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81. Pedro Nunes, 1502-1578: Conhecimento Europeu Da Obra Translate this page 79 Opera omnia (1658) - BN SA 416 A. gassendi, pierre, 1592-1655. Ilustrado.- Gravura de pierre gassendi, assinada por Nanteiul. Quadros e tabelas. http://bnd.bn.pt/ed/pedro-nunes/obras/p-nunes-na-europa/pn_conhecimento_manuscri | |
82. Philosophische Buecherei - Philosophen G pierre gassendi(orst.edu) Einführende Informationen. Gaunilo von Marmoutiers (gest. 1083). http://buecherei.philo.at/philg.htm | |
83. ÇÁ¶û½º modern theory of probability. gassendi, pierre (15921655) ¢¸¡ã¢º.French logician and philosopher. gassendi revived interest http://pnarae.com/phil/main_phil/total/total7.htm | |
84. 20th WCP: ?Probabilist? Deductive Inference In Gassendi's Logic New York and Oxford Oxford University Press, 1993. gassendi, pierre. InstitutioLogica, 1658. Hacking, Ian. The Emergence of Probability. http://pnarae.com/phil/category/logic/LogiFish.htm | |
85. Francesco Redi. Scienziato E Poeta Alla Corte Dei Medici - POPUP - Pierre Gassen lume delle scuole moderne . Ritratto di pierre gassendi. http://www.francescoredi.it/Database/redi/redi.nsf/b4604a8b566ce010c125684d00471 | |
86. Neuzeit Translate this page von 1648 Mersenne, Marin 1650 René Descartes - http//kickme.to/WarthogsBooks- Discours de la methode - Les Méditations 1655 gassendi, pierre 1662 Pascal http://www.phidi.de/intelekt/kanon/alllinks/geslinks/neuzeit/neuzeit.html | |
87. Index, Bell Catalog - Gs Translate this page Gaspar de São Bernardino. Gass, Patrick, 1771-1870. gassendi, pierre, 1592-1655.Gastaldi, Giacomo. Gaterau, M. Gaudet. Gautier de Tronchoy. http://bell.lib.umn.edu/cat/ind_g1.html | |
88. Gassendi Translate this page pierre gassendi. (1592- 1655 ). Docteur, théologal de Digne, professeurde philosophie et de théologie de l'université d'Aix. http://jc.clariond.free.fr/gassendi.html | |
89. The Science Bookstore - Chronology gassendi, pierre Born 1/22/1592 Died 10/24/1655, 1592 AD, 1649 AD,gassendi, P. Matter made up of atoms pierre gassendi. Email jfptak http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?searchstring=Gassendi |
90. UMS Gassendi Translate this page CNRS UMS gassendi 2244 Observatoire de Marseille 2 place Le Verrier 13248 0495044103- mèl patrick.figon@oamp.fr GOUDAL Jean-pierre Service Communication http://www.oamp.fr/gassendi/gassendi.html | |
91. életrajzok: G ún. Big Bangelméletét. gassendi, pierre (15921655) francia matematikus,csillagász és filozófus. A XVII. századi szabadgondolkodás http://www.iif.hu/~visontay/ponticulus/eletrajzok/g.html | |
92. Gassendi Home Page - Biography, Information, Resources, Links, Original Research p r o j e c t g a s s e n d i. gassendi brief biographical sketch. Calendar gassendireconstructing gassendi's web. gassendi is still gearing up BACK HOME. http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/rhatch/06rp-g.htm | |
93. Gauss From FOLDOC Gauss Carl Friedrich. biography, history of philosophy German physicistand mathematician (17771855). Gauss established the foundations http://www.swif.uniba.it/lei/foldop/foldoc.cgi?Gauss |
94. Bibliographie Nationale Française Livres - Numéro 9-10/2001 - 52. Astronomie http://bibliographienationale.bnf.fr/Livres/M9-10_01.H/cadre52-1.html | |
95. Bibliographie Nationale Française Livres - Numéro 13/2001 - 52. Astronomie http://bibliographienationale.bnf.fr/Livres/M13_01.H/cadre52-1.html | |
96. ÇнÀÀθí»çÀü The summary for this Korean page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://biodic.encyber.com/category_n.php?cd=2502&p=1 |
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