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         Coriolis Gustave De:     more detail
  1. French Engineers: Émile Baudot, Pierre Schaeffer, Gaspard-Gustave Coriolis, Villard de Honnecourt, Charles Deutsch, Robert Choulet
  2. Large yield intensive culture: How 80,000 pounds of potatoes, 55 bushels of wheat, 135 bushels of oats and 80 bushels of barley may be produced, to the ... a new system of culture introduced in Canada by Gustave de Coriolis, 1907
  3. Theorie Mathematique des Effets du Jeu de Billard (Billiards). by Gaspard-Gustave de. CORIOLIS, 1835

41. Untitled Document
Gaspardgustave de coriolis. Background Information Born in Juneof 1792, Gaspard-gustave de coriolis gained recognition through
Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis Background Information Born in June of 1792, Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis gained recognition through multiple accomplishments involved with the laws of motion and several publications of mathematical theory. Dealing with extremely poor health, Coriolis was raised and educated in Nancy, France, after which he attended the Ecole Polytechnique in 1808. Upon graduating, he furthered his education at the Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees (School of Bridges and Sidewalks) and continued forward with the "engineering corps." Certain conditions required Coriolis to support his family by accepting a position tutoring analysis at the school which he had formerly attended, the Ecole Polytechnique. Following his employment at the alma mater, he became a mechanics professor at the Ecole Centrale Des Artes et Manufactures, where he also became enwrapped in research. Coriolis later returned to the Ecole Des Ponts et Chaussees, also as a professor in applied mechanics, yet more so concentrating on the research he was already deeply invested in. He was promoted several times, holding positions such as chair of the school, "Academie de Sciences," and director of studies. Eventually, his health conditions denied him the opportunity to continue with the positions and responsibilities that he had taken on and soon after, he died. The following are his two most reputable works:

42. Mount Washington Observatory: Coriolis Force
gustave Gaspard de coriolis lived from 1792 to 1843. He was a smartguy. Using just a pen, paper and mathematics, he figured out
Gustave Gaspard de Coriolis lived from 1792 to 1843.
He was a smart guy. Using just a pen, paper and mathematics, he figured out why the wind turns, curves, and goes around in circles. It is because of a force called - what else - the Coriolis force. Monsieur Coriolis figured out something basic, but tricky to understand. To make it easier, here you can explore the Coriolis force with gadgets, games, and stories. What's up with the Coriolis force? Find out here! To continue with this you will need the Macromedia Shockwave Player plug-in installed on your computer. If you do not already have Shockwave you can download it for free from
Once you have Shockwave installed you are ready to roll. Just click here and let the fun begin . . . If you have comments or suggestions about this learning module please email us Minimum requirements for using the Shockwave Player with this web activity on your computer are:
A Pentium 166 running Windows 95, Windows NT version 4.0 or later OR
A Power PC 120 Macintosh running system 8.1 or later.

43. Encyclopædia Britannica
Gaspard gustave de coriolis University of St.Andrews, Scotland Brief introductionto the life and works of this French mathematician known for describing Ysambert

44. Science/Coriolis Force/coriolis Force Tyson Debunking
We owe our detailed understanding of the effect to the French engineer and mathematicianGaspard gustave de coriolis, who, in 1835, described the laws of
The AFU and Urban Legend Archive

Coriolis Force

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I am often asked by students whether their toilet bowls will flush clockwise or counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. This would, of course, be important information if you were ever kidnapped and blindfolded and dropped off in a strange land. If we assume a commode of conventional size, then this "toilet bowl test" will fail because the answer lies in the manufacturer's design. But if your toilet bowl were a few hundred miles in diameter, then the Coriolis force of the rotating Earth would easily overcome the random water currents and force the bowl to empty its contents in a counterclockwise swirl. If you had Southern Hemisphere friends with an equally large toilet, then theirs would indeed empty in the opposite (clockwise) direction. The circulation within oversized flush toilets is a natural consequence of of motion on the surface of an object that rotates. We owe our detailed understanding of the effect to the French engineer and mathematician Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis, who, in 1835, described the laws of mechanics in a rotating reference frame.

45. Portes Ouvertes Sur Le Navire De Recherche Océanographique "Coriolis II"
Translate this page Ce navire a été nommé en l'honneur de gustave Gaspard coriolis, un mathématicienfrançais (1792-1843), dont le théorème de cinématique a joué un rôle

7 novembre 2002
Portes ouvertes sur le "Coriolis II"
Coriolis II sera à Québec demain, le 8 novembre, pour une opération "portes ouvertes". Entre 13 h et 17 h, le bateau sera amarré au quai 19 du Bassin Louise (près de l'écluse), pour y recevoir les visiteurs. Des étudiants et des chercheurs, qui utilisent le navire pour leurs travaux de recherche, expliqueront à quoi sert tout l'équipement qui s'y trouve et comment se déroule la vie à bord pendant les missions scientifiques.
Le Coriolis II
Coriolis II
à Québec marque "le début d'une ère nouvelle, où la communauté scientifique uvrant dans le milieu marin a enfin accès à un équipement régional de qualité internationale", souligne Jacques Locat, professeur au Département de géologie et de génie géologique. Ce dernier rêve d'ailleurs du jour où tous les étudiants intéressés auront la chance de participer à un séjour de formation en océanographie à bord du Coriolis II

46. Baptême Du Navire Océanographique Coriolis II
Translate this page Le navire a été nommé en l'honneur de gustave Gaspard coriolis, un mathématicienfrançais (1792-1843), connu pour un théorème de cinématique, qui joue

17 octobre 2002
L'Université Laval a déjà été propriétaire d'un navire de recherche dans les années 1970. Lorsque le vieux remorqueur a rendu l'âme, les chercheurs ont dû se résigner à louer des bateaux pour mener leurs expéditions de recherche sur le Saint-Laurent. "Le résultat est qu'on faisait moins d'océanographie au Québec", résume Louis Fortier, professeur au Département de biologie et directeur du Groupe interuniversitaire de recherche océanographique du Québec (GIROQ). "En devenant propriétaire d'un navire, on a plus de contrôle sur le service, et les coûts d'utilisation sont moins élevés." Basé à Rimouski, le Coriolis II sera géré par Reformar, un organisme à but non lucratif créé par le consortium universitaire.

47. Coriolis
Physics Faces. Gaspard gustave de coriolis (17921843). “coriolisentered the Ecole Polytechnique in 1808. After graduation he served
Physics Faces Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis “Coriolis entered the Ecole Polytechnique in 1808. After graduation he served for several years in the corps of engineers (of the Ponts et Chausees). In 1816 he started his teaching career. He was an attentive, effective and solicitous teacher. He was also a bachelor and invalid. As a result of studying formulations of dynamical problems in rotating machinery he was led to consider the effect of changes of coordinate systems in analytical mechanics. The result of these studies was presented to the Academie des Sciences on June 6, 1831. A French oceanographic vessel was named after hin in 1963.” From: An Introduction to the Coriolis Force by H. Stommel and D. Moore, Columbia Univ. Press, 1989.

48. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries
This phenomenon is caused by the rotation of the earth and is called the coriolisforce, after the Frenchman gustaveGaspard de coriolis (1792-1843) who
Welcome to the ThinkQuest Internet Challenge of Entries
The web site you have requested, Wind, the invisible force , is one of over 4000 student created entries in our Library. Before using our Library, please be sure that you have read and agreed to our To learn more about ThinkQuest. You can browse other ThinkQuest Library Entries To proceed to Wind, the invisible force click here Back to the Previous Page The Site you have Requested ...
Wind, the invisible force
click here to view this site
A ThinkQuest Internet Challenge 2000 Entry
Click image for the Site Languages : Site Desciption Wind: the invisible force is divided into three main-topics, Development, Hurricanes and Tornadoes. They are supported by the three topics Terms, Interactive and About. In the development section, the user will be informed by the plain way how wind works, how the different forces combined together make the wind that blows right now. In the hurricane section we'll dive furder in the theory of wind. You'll get there an explanation about how a hurricane works, using the forces you learned in the development section. Ofcourse, there are also some "fun"-topics with less educational information, but more interesting to read. The Tornado section is build the same way.
Students Sjoerd Sg. St. Canisius

49. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries
Dit wordt veroorzaakt dppr de draaiing van de aarde en wordt de coriolis krachtgenoemd, naar de Fransman gustaveGaspard de coriolis (1792-1843), die het
Welcome to the ThinkQuest Internet Challenge of Entries
The web site you have requested, Wind, the invisible force , is one of over 4000 student created entries in our Library. Before using our Library, please be sure that you have read and agreed to our To learn more about ThinkQuest. You can browse other ThinkQuest Library Entries To proceed to Wind, the invisible force click here Back to the Previous Page The Site you have Requested ...
Wind, the invisible force
click here to view this site
A ThinkQuest Internet Challenge 2000 Entry
Click image for the Site Languages : Site Desciption Wind: the invisible force is divided into three main-topics, Development, Hurricanes and Tornadoes. They are supported by the three topics Terms, Interactive and About. In the development section, the user will be informed by the plain way how wind works, how the different forces combined together make the wind that blows right now. In the hurricane section we'll dive furder in the theory of wind. You'll get there an explanation about how a hurricane works, using the forces you learned in the development section. Ofcourse, there are also some "fun"-topics with less educational information, but more interesting to read. The Tornado section is build the same way.
Students Sjoerd Sg. St. Canisius

50. Links
Links. Gaspard gustave de coriolis. La force de coriolis. La physique et la Terre.Summer school The fluid dynamics of coastal seas, closed basins and lakes.
Links Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis La force de Coriolis La physique et la Terre Summer school: The fluid dynamics of coastal seas, closed basins and lakes
Our partner sites CIVPROJECT.ORG CIV web site providing complete PIV software under GPL license. Ocean circulation, eddies, gravity waves, sediment transport. M.E.O.M. Modeling of meso-and large-scale oceanic flows Houle Gravity waves and sediment Transport Coriolis Experimental modeling of geophysical flows including earth rotation effects together with stratification and topography. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble Sites of Our Collaborators CMO Laboratoire de Physique Quantique Université de Toulouse Hydralab WL/delft hydraulics TMR Training and Mobility of Researchers CANIGO CAN ary I slands Azores G ibraltar O bservations
of the EU-MASRIII program University of Dundee Department of Civil Engineering IFM
University of South California
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Arizona State University Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Translate this page gustave Gaspard coriolis était un mathématicien français (1792-1843) connu pourun théorème de mécanique qui joue un rôle fondamental dans l'étude des
L'UQAR baptise
le navire interuniversitaire de recherche
Bertrand Blanchet Suzanne Duval
, de la Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation (FCI); M. Pierre Roberge Jacques Baril Solange Charest Danielle Doyer Suzanne Tremblay Michel Tremblay , maire de Rimouski; M. , capitaine du navire; Mme Francine Julien Pierre Couture , recteur de l'UQAR; M. Serge Demers
" L'investissement de la FCI vise à appuyer l'innovation au Canada en procurant des installations de pointe à nos leaders de la recherche ", de dire M. David Strangway , président-directeur général de la Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation. " Leurs travaux contribueront sans aucun doute à l'amélioration de la qualité de vie des Canadiens. "
Coriolis II
Le Coriolis II Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation
Jacques Baril
, que le Coriolis II contribuera à l'avenir maritime du Québec, un avenir sur lequel on peut fonder de beaux espoirs. " En effet, depuis un an, un vent d'optimisme souffle sur le milieu maritime avec l'entrée en scène de la première Politique nationale de transport maritime et fluvial. Cet outil de développement sans précédent, issu d'un consensus des partenaires du milieu, a mobilisé l'industrie maritime autour d'axes d'intervention prioritaires pour l'essor du Québec " de dire le ministre Baril.
Le nom du bateau
. Gustave Gaspard Coriolis
Isabelle Laurion
Gaston Desrosiers

52. Coriolis Effect - Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis
coriolis Effect by gustave-Gaspard coriolis. coriolis effect is an inertial force discovered by the French engineer
Coriolis Effect - by Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis
Coriolis effect is an inertial force discovered by the French engineer-mathematician Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis in 1835. Coriolis Effect is the apparent acceleration of a moving body on or near the Earth as a result of the Earth's rotation. This interactive illustrates coriolis effect
Find science fair projects ideas using the coriolis effect.
Coriolis Effect multimedia interactive is a
learning resource by: EOA Scientific Systems a developer of educational software
the Science SchoolHouse Network , and the Internet Campus for interactive multimedia
EOA Scientific owns and operates brand web sites:,
a homeschooling resource in science and Science Fair Projects Ideas
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Toll Free: 1-888-666-6362, Facsimile: 1 (902) 477-6834

53. Coriolis Gaspard
coriolis, gustave Gaspard. Physicien et mathématicien français 17921843.
Coriolis, Gustave Gaspard. Newton. On lui doit aussi les notions de travail et d'

54. The Coriolis Force
In 1835, gustaveGaspard coriolis, a French scientist, first described mathematically what's going on, giving his name
The Coriolis Force Since the globe is rotating, any movement on the Northern hemisphere is diverted to the right, if we look at it from our own position on the ground. (In the southern hemisphere it is bent to the left). This apparent bending force is known as the Coriolis force . (Named after the French mathematician Gustave Gaspard Coriolis 1792-1843). It may not be obvious to you that a particle moving on the northern hemisphere will be bending towards the right.
Consider this red cone moving southward in the direction of the tip of the cone.
The earth is spinning, while we watch the spectacle from a camera fixed in outer space. The cone is moving straight towards the south.
Below, we show the same image with the camera locked on to the globe. Look at the same situation as seen from a point above the North Pole. We have fixed the camera, so that it rotates with the earth.
Watch closely, and you will notice that the red cone is veering in a curve towards the right as it moves. The reason why it is not following the direction in which the cone is pointing is, of course, that we as observers are rotating along with the globe.
Below, we show the same image,with the camera fixed in outer space, while the earth rotates.

55. Encyclopædia Britannica
coriolis, gustaveGaspard Encyclopædia Britannica Article. MLA style coriolis,gustave-Gaspard. 2003 Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service.

56. Encyclopædia Britannica
coriolis, gustaveGaspard French engineer and mathematician who first describedthe coriolis force, an effect of motion on a rotating body, of paramount

57. Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis - Encyclopedia Article From
Search gustaveGaspard coriolis at for the Web's best sites, news and magazine articles, and related
Search Gustave-Gaspard Coriolis at for the Web's best sites, news and magazine articles, and related products. To view the complete article, sign up for Britannica's premium service -
Coriolis, Gustave-Gaspard
Coriolis, detail of a portrait by Zphirin Belliard, 19th century, a ... b. May 21, 1792, Paris
d. Sept. 19, 1843, Paris French engineer and mathematician who first described the Coriolis force , an effect of motion on a rotating body, of paramount importance to meteorology, ballistics, and oceanography. Need more? Complete articles are available to premium service members. Information on site licenses is also available.
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58. Famous People
Civita Tullio Levi Cockroft John CohenTannoudji Compton Arthur Cooper Leon ClausiusRudolf Clebsch Alfred Copernicus Nicholaus coriolis gustave Cornell Eric
A B C Adams John
Airy George

Alferov Zhores

Alfven Hannes
... Odkazy

59. Coriolis, Gaspard-Gustave (1792-1843) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientif
coriolis, Gaspardgustave (1792-1843), This entry contributed by MichelBarran. French mathematician who entered the École Polytechnique

Branch of Science
Mathematicians Branch of Science Physicists ... Barran
Coriolis, Gaspard-Gustave (1792-1843)

This entry contributed by Michel Barran Cauchy Navier Dulong Coriolis studied mechanics and engineering mathematics, in particular friction hydraulics , machine performance, and ergonomics. He introduced the terms ` work and ` kinetic energy with their present scientific meaning. It is not the ideas of 'work' for which Coriolis is best remembered, however, rather it is for the Coriolis force which appears in the paper "Sur les équations du mouvement relatif des systèmes de corps" (1835). In this paper, Coriolis showed that the laws of motion could be used in a rotating frame of reference if an extra force called the Coriolis acceleration is added to the equations of motion. The theorem enunciated by him regarding relative motions has found numerous applications, particularly in the case of motion on the surface of the Earth (e.g., the deviation toward the east of falling bodies, the apparent rotation of the plane of vibration of a Foucault pendulum etc.).

60. Editions Jacques Gabay - Gaspard-Gustave CORIOLIS
Translate this page Gaspard-gustave coriolis. Gaspard-gustave coriolis. 1792 - 1843. Au cataloguedes Editions Jacques Gabay coriolis Théorie mathématique Gaspard-Gustave

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