-Liang, 1947-48, 1954-55.chowla, sarvadaman, 1948-49, 1957-58, 1970-73, 1980-81. CHRISS, Neil, 1994-95. http://www.math.ias.edu/cnames.html | |
27. Mathematical And Computer Sciences Library: New Books Received In December 2002 AUTHOR chowla, S. (sarvadaman), 1907 TITLE The collected papers of sarvadamanchowla / edited by James G. Huard and Kenneth S. Williams. http://library.stanford.edu/depts/mathcs/newbooks/NBDec02.html | |
28. Mathem_abbrev SunYung Chapman, Sydney Chebyshev, Pafnuty, Chern, Shiing-shen Chernikov, SergeiChi Tsu Ch'ung Chisholm Young, Grace chowla, sarvadaman Christoffel, Elwin http://www.pbcc.cc.fl.us/faculty/domnitcj/mgf1107/mathrep1.htm | |
29. List Of Mathematical Topics - Acapedia - Free Knowledge, For All Chisquare distribution Chinese remainder theorem Cholesky decomposition Chomsky hierarchy Chomsky, Noam chowla, sarvadaman chowla-Selberg http://acapedia.org/aca/List_of_mathematical_topics | |
30. V. edited by James G. Huard (Canisius College) and Kenneth S. Williams(Carleton University). THE COLLECTED PAPERS OF sarvadaman chowla. http://www.yurinsha.com/354/p7.htm | |
31. Bookshelf.html Ono, have edited the proceedings of a conference held at Penn State in 1997 in honorof two wellknown number theorists, Basil Gordon and sarvadaman chowla. http://www.psu.edu/ur/archives/intercom_1999/May20/bookshelf.html |
32. Cr.yp.to/bib/1947/chowla.tex \bib{1947/chowla} \yr 1947 \mr 9,332d \by sarvadaman D. chowla \by T. Vijayaraghavan\paper On the largest prime divisors of numbers \jour Journal of the http://cr.yp.to/bib/1947/chowla.tex |
33. Cr.yp.to/bib/1955/chowla.tex \bib{1955/chowla} \yr 1955 \mr 17,127l \by sarvadaman D. chowla \by William E.Briggs \paper On the number of positive integers $\le x$ all of whose prime http://cr.yp.to/bib/1955/chowla.tex |
34. Notre Dame Archives Index DIS003 1932; UDIS103/29 Folder Chojnacki, Ruth J. History 1943-; UDIS103/30Folder chowla, sarvadaman - Mathematics - empty; UDIS103 http://catholic.archives.nd.edu/findaids/ead/index/DIS003.htm | |
35. Notre Dame Archives Inventory: UDIS Bio C folder) Chow, Chuen Yen- Engineering - 1932 UDIS103/28 - (folder) chowla, sarvadaman- Mathematics empty UDIS103/30 - (folder) Christensen, Kenner A http://catholic.archives.nd.edu/udis-c.htm | |
36. Ram Murty - Publications By Year (1999) Vol. 10, p. 531545. 2000. The work of sarvadaman chowla (with V. Kumar Murtyand KS Williams), in the Collected Papers of sarvadaman chowla, CRM, 2000. http://www.mast.queensu.ca/~murty/index2.html | |
37. HISTORICAL THINGS IN NUMBER THEORY sarvadaman chowla (MacTutor) sarvadaman chowla (19071995) (NAMS). Harald Cramér(MacTutor); Nikolai Grigor'evich Chudakov (Obituary RMS 42 (1987) 161-162) http://www.mri.ernet.in/~mathweb/NTW/N14.html | |
38. Mike Cook's Erdös Number sarvadaman D. chowla and Paul Erdos have 3 joint papers, the first in 1950, withtheir connection documented in http//www.oakland.edu/~grossman/Erdos0. http://users.characterlink.net/The-Cookie-Jar/erdos.html | |
39. This Is Carleton - Faculty News Finally, the threevolume set of The Collected Papers of sarvadaman chowla editedby James G. Huard and Kenneth S. Williams was published by the Centre de http://www.carleton.ca/duc/tic/00/nov20/side3.htm | |
40. Untitled et. Approx., 28(2000), 155172. 47. The work of sarvadaman chowla, (with M. RamMurty and KS Williams), pp. 7-25, in The Collected Works of S. chowla, eds. http://www.math.toronto.edu/murty/cv2.html | |
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