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         Ferro Scipione Del:     more detail

1. Scipione Del Ferro
Scipione Del Ferro (14701526) Del Ferro var en italiensk matematiker og plrofessor ved Bolognas universitet i 30 år, og er kjent som oppdageren av tredjegradslikningens løsning.
del Ferro, Scipione
impossibile x + bx = c. cosa r = (b/3) + (c/2) r + (c/2) ), und die Kubikwurzel aus diesem Binom minus der Kubikwurzel aus seinem Residuum (dies ist r - c/2) ) ergibt die cosa Tartaglia Cardano Ars magna sive de regulis algebraicis

2. Necropoli Protostorica Della Cultura Di Golasecca Nella Prima Età Del Ferro
Scipione Del ferro scipione del Ferro, né le 2 février 1952 à Bologne est quelques fois connu sous le nom de Ferreo ou Ferro ou parfois Dal Ferro. Les parents de Scipione Del Ferro sappelaient Floriano et Filippa Ferro.
La cultura di Golasecca deve il suo nome al luogo dei primi ritrovamenti avvenuti ad opera dell'abate G. B. Giani (1788-1857) sulle colline delle Corneliane, al Monsorino e al Galliasco, nel territorio del comune di Golasecca. Il Giani, eminente studioso locale, ritrovò infatti una cinquantina di tombe con corredi di ceramica e metalli che pubblicò nel 1824 nel libro "La battaglia del Ticino tra Annibale e Scipione". LA NECROPOLI Le nostre conoscenze sulla cultura di Golasecca derivano per lo più dallo studio delle sue necropoli. Nell'area del Ticino il solo rito funebre impiegato era la cremazione, in genere nella forma indiretta. Il defunto era cioè bruciato su un rogo preparato a parte, anche adiacente alla tomba, e le sue ceneri, raccolte dentro un'urna coperta da una ciotola o da pezzi di legno o cuoio, erano poi deposte nella tomba, scavata nella terra.
Quest'ultima poteva avere le pareti rivestite di ciottoli o lastre di pietra. Caratteristico del comprensorio del Ticino era l'uso di un recinto esterno definito

3. Ferro
Scipione del Ferro. Born 6 Scipione del Ferro is sometimes known asFerreo, sometimes as Ferro, and sometimes as dal Ferro. His role
Scipione del Ferro
Born: 6 Feb 1465 in Bologna, Italy
Died: 5 Nov 1526 in Bologna, Italy
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Scipione del Ferro is sometimes known as Ferreo, sometimes as Ferro, and sometimes as dal Ferro. His role in the history of mathematics is an important one and he deserves great credit for solving one of the outstanding ancient problems of mathematics. In one sense he is well known, for his role in solving cubic equations is explained in almost every general work on the history of mathematics ever written, and yet, surprisingly, his name remains relatively unknown. Scipione del Ferro's parents were Floriano and Filippa Ferro. Floriano Ferro was employed in paper making which, because of the invention of printing in the 1450s, became an important trade at this time due naturally to a vastly increased demand for paper. Of Scipione del Ferro's education little is known but it is probable that it was at the University of Bologna which was founded in the 11th century and so was a long established and famous university four hundred years before del Ferro was born. We know that del Ferro was appointed as a lecturer in arithmetic and geometry at the University of Bologna in 1496 and that he retained this post for the rest of his life. However he was not only involved in academic activities for records have survived which show that he was involved in business transactions in the latter part of his life.

4. Del Ferro Scipione
Translate this page Del ferro scipione del FERRO (1465-1526). Scipione Del Ferro est né àBologne en Italie. Durant toute sa carrière
Liste de Mathématiciens Al Khwarizmi Apollonius de Perge Archimède Argand Jean Bezout Etienne Bombelli Rafaele Boole George Cardano Girolamo Cauchy Augustin Chasles Michel De Moivre Abraham De Morgan Augustus Del Ferro Scipione Descartes René Eratosthene Euclide Fermat Pierre Ferrari Ludovico Fibonacci Leonardo Galois Evariste Gauss Carl Germain Sophie Huygens Christiaan Leibniz Gottfried Pascal Blaise Peano Guiseppe Pythagore Tartaglia Nicolo Viete François Zenon d Elée Del Ferro Scipione
DEL FERRO (1465-1526) x px q et x³ q px . (on ne travaillait autrefois qu’avec des nombres positifs) x px q x px² q x px q Ars magna x x Liste par ordre alphabétique

5. Del Ferro Scipione
Del ferro scipione del FERRO (14651526) Scipione Del Ferro est né à Bologne en Italie. Durant toute sa carrière, il enseigna les mathématiques dans cette même ville.
Liste de Mathématiciens Al Khwarizmi Apollonius de Perge Archimède Argand Jean Bezout Etienne Bombelli Rafaele Boole George Cardano Girolamo Cauchy Augustin Chasles Michel De Moivre Abraham De Morgan Augustus Del Ferro Scipione Descartes René Eratosthene Euclide Fermat Pierre Ferrari Ludovico Fibonacci Leonardo Galois Evariste Gauss Carl Germain Sophie Huygens Christiaan Leibniz Gottfried Pascal Blaise Peano Guiseppe Pythagore Tartaglia Nicolo Viete François Zenon d Elée Del Ferro Scipione
DEL FERRO (1465-1526) x px q et x³ q px . (on ne travaillait autrefois qu’avec des nombres positifs) x px q x px² q x px q Ars magna x x Liste par ordre alphabétique

6. Scipione Del Ferro
Scipione del Ferro. Born 6 Bologna, Italy. Scipione del Ferro is sometimesknown as Ferreo, sometimes as Ferro, and sometimes as dal Ferro.
Scipione del Ferro
Born: 6 Feb 1465 in Bologna, Italy
Died: 5 Nov 1526 in Bologna, Italy
Scipione del Ferro is sometimes known as Ferreo, sometimes as Ferro, and sometimes as dal Ferro. His role in the history of mathematics is an important one and he deserves great credit for solving one of the outstanding ancient problems of mathematics. In one sense he is well known, for his role in solving cubic equations is explained in almost every general work on the history of mathematics ever written, and yet, surprisingly, his name remains relatively unknown. Scipione del Ferro's parents were Floriano and Filippa Ferro. Floriano Ferro was employed in paper making which, because of the invention of printing in the 1450s, became an important trade at this time due naturally to a vastly increased demand for paper. Of Scipione del Ferro's education little is known but it is probable that it was at the University of Bologna which was founded in the 11th century and so was a long established and famous university four hundred years before del Ferro was born. We know that del Ferro was appointed as a lecturer in arithmetic and geometry at the University of Bologna in 1496 and that he retained this post for the rest of his life. However he was not only involved in academic activities for records have survived which show that he was involved in business transactions in the latter part of his life.

7. Scipione Del Ferro
Scipione Del Ferro (14701526). Del Ferro var en italiensk matematikerog plrofessor ved Bolognas universitet i 30 år, og er kjent

8. References For Ferro
References for scipione del ferro. Biography in Dictionary of ScientificBiography (New York 19701990). Books E Bortolotti, La
References for Scipione del Ferro
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990). Books:
  • E Bortolotti, (Bologna, 1974).
  • J N Crossley, The emergence of number (Singapore, 1980).
  • P L Rose, The Italian Renaissance of Mathematics (Geneva, 1976). Articles:
  • L Frati, Scipione dal Ferro, Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
    History Topics
    ... Anniversaries for the year
    JOC/EFR July 1999 School of Mathematics and Statistics
    University of St Andrews, Scotland
    The URL of this page is:
  • 9. Scipione Del Dal Ferro Ferreo
    Resumos de biografias de personalidades da historia da humanidade artistas, cientistas, engenheiros, escritores, governos, inventores, medicos, etc.
    Scipione del ou dal Ferro ou Ferreo Floriano Filippa Ferro Pacioli Hannibal della Nave , que o teria mostrado a e seu assistente Lodovico Ferrari x + mx = n and x = mx + n , com m e n Antonio Maria Fior , um seu ex-aluno, e Nicollo Tartaglia Tartaglia della Nave Ars Magna Pompeo Bolognetti Algebra Bortolotti Bolognetti Cardano e Bombelli
    Nova B U S C A :

    10. Ferro
    Biography of scipione del ferro (14651526) scipione del ferro. Born 6 Feb 1465 in Bologna, Italy
    Scipione del Ferro
    Born: 6 Feb 1465 in Bologna, Italy
    Died: 5 Nov 1526 in Bologna, Italy
    Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
    Scipione del Ferro is sometimes known as Ferreo, sometimes as Ferro, and sometimes as dal Ferro. His role in the history of mathematics is an important one and he deserves great credit for solving one of the outstanding ancient problems of mathematics. In one sense he is well known, for his role in solving cubic equations is explained in almost every general work on the history of mathematics ever written, and yet, surprisingly, his name remains relatively unknown. Scipione del Ferro's parents were Floriano and Filippa Ferro. Floriano Ferro was employed in paper making which, because of the invention of printing in the 1450s, became an important trade at this time due naturally to a vastly increased demand for paper. Of Scipione del Ferro's education little is known but it is probable that it was at the University of Bologna which was founded in the 11th century and so was a long established and famous university four hundred years before del Ferro was born. We know that del Ferro was appointed as a lecturer in arithmetic and geometry at the University of Bologna in 1496 and that he retained this post for the rest of his life. However he was not only involved in academic activities for records have survived which show that he was involved in business transactions in the latter part of his life.

    11. [HM] Del Ferro And Tartaglia Dates By Dave Cohen
    the following dates for scipione del ferro and Tartaglia scipione del ferro (14651526) Tartaglia (1499-1557) whereas
    [HM] del Ferro and Tartaglia dates by Dave Cohen
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    Subject: [HM] del Ferro and Tartaglia dates Author: Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 15:34:30 -0700 Victor Katz in his book "A History of Mathematcs" (1st ed.) gives the following dates for Scipione del Ferro and Tartaglia: Scipione del Ferro (1465-1526) Tartaglia (1499-1557) whereas Roger Cook in his "The History of Mathematics" gives Scipione del Ferro (1465-1525) Tartaglia (1500-1557) I'm hoping a list member can provide some background or insight into the slight discrepancy. Dave Cohen, Los Angeles The Math Forum

    12. 4.1 Scipione Del Ferro (1465 - 1526) (Dejiny Algebry)
    Ludovico Ferrari (1522 1565) Literatúra. 4.1 scipione del ferro(1465 - 1526). Bolonský matematik, ucitel Mikuláša Kopernika.
    4. Cardanove formule pre riešenie rovnice tretieho stupòa


    4.1 Scipione del Ferro (1465 - 1526)
    MikulᚠKopernik (1473 - 1543)

    Niccolo Fontana - Tartaglia (1500 - 1557)

    Girolamo Cardano (1501 - 1576)

    Ludovico Ferrari (1522 - 1565)

    4.1 Scipione del Ferro (1465 - 1526)
    Bolonský matematik, uèite¾ Mikuláša Kopernika. Pôsobil najprv na Bolonskej a potom na Benátskej univerzite ako uèite¾ algebry a perspektívy. Objavil postup na riešenie rovnice x + bx = c r (b 0, c ale svoj objav držal v tajnosti. Svoje tajomstvo prezradil iba svojej manželke, svojmu nástupcovi na bolonskej univerzite Annibale della Navé a svojmu benátskemu kolegovi Antonio Maria Fioré Po smrti Scipione del Ferra vyzval Antonio Fioré roku 1530 na verejnú súaž poètára de Coita. Súaž sa týkala predovšetkým rovníc tretieho stupòa. De Coita sa obrátil o pomoc k svojmu kolegovi Niccolovi Fontanovi . Ten mu síce odmietol pomôc, ale vyhlásil, že rovnice typu cubus plus vec sa rovná èíslo vie rieši. O tom sa dopoèul Fioré a preto roku 1535 vyzval Fontanu na súaž. Fontana túto súaž vyhral, lebo nezávisle od Scipiona del Ferro aj on objavil postup na riešenie rovníc tretieho stupòa. Avšak rovnako ako všetci èo tento postup poznali, aj Fontana ho držal v tajnosti. Až keï sa roku 1542 pozostalos Scipione del Ferra dostala do rúk

    13. Re: [HM] Del Ferro And Tartaglia Dates By Roger Cooke
    the following dates for scipione del ferro and Tartaglia scipione del ferro (14651526) Tartaglia (1499-1557) whereas
    Re: [HM] del Ferro and Tartaglia dates by Roger Cooke
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    Subject: Re: [HM] del Ferro and Tartaglia dates Author: Date: The Math Forum

    14. 4.4 Girolamo Cardano (1501 - 1576) (Dejiny Algebry)
    Obsah Úvod 4.1 scipione del ferro (1465 1526) 4.2 MikulᚠKopernik (1473- 1543) 4.3 Niccolo Fontana - Tartaglia (1500 - 1557) 4.4 Girolamo Cardano
    4. Cardanove formule pre riešenie rovnice tretieho stupòa


    Scipione del Ferro (1465 - 1526)

    MikulᚠKopernik (1473 - 1543)
    Niccolo Fontana - Tartaglia (1500 - 1557)

    4.4 Girolamo Cardano (1501 - 1576)
    Ludovico Ferrari (1522 - 1565)


    4.4 Girolamo Cardano (1501 - 1576)
    Poèiatky jeho kariéry neboli ¾ahké. Roku 1534 dosiahol, že ho v Miláne zamestnali ako lekára mestského chudobinca. Jeden jeho priate¾ ho doporuèil aj do školy pre chudobných, kde vyuèoval matematiku, astronómiu a zemepis. V tomto roku napísal pojednanie o Euklidových Základoch, Ptolemaiovej Geografii a o jednej geometrickej práci anglického scholastika Sacrobosca (1200 - 1256). Roku 1536 prijal do svojho domu za pomocníka štrnásroèného Ludovica Ferrariho , ktorý sa postupne stal jeho žiakom a spolupracovníkom, a neskôr to dotiahol až na profesora matematiky Milánskej univerzity. Roku Cardano dokonèil svoju prácu Praktická aritmetika a jednoduché merania . Vtedy sa dopoèul, že Scipione del Ferro, profesor matematiky na univerzite v Bologni, a Niccolo Fontana, poètár z Brescie, objavili postup na riešenie rovnice tretieho stupòa. Ve¾mi túžil uvies vo svojej knihe tento výsledok, lebo jeho Praktická aritmetika bola kritikou Summy Luca Pacoliho, ktorý tvrdil, že riešenie rovníc tretieho stupòa je nemožné. Avšak Cardano sám nájs riešenie nedokázal, a Fontana nebol ochotný svoje tajomstvo vyzradi. Cardanova kniha preto vyšla bez tohto výsledku v roku

    15. Scipione Del Ferro
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    16. Del Ferro
    Translate this page scipione del ferro italien, 1465-1526 Mathématicien à Bologne, ilfut le premier algébriste de la Renaissance à s'intéresser
    Scipione del FERRO
    italien, 1465-1526
    Bombelli et principalement Descartes Tartaglia , puis Cardan Ferrari et Bombelli formule dite de Cardan Cardan : Widmann

    17. Cardan
    Translate this page Les premiers travaux sur les équations cubiques, dans la recherche de la formulationgénérale d'une solution, reviennent à scipione del ferro et à Nicolo

    italien, 1501-1576
    inventeur et astrologue, il Artis magnae sive de regulis algebraicis Al Khwarizmi x + px = q x = px + q x + px = q Scipione del Ferro Tartaglia La formule dite de Cardan Tartaglia Del Ferro Ferrari Bombelli qui en fera usage. C'est que Gauss qui les rebaptisera nombres complexes mais imaginaire Argand : Ferrari population et d'individu Mayer Gauss Laplace Poisson Les = pendant et Descartes Fermat Leibniz Pascal et d'Alembert Cotes William Playfair : Un petit exercice de stat : cardans Rudolff Tartaglia

    18. Histoire33
    Translate this page scipione del ferro. scipione del ferro, né le 2 février 1952 à Bologne estquelques fois connu sous le nom de Ferreo ou ferro ou parfois Dal ferro.
    Scipione Del Ferro
    Scipione Del Ferro, né le 2 février 1952 à Bologne est quelques fois connu sous le nom de Ferreo ou Ferro ou parfois Dal Ferro. Les parents de Scipione Del Ferro s’appelaient Floriano et Filippa Ferro. Floriano Ferro était employé dans une usine de papier. Grâce à l’invention de l’imprimerie en et une forte demande, le commerce du papier se développa. On en sait peu sur l’éducation de Scipione Del Ferro mais il aurait été étudiant à la célèbre université de Bologne, créée au XI ° siècle. Nous savons qu’il a été nommé conférencier en arithmétique et géométrie à l’université de Bologne en et qu’il garda son poste jusqu’à la fin de sa vie. Il n’était pas seulement mêlé aux activités académiques. D’après les archives, à la fin de sa vie, il était aussi dans les affaires. Il fut l'un des premiers algébristes de la Renaissance à s'intéresser à une méthode fournissant la solution, sous forme de radicaux, de la racine réelle de l'équation du 3° degré. La découverte de cette formule est un immense événement dans l'histoire de équations ! On ne retrouve aucun écrit sur Del Ferro. Ceci doit être dû en partie à son manque d’ambition pour faire connaître ses recherches, préférant les communiquer seulement à quelques amis et étudiants.

    19. Histoire3
    Translate this page Il y rencontra un autre professeur de mathématique scipione del ferro. C'estalors que scipione s'intéressa au problème. scipione del ferro.
    L'Histoire des Equations du 3° degré Les Grecs Ils utilisaient une méthode géométrique (intersection de deux coniques) pour résoudre les équations du 3° degré. Ils arrivèrent à la conclusion que les solutions des équations du 3° degré sont les points d'intersection d'une parabole avec une hyperbole. Les Arabes Omar Al Khayyam tenta de résoudre les équations du 3° degré par décomposition et recomposition de cubes; mais ce qui avait été possible deux siècle plus tôt dans le plan avec les équations du 2° degré s'avérait impossible dans l'espace. Devant cette impasse algébrique, il utilisa une autre méthode géométrique pour résoudre les problèmes du 3° degré. La Renaissance Italienne Vers , l'invention de l'imprimerie par Gütemberg fit faire un pas de géant à la propagation des idées... Paccioli Luca En , le moine franciscain Paccioli a imprimé le premier livre d'algèbre intitulé la " Summa ". Il y reprit tous les travaux des Arabes. On y retrouve donc la résolution complète des équations du premier et deuxième degré. Il pensait que les équations du 3° degré étaient insolubles par la méthode algébrique. De il enseigna les mathématiques à l'université de Bologne. Il y rencontra un autre professeur de mathématique : Scipione del Ferro. Il lui fit part de sa conviction sur l'insolubilité des équations du 3° degré. C'est alors que Scipione s'intéressa au problème.

    20. [HM] Del Ferro And Tartaglia Dates By Dave Cohen
    Date Mon, 8 Oct 2001 153430 0700 Victor Katz in his book A History of Mathematcs (1st ed.) gives the following dates for scipione del ferro and Tartaglia
    [HM] del Ferro and Tartaglia dates by Dave Cohen
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    Subject: [HM] del Ferro and Tartaglia dates Author: Date: Mon, 8 Oct 2001 15:34:30 -0700 Victor Katz in his book "A History of Mathematcs" (1st ed.) gives the following dates for Scipione del Ferro and Tartaglia: Scipione del Ferro (1465-1526) Tartaglia (1499-1557) whereas Roger Cook in his "The History of Mathematics" gives Scipione del Ferro (1465-1525) Tartaglia (1500-1557) I'm hoping a list member can provide some background or insight into the slight discrepancy. Dave Cohen, Los Angeles The Math Forum

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