- PNC PNC PNC http://webast.ast.obs-mip.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC - message # 136 20 janvier 2002 1. poste de professeur en cosmologie observationnelle à Lausanne 2. post-doc au département de physique théorique de Genève 3. Graduate Research School - Universités de Bochum et Bonn (Allemagne) 4. VIeme Ecole de cosmologie de Luminy - 16 au 21 septembre 2002 5. International Workshop - XEUS - Garching March 11-13, 2002 6. Fifth Alexander Friedmann International Seminar - João Pessoa, April 24-30, 2002 7. Xth Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation - Rio de Janeiro, July 29 - August 9 2002 - PNC PNC PNC http://webast.ast.obs-mip.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC - 1. poste de professeur en cosmologie observationnelle à Lausanne http://www.unil.ch/sc/pages/news/postes/f_phys_postes2.html - PNC PNC PNC http://webast.ast.obs-mip.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC - 2. post-doc au département de physique théorique de Genève The cosmology group at the 'Département de Physique Théorique' of Geneva University can offer two post doc positions for next fall (2002). One for up to 5 years (2+3) for a more experienced post-doc and one for 2 years. We are a small group, presently consisting of two postdocs, four graduate and one full professor (Ruth Durrer). Our main body of work concerns CMB anisotropies and models of the early Universe. We work on observable consequences from string cosmology and from brane worlds. We also have an interest in non-linear Newtonian gravitational clustering. Since we are a small group, collaborations on these or other subjects, are encouraged. We are lively interactions also with the high energy group led by Prof. M. Maggiore and with people from CERN. For more information, visit our website: http://mpej.unige.ch/~kunze/cosmo.html or e-mail me at ruth.durrer@physics.unige.ch Applications containing the usual documents (CV, publication, list, research interests) and 2 letters of recommendation should be sent directly to me before end of January. The final decision will be made end of February. Ruth Durrer Professor of Theoretical Physics Ecole de Physique 24, quai E. Ansermet 1211 Genève 4 SWITZERLAND - PNC PNC PNC http://webast.ast.obs-mip.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC - 3. Graduate Research School - Universités de Bochum et Bonn (Allemagne) Graduate Research School on "Groups of Galaxies as Laboratories for Baryonic and Dark Matter", Universities of Bochum and Bonn, Germany Universittsstr. 150 Bochum, 44780 Germany Tel.: +49 234 / 322-3454 Fax: +49 234 / 3214-169 Email submission address: dettmar@astro.ruhr-uni-bochum.de Email Inquiries: dettmar@astro.ruhr-uni-bochum.de URL: www.astro.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/astro/GRK Attention: Prof. Ralf-Jrgen Dettmar A new Graduate Research School (Graduiertenkolleg) on "Groups of Galaxies as Laboratories for Baryonic and Dark Matter" will be launched on April 1, 2002 at the universities of Bochum and Bonn. Funding for up to 10 fellowships for PhD students and 2 Postdocs will be available. The participating institutions are active in diverse areas of research in extragalactic astronomy and instrumentation. These include the structure of disk, LSB and dwarf galaxies, the development of the Interstellar Medium and star formation properties, the investigation of galaxy groups and clusters through gravitational lensing, the structure of galactic halos as studied in neutral hydrogen as well as X-rays, radio galaxies, and globular cluster systems of galaxies. The institutes are involved in the development of instrumentation for optical (e.g. LBT) and mm (e.g. APEX) telescopes, as well as in the astrometry satellite DIVA. The Graduate Research School will offer a stimulating environment that combines the possibility of independent research in an active field with a program of regular seminars and international workshops allowing the participants to connect their work to the larger field. The research topics focus on the influence of the environment on galaxy evolution, the interstellar and intergalactic medium, and the spatial distribution and nature of Dark Matter in galaxy groups and clusters. The applied techniques cover all wavelengths from the radio to the X-ray regime as well as theory. More information is found at http://www.astro.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/astro/GRK The PhD fellowships of ~EUR 1000,- per month are for up to three years, including extensive travel funds to enable the successful applicant to participate actively in international conferences and observing runs. Candidates holding a MSc or equivalent (e.g. Diplom in Germany) are eligibale to apply. Two postdoctorial fellowships are foreseen. These fellowships of ~EUR 1500,- per month will be granted for one year with a possible extension of a another year. A letter of application accompanied by a curriculum vitae and copies of relevant acedemic certifications (Diploma, MSc., etc) should be sent to Prof. Ralf-Jrgen Dettmar at the above address. Applicants should arrange for two letters of reference from a person familiar with their academic career. Applications are accepted immediately until all positions are filled. - PNC PNC PNC http://webast.ast.obs-mip.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC - 4. VIeme Ecole de cosmologie de Luminy - 16 au 21 septembre 2002 RAPPEL RAPPEL RAPPEL RAPPEL RAPPEL RAPPEL RAPPEL Cher(e)s PNCistes CONFIRMER SUR VOS AGENDAS LA TENUE DE LA VIeme ECOLE DE COSMOLOGIE de LUMINY/MARSEILLE DU 16 AU 21 SEPTEMBRE 2002 Le programme detaillé et les conditions d'inscription seront disponibles sous peu. THEME : Matiére noire - Energie noire dans l'univers La masse manquante (matiere noire) et l'accélération de l'expansion de l'Univers (énergie noire) sont aujourd'hui des problèmes fondamentaux pour les communautés scientifiques liées a l'astronomie et à la physique fondamentale. Les thématiques envisagées dans le programme de cette école concernent l'estimation des paramètres cosmologiques, la mise en évidence astrophysique de la matière noire et son origine, les théories du Big Bang et l'interprétation de la répulsion du vide. Ces thématiques sont liées aux grands projets soutenus par le Conseil Scientifique du Programme National de Cosmologie et les agences (INSU, CEA, IN2P3, CNES, SPM) et sont considérés comme des projets prioritaires. Le panorama de la Cosmologie a connu récemment un profond bouleversement avec la mise en évidence d'une phase d'accélération de l'expansion de l'Univers et non une décéleration sous l'effet de la gravitation conduisant à un nouveau paradigme basé sur la présence de matière noire et d'énergie noire dominant la dynamique de l'Univers. L'analyse des fluctuations du CMB (Boomerang, Maxima, Planck.), le diagramme de Hubble pour les supernovas, les comptages de galaxies ou d'amas et le lensing par les grandes structures (Megacam, XMM, CHANDRA, Snap, VLT...) permettront dans la prochaîne décennie de déterminer au mieux les paramètres cosmologiques et les différentes contributions à la matière-énergie dans l'Univers. Même si la contribution matière noire est revue à la baisse, cette question suscite toujours un vif intérêt tant d'un point de vue de la mise en évidence astrophysique (halos de galaxies, masse des amas, lensing, microlensing,..) que sur son interprétation (machos, WIMPs, neutrino massif, Neutralinos,..). La nature de l'énergie noire et ses conséquences pose elle aussi des questions fondamentales tant du côté astrophysique que physique. L'analyse des nouvelles données (XMM-LSS, Sloan, Virmos,..) sera d'autant plus efficace que ces deux aspects seront menés de concert. L'interprétation de ces résultats donnera probablement les contraintes aux théories alternatives a la relativité générale et aux candidats à l'énergie noire (Quintessence,..). En attente des r'sultats du LHC, les futurs progrès en cosmologie et en astro-particule pourront nous éclairer sur les lois fondamentales de la nature. Il est donc opportun que la communauté s'intéresse à la fois à la physique qui a amené au Big-Bang (cosmologie quantique, extra-dimensions, M-theory,..) qu'aux observations astrophysiques.. L'école proposera donc une série de cours sur les thèmes suivants : o Estimation des paramètres cosmologiques; o Mise en évidence et interprétation de la matière noire et de l'énergie noire. Conséquences pour la physique des particules et la physique théorique. o Théories pre-Big-Bang.. o ....... - PNC PNC PNC http://webast.ast.obs-mip.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC - 5. International Workshop - XEUS - Garching March 11-13, 2002 XEUS - studying the evolution of the hot universe" Date and Place: March 11-13, 2002 MPE Garching, Germany Motivation of the workshop: XEUS - the X-ray Evolving Universe Spectroscopy Mission is a next generation X-ray observatory under study within ESA and ISAS. The XEUS Steering Committee has decided to hold the International workshop with the title "XEUS - Studying the Evolution of the Hot Universe" on March 11-13, 2002 at the Max-Planck-Institute für extraterrestrische Physik in Garching, Germany. The aim of this workshop is to review and update the XEUS science case in the light of recent astrophysical results, in particular from XMM-Newton and Chandra and to involve the broader astrophysical community in the mission so widening the international support for XEUS. We plan to discuss a number of potentially exciting additions to the scientific capabilities of XEUS. Important dates: January 15, 2002 Deadline for Registration. February 01, 2002 Preliminary Scientific Program February 15, 2002 Final Circular Registration and Abstract submission: Online registration and abstract submissions for talks or poster-contributions can be done via our MPE-XEUS-Website: http://wave.xray.mpe.mpg.de/conferences/xeus-workshop More detailed information can be found on the website given above. - PNC PNC PNC http://webast.ast.obs-mip.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC - 6. Fifth Alexander Friedmann International Seminar - João Pessoa, April 24-30, 2002 Universidade Federal da Paraíba - Physics Department Announcement Fifth Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology (http://www.fisica.ufpb.br/~jfonseca/friedmann/) The Seminar will be held from April 24th to April 30th, 2002 at João Pessoa, Brazil, and aims at the continuation of the Friedmann Seminars previously held at St. Petersburg (Russia). The first Friedmann Seminar in 1988 was dedicated to the centenary anniversary of Alexander Friedmann. The working language of the Seminar is English. Organizers: 1) Physics Department, Universidade Federal da Paraíba (João Pessoa, Brazil). 2) Alexander Friedmann Laboratory for Theoretical Physics (St. Petersburg, Russia). Organizing Committee: E. Abdalla (Brazil), V. B. Bezerra (Brazil), E. R. Bezerra de Mello (Brazil), A. A. Bytsenko (Brazil, Russia), M. Carmeli (Israel), J. B. da Fonseca (Scientific Secretary, Brazil), B. Geyer (Germany), Yu. N. Gnedin (Russia), A. A. Grib (Russia), G. L. Klimchitskaya (Brazil, Russia), P. S. Letelier (Brazil), E. M. Monte (Brazil), V. M. Mostepanenko (Vice-Chairman, Brazil, Russia), M. Novello (Brazil), C. Romero (Chairman, Brazil), A. J. Sanders (USA), R. K. Tavakol (England), R. Triay (France). The Seminar Scopes are Traditionally Rather Wide and Include Selected Topics on : 1) Classical gravity. 2) Observational cosmology. 3) Quantum effects in curved space-time (Casimir effect in that number). 4) Quantum gravity. 5) Gravitational theory with extra dimensions. - PNC PNC PNC http://webast.ast.obs-mip.fr/pnc/ PNC PNC PNC PNC - 7. Xth Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation - Rio de Janeiro, July 29 - August 9 2002 Xth BRAZILIAN SCHOOL OF COSMOLOGY AND GRAVITATION (http://www.cbpf.br/~cosmogra/Xescola/Xschool.html) CBPF/ICRA Rio de Janeiro, July 29 - August 9 2002 The Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation is one of the oldest and more traditional schools in Brazil, and has been periodically organized by the Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF) since 1976. The School has promoted the contact between students and scientists from different countries working in Gravitation, Cosmology, Astrophysics, Field Theory in Curved Spacetimes, and related areas. Top-scientists from all over the world have given lectures in the School. Among them we can mention the following: J. Bekenstein, R. Brandenberger, Y. Choquet-Bruhat, B. DeWitt, A. Dolgov, G. F. Ellis, J. Ellis, L. Ford, W. Israel, B. Jones, A. Kirilov, E. Kolb, E. Lifshitz, V. Lukash, B. Mashhoon, V. Melnikov, V. Mostepanenko, I. Novikov, V. Rudenko, P. Srivastava, A. Starobinsky, G. Smoot, and B. Unruh. Check this link for information about previous schools (http://www.cosmologia.cbpf.br/). The school will take place from Monday, 29 July to Friday, 9 August 2002 at the 5-star Hotel Portobello, situated near the city of Mangaratiba, 2 hours south of Rio de Janeiro. Lectures and topics : - Gravitational Collapse and Spacetime Singularities, P. Brady (University of Wisconsin, USA). - From Black Holes to Gamma Ray Bursts R. Ruffini (ICRA and University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy). - Astroparticle Physics: an overview E. Kolb (Fermilab, USA). - Chaos in Cosmology and Astrophysics, G. Gurzadyan (ICRA, Italy and YPI, Armenia). - String theory inspired pre-big-bang models G. Veneziano (CERN, Switzerland). - Quantum Gravity J. Pullin (Penn State University, USA). - Introduction to Thermal Field Theory N. Fux Svaiter (CBPF, Brasil). - Observational Cosmology J. Bartlett (Collège de France, France). Advanced Seminars : A. Grib, V. Melnikov, M. Lachieze-Rey, V. Mostepanenko, M. Novello. Scientific Committee M. Novello (CBPF) E. Kolb (Fermilab, USA) E. Elbaz (Lyon U. , France) V. Melnikov (Institute of Metrology, Russia) R. Triay (CTP/ U. de Marseille, France) S. Perez Bergliaffa (CBPF) | |