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Fabri Honore: more detail | |||||
41. RacineA December 1, 1580, nait NicolasClaude fabri and Peiresc which will become the patron madeof rabillement of the parish church were paid to honore Aurange, mason http://www.belgentier.net/racineA.htm | |
42. Www.uni-regensburg.de/Fakultaeten/phil_Fak_I/Musikwissenschaft/cantus/ant-text/a Translate this page BDFw //// Adoremus conditorem cunctorum qui Mariam Magdalenam ditavit honore polorum. Alleluia,Christum Dominum qui putari dignatus est fabri filius, venite http://www.uni-regensburg.de/Fakultaeten/phil_Fak_I/Musikwissenschaft/cantus/ant |
43. Horace: Epistulae II fabri scribimus indocti terretquepoetam, quod numero plures, uirtute et honore minores, indocti http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/horace/epist2.shtml | |
44. Libri Antichi - Biblioteca "Guido Horn D'Arturo" Translate this page XXIII, 1 p., 4. DC-4-102 fabri, honore Synopsis optica, in qua omnia quae ad opticam,dioptricam, catoptricam pertinent, id est, ad triplicem radium visualem http://www.bo.astro.it/~biblio/nuova-biblio/bib-antica/schedpro.html | |
45. Georgelin Translate this page 1988, l'académie du Var compose et publie les Fioretti « fabri de Peiresc internationalde synthèse, et, en 1992, suite au colloque qui honore Gassendi à http://www.peiresc.org/georgelin.htm | |
46. Splash - Cultura - Latino - Orazio - Epistulae - Epistularum fabri scribimus indocti terretquepoetam, quod numero plures, uirtute et honore minores, indocti http://www.splash.it/cultura/latino/orazio/epistulae/2/ |
47. HANOUNA FREDDY 3 RUE CHAPELLE 02470 NEUILLY ST FRONT 0323714833 Translate this page fabri GUY, CLOS AUGUSTE II 21 CLOS AUGUSTE, 34110, FRONTIGNAN, 0467801596, AGENCEARTISTIQUE JACQUES THELEN, 252 RUE FAUBOURG SAINT honore, 75008, PARIS, 0145614747, http://orlandok.chez.tiscali.fr/salles/Agents.htm |
48. Notebook friends Donatello and Ghiberti Sed et hoc in primis honore a maioribus honestatapictura est ut cum caeteri ferme omnes artifices fabri nuncuparentur solus in http://www.noteaccess.com/Texts/Alberti/Notes1-60.htm | |
49. Ravisius, Johannes: Officinae Epitome Translate this page T. 2, p. 404 / Docti viri, habiti in magno pretio, et honore - T. 1 2, p. 244 / Sculptores,caelatores, statuarii, et marmorarii - T. 2, p. 235 / fabri, et alii http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/camenaref/ravisius.html | |
50. Rhetorica Novissima 8 Translate this page Videmus enim, quod fabri lignarii accedunt ad silvam, ut quisquis de circumpositisnationibus sedeant iuxta ipsos, reservato cuilibet honore secundum officia http://lettere.unipv.it/scrineum/wight/rn8.htm | |
51. Informations Sur Le Quartier ECOLE ACTIVE BILINGUE ETOILE Translate this page Pepin Denise, 252 rue faubourg saint honore, 75008, PARIS, 0145611188, lecons demusique fabri-canti Noelle, 70 bis rue notre dame des champs, 75006, PARIS, 0143544687, http://www.aubahut.net/Quartier.htm?quartier_Id=3&lyce_Id=8599 |
52. TLW's 1680s (1680-1689) Timeline 16. English horticulturist Richard Bradley (d. 1732). Deaths Frenchpriestscientist honore fabri on Mar. 8. John Bunyan on Aug. 31. http://www.tlwinslow.com/timeline/time168x.html | |
53. TLW's 1600s (1600-1609) Timeline Shakespeare writes Antony and Cleopatra, Pericles, Prince of Tyre. BirthsItalian priestmathematician-scientist honore fabri (d. 1688) on Apr. http://www.tlwinslow.com/timeline/time160x.html | |
55. Please Title This Page. (Page 3) fabri scribimus indocti doctiquepoemata passim. quod numero plures, uirtute et honore minores,. http://home.swipnet.se/~w-41909/epistsec.htm | |
56. HK Biotechnology Industry Directory Ltd. Purina China Inc. Saint honore Cake Shop Ltd. San Miguel Brewery Ltd. Cyanamid(Far East) Ltd. fabriTechnic Engineering Trading Co. Ltd. http://www.hkbic.bch.cuhk.edu.hk/biotechind.htm | |
57. Untitled Translate this page solus utique ex infinitis milibus meruit gloria et honore tanti pontificis Pytagorasenim phylosophus dum quadam die cuiusdam fabri fabricam transiret, ex http://www.music.indiana.edu/tml/13th/ANOARSMU_TEXT.html | |
58. Hobbes Some selfproclaimed Aristotelians, such as the Jesuit honore fabri,in some cases came closer to Descartes than to Aristotle. http://www.wordtrade.com/hobbes.htm | |
59. AllesKunst.Net - Alles Was Sie über Kunst Wissen Müssen! Translate this page also some drawn copies of antique objects for Nicolas-Claude fabri de Peiresc Balletdu Roi (1617), Torquato Tassos Aminta (1631/2) and honore dUrfes LAstree http://www.alleskunst.net/bio_beth.php?letter=r |
60. Gtrougnanplan fabri, qui a unam petiamterra in loco vocato Laubernet, prout confrontatur cum honore Petri de Orto http://www.chez.com/sabadie/montegutcharte.htm | |
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