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61. Plato And Platonism eudoxus of cnidusauthor of the doctrine of proportion expounded in Euclid's Elements,inventor of the method of finding the areas and volumes of curvilinear http://www.msu.org/ethics/content_ethics/texts/plato/plato_eb.htm | |
62. History Of Mathematics Although eudoxus of cnidus later solved the dilemma by working out a theory ofproportion, after Pythagoras's time Greek mathematics became essentially http://pratt.edu/~arch543p/help/history_of_mathematics.html | |
63. 370 BCE eudoxus of cnidus devises calendars using zodiac with 12 equal zodiacsigns. Invents geometrical theory of proportion. He had built http://www.astarotology.com/timeline/timeline/370_BCEx.html | |
64. Sample Template eudoxus of cnidus eudoxus of cnidus was the son of Aischines. Hewas born on 408 BC in Cnidus, Asia Minor (now Turkey.) He died http://www.fallcreek.k12.wi.us/fcmiddle/departments/Math/Mlsna/7/Eudoxus4.htm |
65. Winter Constellations: Asterisms And Constellations The first complete description of the constellations was by eudoxus of cnidus in366 BC Most people think Eudoxus' writings are the main source of the legends http://members.aol.com/ckckside/reports/constellation/astrob.htm | |
66. LUNATIC REORGANIZES HEAVENS Some lunatic named eudoxus of cnidus, (there have been whisperings from the oracleat Delphi that Cnidus will one day be called Turkey), thinks that the http://www.rainbowkids.de/unterhaltung/Geschichten/AWinghaven/lunatic.htm | |
67. Astronomical Games: June 2001 explicit attempt at answering Plato's question in the affirmative was made by theGreek philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician eudoxus of cnidus (c. 400 http://astro.isi.edu/games/kepler.html | |
68. Mercator's World Online eudoxus of cnidus, a contemporary of Platos, elaborated on the classical notionthat the sun, moon, planets, and stars occupied a series of concentric http://www.mercatormag.com/article.php3?i=38 |
69. Chapter 15, Golden Mean 8 Perhaps the most gifted geometer to study there was eudoxus of cnidus, who finallybroke the deadlock of the irrationals, and freed geometry for the great http://www.anselm.edu/homepage/dbanach/pyth4.htm | |
70. Chapter 16: Archimedes many of the irrationals. In Plato's own time, the two greatest wereTheaetetus of Athens and eudoxus of cnidus. And at the Lyceum http://www.anselm.edu/homepage/dbanach/arch.htm | |
71. History Of Astronomy Thales. · Plato. · Aristarchus. · eudoxus of cnidus. · Aristotle. · Eratosthenesof Alexandria. · Hipparchus of Nicaea. · Ptolemy of Alexandria. Medieval. http://www.cerritos.edu/ladkins/a106/history_list_4.htm | |
72. Models Of Planetary Motion -- McConnell The Eudoxan Solution eudoxus of cnidus (c. 390 c. 337 BC) envisioned a system ofspheres whose combined uniform motion would resemble a hippopede, a figure http://faculty.fullerton.edu/cmcconnell/Planets.html | |
73. Plato eudoxus of cnidus author of the doctrine of proportion expounded in Euclid's Elements,inventor of the method of finding the areas and volumes of curvilinear http://www.kat.gr/kat/history/Greek/Ph/Plato.htm | |
74. Henry Mendell 343. Article on eudoxus of cnidus, Encyclopaedia Britannica online, (2002) http//www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=33776 . http://www.ceu.hu/sun/sun 2003 modmod/CV/henry_mendell_2003.htm | |
76. Planet Mars Chronology 4th century BC eudoxus of cnidus (c. 400350 BC), a Greek astronomerand mathematician, developed a system of 27 concentric spheres. http://humbabe.arc.nasa.gov/mgcm/fun/ancient_mars.html | |
77. Ulearn Today - Magazine Book V shifts from plane geometry to expand on a general theory of ratiosand proportions, generally attributed to eudoxus of cnidus. http://www.ulearntoday.com/magazine/physics_article1.jsp?FILE=euclid |
78. GET YOUR DOMAIN .com .net .org .biz .info eudoxus of cnidus. Born 408 BC in Cnidus (on Resadiye BC in Cnidus, AsiaMinor (now Turkey). eudoxus of cnidus was the son of Aischines. http://math.5u.com/Eudoxus.htm | |
79. EUDOXIAN MAGNITUDES In modern parlance these magnitudes are called Archimedean, but Archimedes(c.298 BC212 BC) got it from eudoxus of cnidus (c.408 BC-c.355 BC). http://www.ida.liu.se/~rosgr/eudoxianmag.html | |
80. Escaut To Euphuism. Alphabetic Index To Entries. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixt Euclid of Megara. Eudes. Eudocia. Eudocia Macrembolitissa. Eudoxia. eudoxusof cnidus. eudoxus of Cyzicus. Eugene III. Eugene IV. Eugene. Eugene of Savoy. http://www.bartleby.com/65/index80.html | |
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