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41. Manuscript Name And Subject Index "D" DARWIN, CG, SEE, dirac, paul ADRIEN MAURIC, DAUGHTERS OF THE AMER.REV,SEE, HOLLAND, SPESSARD LINDSEY, dirac, BETTY, SEE, dirac, paul ADRIEN MAURIC, http://www.fsu.edu/~speccoll/subja-z/subjd.htm | |
42. Biografía - Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice dirac, PaulAdrien Maurice Nacionalidad Reino Unido bristol 8-8-1902 - 1984. http://www.artehistoria.com/historia/personajes/7827.htm | |
43. Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice HUTCHINSON ENCYCLOPEDIA. dirac, paul Adrien Maurice. English physicist who workedout a version of quantum mechanics consistent with special relativity. http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0003586.html | |
44. Dirac Origin paul Adrien Maurice dirac. Born 8 Aug 1902 in Bristol, Gloucestershire,England Died 20 Oct 1984 in Tallahassee, Florida, USA. http://physics.hallym.ac.kr/reference/physicist/Dirac.html | |
45. P.A.M. Dirac 1. paul Adrien Maurice dirac (19021984), known as PAM dirac, wasthe fifteenth Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge. http://physics.hallym.ac.kr/reference/physicist/dirac_paul.html | |
46. Dirac Centennial Celebration Public lectures Monica dirac, paul dirac My Father . Edward Witten, The Search for Supersymmetry . Sir Michael Atiyah, The Mystery of Spin . http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/dirac/ | |
47. Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice encyclopediaEncyclopedia dirac, paul Adrien Maurice, dirak' PronunciationKey. dirac, paul Adrien Maurice , 190284, English physicist. http://print.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0815603.html | |
48. Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac Micro-biography dirac, paul Adrien Maurice, Date and Place of Birth, 8 August 1902. Bristol,England. Parents, Charles Adrien Ladislas dirac. Florence Hannah Holten, http://m2.ph.man.ac.uk/livarch/biogs/Dirac.biog.html | |
49. Zientzia Eta Teknologiaren Ataria 1995/08/02 Azkune Mendia, Iñaki Kaltzada, Pili. dirac, paul. (19021984).Fisikari britainiar hau Bristol-en (Gloucestershire-n) jaio zen 1902. http://www.zientzia.net/artikulua.asp?Artik_kod=2417 |
50. PaulDirac Translate this page paul dirac received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933 at the age of 31. ImAlter von 31 Jahren bekam paul dirac 1933 den Nobelpreis für Physik. http://www.dirac.ch/PaulDirac.html | |
51. Dirac dirac, paul Adrien Maurice. (19021984). Anglický fyzik, jeden z hlavníchtvurcu kvantové teorie 20. století. Poloil základy http://www.aldebaran.cz/famous/people/Dirac_Paul_Adrien_Maurice.html | |
52. Dirac, Paul AM, Definition From AP Dictionary Of Science And dirac, paul AM. General science 19021984, English physicist; shared NobelPrize for developing wave mechanics and predicting existence of positron. http://www.academicpress.com/inscight/11251998/dirac-p1.htm |
53. Dirac Translate this page paul Adrien Maurice dirac. dirac, paul Adrien Maurice (1902-1984),britischer Physiker und Nobelpreisträger. dirac wurde in Bristol http://www.bingo-ev.de/~kg666/verschie/physiker/dirac.htm | |
54. Paul Dirac: The Man And His Work (Pais, Jacob, Olive, Atiyah) In 1995, eleven years after his death, a plaque to paul dirac was dedicatedin Westminster Abbey paul dirac The Man and His Work. http://dannyreviews.com/h/Paul_Dirac.html | |
55. Biografía De Paul Dirac Translate this page paul Adrien Maurice dirac, Nacido el 08 de agosto de 1902 paul dirac se enfrentóal desafío. Como su auténtica lengua eran las matemáticas http://www.astrocosmo.cl/biografi/b-p_dirac.htm | |
56. PhysicsWeb - Dirac, Einstein And Physics Antonino Zichichi argues that the discoveries made by paul dirac had a much biggerimpact on the science of the 20th century than those of Albert Einstein. http://physicsweb.org/article/world/13/3/2 | |
57. PhysicsWeb - Paul Dirac: The Purest Soul In Physics paul dirac the purest soul in physics Feature February 1998. Nobel biography.1933 Nobel Prize in Physics. paul dirac. IOP honours paul dirac. Related stories. http://physicsweb.org/article/world/11/2/9 | |
58. Centenário Do Nascimento De Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac Centenário do nascimento de paul Adrien Maurice dirac, paul dirac's father wasCharles Adrien Ladislas dirac and his mother was Florence Hannah Holten. http://www.lip.pt/~outreach/dirac/dirac_ing.htm | |
59. Centenário Do Nascimento De Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac Translate this page Centenário do nascimento de paul Adrien Maurice dirac, Nascido a Florida,USA. paul dirac teve dois irmãos, sendo paul o do meio. http://www.lip.pt/~outreach/dirac/dirac.htm | |
60. Interview With Paul Adrian Maurice Dirac - F. David Peat paul dirac discusses the importance of aesthetics and beauty in theoreticalphysics. He It can only be paul dirac (1902). Like http://www.fdavidpeat.com/interviews/dirac.htm | |
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