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Freundlich Finlay: more detail | |||||||||
61. Wissenschaftliche Beschreibung Des Teleskopes Translate this page Das wissenschaftliche Konzept des Teleskops stammt von Erwin finlay-freundlich,der nach der Fertigstellung auch damit beobachtet hat. http://aipsoe.aip.de/descr/teleskop-d.html | |
62. Hanýmlara Mahsus Malumat/Bilim Prof. Erwin finlay freundlich, Richard von Mises, Dr. Hilda Geiringer, Hans Reichenbach;daha sonra Harvard'da karsilasacagi çok önemli sahsiyetlerdi. http://abone.superonline.com/~hanifesirin/bilim.html | |
63. Das Physikportal Der DPG Pro-physik.de - Die Findemaschine Translate this page Aczel jedoch auch den Anspruch, eigene physikhistorische Untersuchungen des Verhältnisseszwischen Einstein und Erwin finlay freundlich vorzustellen, der als http://www.pro-physik.de/Phy/External/PhyH/1,3363,2-0-31-0-1-phy_book_review_det |
64. Nothing But Motion: CHAPTER 3 A rather candid article by E. finlayfreundlich which appeared in a publicationof the Royal Astronomical Society some years ago admitted that the main http://www.reciprocalsystem.com/nbm/nbm03.htm | |
65. Beyond Newton: REFERENCES 41. finlayfreundlich, E., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,105-237. 42. Woolley, RvdR, ibid., 114-191 and 116-288. 43. http://www.reciprocalsystem.com/bn/references.html | |
66. Biography-center - Letter F finlay, Virgil www.bpib.com/illustrat/finlay.htm; Finnbogadottir, Vigdis www.wic pathfinder.com/time/time100/scientist/profile/freud.html;freundlich, Erwin www http://www.biography-center.com/f.html | |
67. Références Escoubet Philippe 2001. Etwöös. Feynman. finlayfreundlich 1953. Frommert Harmut- Christine Kronberg 2001. Frommert Hartmurt - Christine Kronberg 1999. Gamow 1953. http://www.ifrance.com/decalagespectral/mtdouzereferences.htm | |
68. 11 Translate this page Hot Big Bang, et avant Gamow par Guillaume (1896), Eddington (1926), Regener (1933),Nernst (1933), McKellar et Herzberg (1941), finlay-freundlich (1953) et http://www.ifrance.com/decalagespectral/mtonzeconclusionstests.htm | |
69. Ballantine Books | Catalog Fazel John Feinstein Tom Ferguson Carolyn Parnal Fink Victoria finlay Edith Fiore FreedEstelle Freedman Judith French Marilyn French Larry freundlich Richard L http://www.randomhouse.com/BB/catalog/lst.pperl?mode=a&letr=F |
70. Randomhouse.com | AUTHOR BROWSE Fine Alan Finger Carolyn Parnal Fink JC finlay Victoria finlay Mitch Finley FrenchMichael French Patrick French Sigmund Freud Larry freundlich James Frey http://www.randomhouse.com/author/lst.pperl?mode=a&letr=F |
71. Dibner Institute He is the author of many articles, including Erwin finlay freundlich and TestingEinstein's Theory of Relativity, Archive for History of Exact Science, 47 http://dibinst.mit.edu/DIBNER/Fellows/96-97/Fellows96-97.htm | |
72. SBO Reading Room - Astrometry Textbook on Spherical Astronomy, 1980, Smart, WH, 7, 4. The Binary Stars,1964, Aitken, Robert G. 7, 4. Celestial Mechanics, 1958, finlayfreundlich,E. 7, 4. http://lyra.colorado.edu/sbo/sboinfo/readingroom/astrometry.html | |
73. College Of Arts And Sciences Farchmin, Douglas Charles. finlay, Mary Ann Sleeth. Forbes, Anika Christine. Forcier,Angela Dawn. freundlich, Austin Ross. Farrell, Megan Maureen. http://www.colorado.edu/ArtsSciences/students/deanslistF.html | |
74. Haurowitz Mss. Correspondents Translate this page Frank, Max. Fraser, KB. Freerken, E. Freudenberg, Ernst. Freund, Jules. freundlich,E. finlay. Friedberg, F. Friedberg, Wallace. Friedrich, Josef. Fröhlich, Alfred. http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/lilly/mss/subfile/haurowitcorres.html | |
75. Www.ulo.ucl.ac.uk/library/BOOKS2.txt FT GEYLING HR WESTERMAN 1971 CM CELESTIAL MECHENICS E. finlayfreundlich 1958CM SOLUTION OF PROBLEMS IN SURVEYING AND FIELD ASTRONOMY A. BANNISTER HW http://www.ulo.ucl.ac.uk/library/BOOKS2.txt |
76. Personenindex F Translate this page FINCK, Albert (1895-1956) {UGP 100 137}. {S3/89, S3/97-99, S3/103-104}.finlay-freundlich, Erwin (1885-1964) {S11 E-Nr.104}. {UPG 100 038}. http://www.verwaltung.uni-mainz.de/archiv/html/persf.htm | |
77. Search Results A Radiologic Approach to Diseases of the Chest; Irwin M. freundlich, David G EssentialChest Radiology; JB Cookson, DBL finlay; Paperback; $39.95 (Special Order http://www.radbooks.com/rdbkch.htm |
78. Astrophys. Inst. Potsdam - History effect proposed by Einstein's GRT was the aim of a solar tower telescope, whichwas built from 1921 to 1924 at the instigation of Erwin finlayfreundlich. http://www.aip.de/institute/history.html | |
79. GACETA Translate this page realizó sus estudios de licenciatura en Matemáticas y Astronomía Clásica y obtuvosu doctorado bajo la asesoría de Erwin finlay-freundlich, colaborador de http://www.unam.mx/gaceta/1999/ago99/05ago99/05agogac.html | |
80. Q & A an unrelated one about cosmic radiation in general by 1926 Eddington, 1933 Regener,1937 Nernst, and intrinsic redshifts by 1954 finlayfreundlich (backed by http://rgouin.home.mindspring.com/Q&A.html | |
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