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Fabri Honore: more detail | |||||
61. Vatikanet: Feiring Av Det Hellige år 2000 For Universitetene Med Utstilling Om Han avsluttet med å fortelle om Niels Stensens vennskap med den franskfødte jesuittog matematiker honore fabri, som bodde i ordenens tidligere hovedkvarter http://www.katolsk.no/nyheter/2000/09/27-0003.htm | |
62. UITSLAG ARTEVELEDE INDOORMEETING GENT Uur1657 Reeks1 1 5582 LIETAER ELIOT 306.88 90 AZW 2 4471 honore JOFFREY 3 7.53Sen 00 NED 3 133 VAN BENEDEN SEBASTIEN 7.57 Jun 84 RCB 4 2533 fabri TOM 7.67 http://www.ping.be/r_c_g/1febr2003.html | |
63. Il Progetto: Staff: Marta Fattori honore davoir leCentre romain lédition des lettres de Nicolas Claude fabri de Peiresc http://w3.uniroma1.it/corrispondenze/progetto/pres_denardis.shtml | |
64. Horace Epistula Liber Alter I fabri scribimus indocti terretquepoetam, quod numero plures, uirtute et honore minores, indocti http://tabula.rutgers.edu/cocoon/latintexts/horace/epistulae/2epistula1.xml |
65. Ioannes Paulus PP. II, Redemptoris Custos (Latine) Latin text of John Paul II's apostolic exhortation on St. Joseph.Category Science Social Sciences Italic Latin Texts Modern...... Adiuncta eadem silentii super lignarii fabri opus apud Nazarethanum domicilium Iosephumpost Deiparam Virginem eius Sponsam Ecclesia summo honore ac laudibus http://www.stjosef.at/dokumente/redculat.htm | |
66. Bibliotheca Augustana fabri scribimus indocti terretquepoetam, quod numero plures, virtute et honore minores, indocti http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/hor_ep21.html | |
67. Part VIII Books, Magazines, Etc. (S V) 48 instruments illustrated (1 in color), including violins by honore Derazey, Lupot glockenspielby R. Ferrier, a singlemanual harpsichord by fabri from 1584 http://www.montagnanabooks.com/PartVIII-S-V.html | |
68. Manoscritto BAGNI Carte 18v-24 (1543-1554) Translate this page gran speranza alli par- renti, alla patria, et alla Religione di far honore à tutti treanni senza Rettore, per l'elettioni fatte di Don Filippo fabri, et del http://www.comune.cento.fe.it/liceo/Pagine/prg/bagni/z_bn18v-24.htm | |
69. Pythéas - Hugues Journès, Yvon Georgelin Et Jean-Marie Gassend, Pythéas, Un G Translate this page Cet altruisme qui les honore est à nos yeux une raison supplémentaire d Il estfasciné par les astronomes provençaux Pythéas, fabri de Péiresc, Pierre http://marseillais-du-monde.org/pytheas_nerthe.php3 | |
70. ¸¶Å¿À º¹À½ 1353 Et Factum Est Cum Consummasset Iesus Translate this page unde huic sapientia haec et virtutes 1355 nonne hic est fabri filius nonne scandalizabanturin eo Iesus autem dixit eis non est propheta sine honore nisi in http://bible.paolo.net/daejo.php3?b=vu&num=139 |
71. ARTISTS LIST WITH LINKS TO THEIR WORK 1822 1888) Daubigny, Charles Francois (1817 - 1878) Daumier, honore (1808 - 1879 Everson,William (19 - ) Eytinge, Solomon (1833 - 1905) fabri, Ralph (1894 http://www.library.georgetown.edu/dept/speccoll/namelist.htm | |
72. Digest Of Justinian: Liber L Translate this page Qui pro honore pecuniam promisit, si solvere eam coepit veterinarii, architectus,gubernatores, naupegi, ballistrarii, specularii, fabri, sagittarii, aerarii http://www.gmu.edu/departments/fld/CLASSICS/digest50.html | |
73. The Biblesenter: MTT+13,1-999 Translate this page et dicerent unde huic sapientia haec et virtutes 55 nonne hic est fabri filiusnonne mater in eo Iesus autem dixit eis non est propheta sine honore nisi in http://www.menfak.no/bibelprog/mb?MTT 13&bi=vul |
74. Fabri fabri, Honoré. (16071688). Francouzský fyzik, astronom a matematik, druhou polovinu ivota strávil v Itálii, kde http://www.aldebaran.cz/famous/people/Fabri_Honore.html | |
75. Fabri Honoré fabri. Born 5 April 1607 Honoré fabri entered the JesuitOrder in 1626 spending two years at Avignon. In 1628 he entered http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Fabri.html | |
76. La Biografia Di Honoré Fabri La vita e l'opera di Honoré fabri Honoré fabri (16071688). Gesuita francese, studiò teologia a Lione dal 1632 al 1636. http://brunelleschi.imss.fi.it/cimento/protagonisti/corrispondenti/3_15/idx.html | |
77. Honoré Fabri, S.J. Honoré fabri, SJ (1607 to 1688) and his postcalculus geometry. Honoréfabri, SJ. Honoré fabri, SJ was born in Dauphine and died in Rome. http://www.faculty.fairfield.edu/jmac/sj/scientists/fabri.htm | |
78. References For Fabri References for the biography of Honoré fabri References for Honoré fabri. Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 19701990). http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/References/Fabri.html | |
79. Fabri Biography of Honoré fabri (16071688) Honoré fabri. Born 5 April 1607 in Virieu-le-Grand, Dauphiné, France http://sfabel.tripod.com/mathematik/database/Fabri.html | |
80. Fabri Portrait Portrait of Honoré fabri Honoré fabri. JOC/EFR August 2001 http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/PictDisplay/Fabri.html | |
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