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Clavius Christopher: more detail |
21. Christopher Clavius 20Aug-01 clavius Leaping Facts http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/educ_school/CI/3m/Christopher Clavius1.htm | |
22. Christopher Clavius http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/educ_school/CI/3m/clavius/frame.htm |
23. Knihovna Mìsta Police Nad Metují - Katalog Clavius Státní okresní archiv Semily katalog clavius. pro dotaz Autor zacíná Andrew, christopher , pocet záznamu 1 Dok, Autor, Název, Cást, Rok. http://www.svkli.cz/semily/lwww.dll?h~A=Andrew, Christopher |
24. Státní Okresní Archiv Semily - Catalogue Clavius Státní okresní archiv Semily catalogue clavius. query Author begin(s) Andrew, christopher , number of records 1 Doc, Author, Title, Part, Year. http://www.svkli.cz/semily/eng/lwww.dll?h~A=Andrew, Christopher |
25. Christopher Clavius (1537-1612) christopher clavius (15371612) Slide 1 of 11. http://www.d.umn.edu/~aroos/HTMLtrial/slide1.html | |
26. Galileo Trial Table of Contents. Select a slide or start at the beginning. christopher clavius(15371612); clavius comments on the Starry Messenger; Cardinal Bellarmine; http://www.d.umn.edu/~aroos/HTMLtrial/ | |
27. GGRENir: Thesaurus: P00149 Clauberg, Johannes / Clauberg, Ioannes / Clauberg, Johannes; clavius,christopher / clavius, Christophorus / clavius, Christoph; Colonna http://www.phil-hum-ren.uni-muenchen.de/GGRENirDB/ThP149.htm | |
28. GGRENir: Thesaurus: P00369 GGRENir Thesaurus item P00369. clavius, christopher.(clavius, Christophorus). ((clavius, Christoph)). http://www.phil-hum-ren.uni-muenchen.de/GGRENirDB/ThP369.htm | |
29. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Science (Renaissance) System; Brahe, Tycho Astronomer; clavius, christopher Astronomer, Mathematician;Comets Role in Changing Scientific Knowledge; Copernicus http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/His | |
30. Bigchalk: HomeworkCentral: Other (A-H) Biographies AH Other. Bethe, Hans; clavius, christopher (15371612);Fabricus, David (1564-1617); Hewish, Anthony; Hoyle, Fred. Privacy Policy http://www.bigchalk.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOPortal.woa/Homework/High_School/Sci | |
31. Martin, Benjamin: Biographia Philosophica Dominicus Celsus, Aurelius Cornelius Chales, Claudius Francis De Cherubin, LepereCicero, Marcus Tullius Clarke, Samuel clavius, christopher Cleomedes Clerc http://www.press.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/hfs.cgi/00/15277.ctl | |
32. Martayan Lan Rare Books ed. clavius, christopher. The work was edited and annotated by the leadingJesuit astronomer of the Collegio Romano, christopher clavius. http://www.martayanlan.com/cgi-bin/display.cgi/Books/4/28/23/584 | |
33. Martayan Lan Rare Books MAUROLYCO, Francesco. ed. clavius, christopher. Photismi de lumine umbra ad perspectivam, radiorum incidentiam facientes. Naples, Tarquinio Longi, 1611. http://www.martayanlan.com/cgi-bin/display.cgi/Books/4/28/23 | |
34. On Time: Today's Calendar And The Jesuits Looking back reveals a struggle for our current calendar's acceptance and thestory of christopher clavius, a sixteenthcentury Jesuit who worked hard to http://www.companysj.com/v172/ontime.html | |
35. Vatican Observatory - Personnel And Research christopher J. Corbally, SJ. Vice Director of the Vatican Observatory for VORGtel (520) 6213225. Louis, he formed the clavius Group of mathematicians. http://clavius.as.arizona.edu/vo/research.html | |
36. Knihovna ÚMV / Library Of IIR - Catalogue Clavius Knihovna ÚMV / Library of IIR catalogue clavius. Eva Cimbala,Stephen J. Cincotta,HowardCipollone,Diana Belinda Cislak,Jaroslaw Clapham,christopher Clark,Ian http://www.iir.cz/clavius/eng/clslac.htm | |
37. Knihovna ÚMV / Library Of IIR - Katalog Clavius Knihovna ÚMV / Library of IIR katalog clavius. Eva Cimbala,Stephen J. Cincotta,HowardCipollone,Diana Belinda Cislak,Jaroslaw Clapham,christopher Clark,Ian http://www.iir.cz/clavius/clslac.htm | |
38. Christopher J Corbally Annual Report 1998 christopher J Corbally 1998. Faculty 520621-3225 Homepage http//clavius.as.arizona.edu/voccorbally@as.arizona.edu. Publications 1998. http://www.as.arizona.edu/steward/annrep98/Christopher_Corbally.html |
39. Krajská Knihovna Vysoèiny Havlíèkùv Brod - Katalog Clavius Krajská knihovna Vysociny Havlíckuv Brod katalog clavius. Shuchi Aichele,DietmarAichinger,Ilse,1921- Aiken,Joan,1924- Ailsby,christopher Aimová,Marcela http://www.kkvysociny.cz/clavius/clslaa.htm | |
40. Krajská Knihovna Vysoèiny Havlíèkùv Brod - Catalogue Clavius Krajská knihovna Vysociny Havlíckuv Brod catalogue clavius. Aichele,DietmarAichinger,Ilse,1921- Aiken,Joan,1924- Ailsby,christopher Aimová,Marcela http://www.kkvysociny.cz/clavius/eng/clslaa.htm | |
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