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Faulhaber Johann: more detail | |||||
81. Stepstone Cemetery Borgerding, Frederick Bernhard, 20 Feb 1861, . 8 Dec 1879, . Borgerding, johann,. . Apr 1866, . 29 Jan 1908, Wife. faulhaber, Ann, 4 Jul 1872, . 2 Dec 1894,. http://www.rootsweb.com/~kypendle/cemeterystepstone.htm | |
82. Biographien - Archiv Translate this page v (1869-1952) http//www.bautz.de/bbkl/f/faulhaber_m.shtml faulhaber, Michael von de(1860-1929) http//www.bautz.de/bbkl/f/faye_e.shtml Faß, johann (1802-1852 http://www.biografien-im-netz.de/archiv.php?Letter=F&Page=200 |
83. Index.htm Translate this page Einstein, Albert, faulhaber, Michael, Feuchtwanger , Lion, Grasser, Erasmus,Gulbransson, Olaf, Gunetzrhainer, johann Baptist, Günther, Ignaz, http://www.munichtours.de/geschichte/promis/ | |
84. Relembrando Alguns Colonos E Os Esquecidos Quarteiroes - 3 // Paulo Roberto Mart Translate this page Philipp faulhaber, carpinteiro que chegou à Petrópolis em 1846 com a esposa BarbaraWeidmann, 5 filhos - Philipp, Marie, Heinrich, Charlotte e johann, ea http://www.ihp.org.br/docs/prmo20010902t.htm | |
85. Mìsto Mohelnice - Oficiální Stránky 17871804, Ehrenberger Frantz - starosta od 15. 6. 87 - R. Ign. Kin, johann Heller,Ign. faulhaber, J. Prokop. 1805-11, Heller johann (starosta) - syndikus Ign. http://www.mu-mohelnice.cz/html/historie/staros3.html | |
86. 2001/cvs-all/20011007.cvs-all Oct 3 johann Visagie cvs commit ports/databases/libiodbc Makefile distin 84. Oct4 Chris D. faulhaber cvs commit ports/databases/pxtools Makefile distinf 87. http://docs.freebsd.org/mail/archive/2001/cvs-all/20011007.cvs-all.html | |
87. Blank Entries From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography Translate this page Giovanni Francesco dei Toschi (1715-1797) Fagnano, Giulio Carlo dei Toschi (1682-1766)faulhaber, J. (1580-1635) Ferrari (1522-1565) Fichte, johann (1762-1814 http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/blank-entries.html | |
88. Familie Mittermueller In Neupanat Translate this page Vd. johann *um 1865 +22.03.1942 mit 77 Jahren HNr.216 oo 04.02.1890 Katharina CSABRADY*1874 +04.09.1943 (Td johann C. ud Magdalena faulhaber) Kinder 1. Anna http://www.schwaben.de/home/nlorenz/mitt.htm | |
89. Herzlich Willkommen In Weilbach Translate this page Roland, Buttinger Thomas, faulhaber Andreas, Schönauer Stefan, Nobis Christian,faulhaber Michael, Moser Josef. Vorauer Hermann, Gaisbauer johann sen., Dr. Mag http://www.weilbach.at/feuerwehr.html | |
90. Michael Von Faulhaber He also held a special mass in November 1939 to celebrate Hitler's escape from JohannElser's assassination attempt. Michael von faulhaber died in Munich on http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/GERfaulhaber.htm | |
91. Genealogische Daten Translate this page Epler, Else, Zurück zur Hauptseite. faulhaber, Gerhard, Familie faulhaber -Epler, Zurück zur Hauptseite. Herröder, Horst, Familie Herröder - faulhaber, http://members.aol.com/dorisepler/jakob/dat6.htm | |
92. Ahnentafel 03062Caspar faulhaber (1643-1713); 03063 Anna Elisabetha KRAIL (?-1726); 03064 http://www.mathnmaps.com/ftree/ahnentafel.html | |
94. KKÖ: Klub Der Katzenfreunde Österreichs Austrian Winner 1995 Supporters Translate this page 1, Dorian Rosa Glauca,AW95, ABY o, Halasek Alice, 1360. 2, Robin Hood v. VitusA, PER c, Hofer johann, 1150. 3, CH Dansbjergs Janka, NFO 4 n 09 23, FaulhaberEvi, 1070. http://www.kkoe.co.at/showresult/AW95/aw1995f.htm | |
95. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 3 (MLA Bibl) http://www.skku.ac.kr/~skkjjl/essay/mla_bibl/goe98_03.htm | |
96. Clars Translate this page 1810. ADORF. ESPANA FRANCISCO. 1810. BARCELONE. EULER. 1810. FRANKFURT. FAULHABEREMMANUEL johann. 1810. LAUN. FEILER. 1810. ? FELCHLIN GEORG CASPAR. 1810. BERN. FICKERG. 1810. http://perso.club-internet.fr/cjsax/public/clars.html | |
97. Chalco, Seite 349 Boissard, JeanJacques Bibliotheca chalcographica 1652-1669. Mail an MATEO http://www.uni-mannheim.de/mateo/desbillons/aport/seite349.html | |
98. History Of Math Providing enrichment for the Mississippi middle school mathematics curriculum. http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/educ_school/CI/3m/history.htm | |
99. Band 1, Jahrgang 1991 - Teil 1: Sachteil, Seite: 40 http://www.rlb.de/hades/1991/had2dat40.html | |
100. 16¥@¬ö¼w°ê¼Æ¾Ç®a The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.dyu.edu.tw/~mfht206/history/16/germany.htm | |
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