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61. The New England Journal Of Skepticism- THe Newsletter Of The New England Skeptic Many other scientists since then have supported similar simplifying principles includingphysicist nicole dOresme, Galileo Galilei and even Albert Einstein http://www.theness.com/newsletter.html | |
62. életrajzok: O segítségével. Hozzájárult a törtfogalom kialakulásához. ORESME,nicole (Oresmicus) (1320?1382. július 11.) francia matematikus. http://www.iif.hu/~visontay/ponticulus/eletrajzok/o.html | |
63. Thèse : Logique Et Théorie De La Connaissance Selon Nicolas DAutrécourt, Je Translate this page Le cas le plus intéressant est sans doute celui dOresme qui, à bien De fait,nicole Oresme semble souvent montrer une moindre confiance que Buridan dans http://www.cesr.univ-tours.fr/Recherche/description_these.asp?num_these=50 |
64. History Of Astronomy Medieval. Omar Kahyyam; Omar Kahyyam's The Rubaiyat; William of Ockham;nicole dOresme; Oresme's On the Heavens . Renaissance 18th Century. http://www.cerritos.edu/ladkins/a106/history_list_4.htm | |
65. Le Traité Des Configurations Des Mouvements Et Des Formes Translate this page rappelle dune certaine façon la méthode de traduction de nicole Oresme, ence Le procédé dOresme est justifié par le fait que les concepts quil http://wwwrc.obs-azur.fr/cerga/hdsn/Psouffrin/Belles_Lettres/Belles_Lettres_rema | |
66. Box 2 17071778 Chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur. 17371798 MathematicianNicole d'oresme. 18031873 Biologist Luigi Galvani. http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v18/n1/box/nbt0100_108_BX2.html |
67. Encyclopædia Britannica Includes a biography, tour schedule, and audio samples. nicole d' OresmeUniversity of St Andrews Brief biography of this French mathematician. http://search.britannica.com/search?query=nicole kidman&fuzzy=N&ct=igv&start=6&s |
68. Kuhn--general Physics Timeline nicole dOresme. Dec 1996. 22 Sept. 2000. School of Mathematicsand Statistics University of St. Andrews, Scotland. http//www http://www.susqu.edu/facstaff/h/hastings/Physicsline.htm | |
69. So Biografias: Britanicos Em O Translate this page Oort, Jan Hendrik Oparin, Aleksandr Ivanovitch Oppenheimer, Julius Robert d'Orbigny,Alcide Dessalines, Orellana, Francisco de dOresme, nicole Orígenes, o http://www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/LetraOB.html | |
70. So Biografias: Nomes Com Inicial N Translate this page Kopernik, Kopernikus Nicolaus Kaufmann ou Mercator Nicolaus Steno, também chamadoNiels Steensen ou Niels Stensen nicole dOresme Nicollo Fontana ou http://www.sobiografias.hpg.ig.com.br/LetraN.html | |
71. Cool Quiz! Trivia, Quizzes, Puzzles, Jokes, Useless Knowledge, Joan of Arc French heroine. Charlemagne Holy Roman emperor. nicole d'OresmeMathematician. H. Norman Schwartzkopf Military. Euell Gibbons Naturalist. http://www.coolquiz.com/trivia/didyouknow/lefthand.asp | |
72. Mathematical Printed Collection in the collection include the 13thcentury redactor Johannes Campanus, with editionsfrom 1490 onwards; the Aristotelian scholar nicole DOresme, Bishop of http://rylibweb.man.ac.uk/data2/spcoll/maths/ | |
73. Earliest Uses Of Symbols Of Operation nicole d' Oresme (13231382) may have used a figure which looks like a plussymbol as an abbreviation for the Latin et (meaning and ) in Algorismus http://members.aol.com/jeff570/operation.html | |
74. Robert Wagner - About Ockham's Razor Likewise, in science, nicole dOresme, a 14thcentury French physicist, invokedthe law of economy, as did Galileo later, in defending the simplest http://www1.physik.tu-muenchen.de/~rwagner/me/ockhams_razor.html | |
75. Porro, Pasquale (ed.), The Medieval Concept Of Time. Translate this page Nicola dOresme cercherà invece di evitare tanto il realismo ingenuo quanto ilriduzionismo visione Dei S. Caroti, Time and modi rerum in nicole Oresmes http://www.swif.uniba.it/lei/recensioni/crono/2002-10/porro.htm | |
76. Untitled Document Translate this page degrés dêtre chez nicole Oresme, Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 8, 1998,45-65. p.123.- Un aspect de lontologie dOresme léquivocité de http://www.univ-lille3.fr/www/Recherche/set/CONTRATpublications.html | |
77. Quest-ce Que Cest Pour Moi La Philosophie Translate this page nicole Oresme inventeur de la Géométrie analytique », on lit nicole Oresme n etc,dans lesquelles se montre de façon remarquable lintuition dOresme. http://www.univ-lille3.fr/www/Recherche/set/sem/Celeyrette130202.html | |
78. Oresme nicole d' Oresme. Born 1323 in Allemagne (W of Riez), France Died 11 July1382 in Lisieux, France. Click the picture above to see a larger version http://www.math.hcmuns.edu.vn/~algebra/history/history/Mathematicians/Oresme.htm |
79. What Is The Harmonic Series Around the same time, in 1350 to be exact nicole d Oresme was thefirst mathematician to use a graphical procedure for a proof. http://www.frc.mass.edu/smabrouk/calculus_III/History_Student_Web_Pages/Gardner_ | |
80. HTML Document For The World Wide Web concept of natural motion in that impetus is not intrinsic to the object nor doesit produce motion in a particular direction (2) nicole d' Oresme 13251382 http://www.wfu.edu/~hhardgra/scirev.htm | |
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