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61. Traffic Management And Analysis; Traffic Theory Page3 dimensionless. The unit of traffic flow is erlang, abbreviated E, inhonor of the Danish pioneer traffic theorist agner Krarup erlang. http://www.online.kth.se/courses/common/2g1319/content/tma/traffic_theory3.html | |
62. Telecommunications Users Association What is an erlang? agner Krarup erlang was a mathematician at theturn of the last Century (1878 1929). His work in calculating http://www.tua.co.uk/faqa.htm |
63. ProfiTel Call Center - Call Center Glossar Translate this page erlang, agner Krarup (1878-1929) Dänischer Ingenieur, der Anfang des letzten Jahrhundertsbei der Telefongesellschaft in Kopenhagen angestellt war und die http://www.profitel.de/inhalt/glossar/e.html | |
64. Sommaire General Du Centre D Appels Lettres D-F Translate this page erlang, Du nom de lingénieur danois agner Krarup erlang, unité de trafic (essentiellementtéléphonique) correspondant à loccupation dune voie de http://www.digiway.fr/Html/glossairedf.htm | |
65. Nationalencyklopedin På Internet, NE.se - NE.se Söksida Läs mer Källa Nationalencyklopedin. 2. erlang, agner Krarup erlang ,agnerKrarup, 18781929, dansk ingenjör. Läs mer Källa Nationalencyklopedin. http://www.ne.se/jsp/tradedoubler/search.jsp?t_word=Erlang |
66. Nationalencyklopedin På Internet, NE.se - NE.se Söksida Träffar ur Nationalencyklopedin (11 av 1) 1. erlang, agner Krarup erlang ,agnerKrarup, 1878-1929, dansk ingenjör. Läs mer Källa Nationalencyklopedin. http://www.ne.se/jsp/tradedoubler/search.jsp?t_word=Agner Krarup Erlang |
67. Imco It Management Solutions agner Krarup erlang født i 1878 i Lønborg i Jylland, var en af første i verdender studerede problemer i telefonnetværk. Køer, mistede kald mm. http://www.imco.dk/services_helpdesk_bemanding.html | |
68. Www.fagboginfo.dk - A.K. Erlang Og Teletrafikken Om matematikeren agner Krarup erlangs (18781929) liv og bedrifter herunder hansudvikling lagt stor vægt på at komme så tæt på mennesket erlang, som det http://www.fagboginfo.dk/lunulen/lnulenf.htm | |
69. Agner Krarup Erlang (1878 - 1929) agner Krarup erlang (1878 1929). AK erlang was the first person tostudy the problem of telephone networks. By studying a village http://www2.ittu.edu.tm/math/ttm-math/mathematics/mat dergi/mat dergisi/issue2/e |
70. Help-Line, Conseil Et Externalisation De Centre D'appels Translate this page erlang Du nom de lingénieur danois agner Krarup erlang, unité de trafic (essentiellementtéléphonique) correspondant à loccupation dune voie de http://web.helpline.fr/pagesite/lexique_e.asp | |
71. Untitled agner erlang byl potomkem Thomase Finckeho z matciny strany. Jeho otecbyl reditelem koly a erlang zde získal základní vzdelání. http://natura.baf.cz/natura/2003/2/20030206.html | |
72. Commentary: Mathematics Of Lines From Bill Hammack's Engineering & Life Radio Pr a branch of engineering called queuing theory. It began in 1909 at the CopenhagenTelephone Company when an engineer there, agner Krarup erlang, figured out http://www.engineerguy.com/comm/4022.htm | |
73. Electronic Design - October 4, 1999 Volume 47, Number 20 - Where have we seen this problem before? agner erlang began workingon it in the early 1900s at Bell Laboratories. He analyzed how http://www.elecdesign.com/1999/oct0499/ql/1004qlp9.shtml | |
74. Telecommunications Information Gateway - The Voice Path II - Faces From The Past Crystal. Emile Baudot, The Baudot Code as in Baud Rate. agner erlang,Telecom Traffic Analysis. Alan Turing, MicroProcessor - Code Breaker. http://www.celticrover.com/bgtt/voicepath2.asp | |
75. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page 276 - 197 v. Chr.) Erdelyi, Arthur (2.11.1908 - 12.12.1977) Erdös, Paul (26.3.1913- 20.9.1996) erlang, agner Krarup (1.1.1878 - 3.2.1929) Escher, Maurits http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
76. Neue Seite 1 Translate this page Erdös, Paul (26.3.1913 - 20.9.1996). erlang, agner Krarup (1.1.1878- 3.2.1929). Escher, Maurits Cornelis (17.6.1898 - 27.3.1972). http://www.mathe-ecke.de/mathematiker.htm | |
77. Traffic Modeling In Call Centers in the telephone industry and many of the theories still in use today were developedbetween 1909 and 1917 by the Danish mathematician agner Krarup erlang. http://www.diagnosticstrategies.com/traffic_modeling.htm | |
78. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page 386) Eötvös, Lórand von (159*) Epstein, Paul (660*) Eratosthenes of Cyrene (1743)Erdélyi, Arthur (589*) Erdös, Paul (2168*) erlang, agner (409*), Escher http://www.maththinking.com/boat/mathematicians.html | |
79. Certis Technologies Inc. -- Introduction To Traffic Engineering The international unit of traffic is the erlang, named after the Danish mathematician,agner Krarup erlang, who laid the foundation to traffic theory in the http://www.certis.com/support/trafficintro.htm | |
80. Call Center Misc. reading, research, and related links, call center help desk, miscellaneous, In 1917, agner Karup erlang, a Danish mathematician who worked for the http://www.consociates.com/pages/C1dcallctr_misc.html | |
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