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41. G.M.F.W. Translate this page Halte Heidelberglaan) Tijd 26 februari 2002, 1600 - 1700 uur AbstractDie Anfänge des Logikers gerhard gentzen in Göttingen. http://www-math.sci.kun.nl/werkgroepen/gmfw/samenv/Trott.html | |
42. Andrés Raggio - The 50th Anniversary Of Gentzen's Thesis Introduction to gentzen's Hauptsatz and the consistency proof of arithmetic using induction up to Category Science Math Logic and Foundations Proof Theory...... When 50 years ago gerhard gentzen published his doctoral thesis Investigationsinto logical deduction prooftheory was developing very quickly. http://dns.uncor.edu/info/raggio/03obra/logfm/logica/gentz50.htm | |
43. Gentzen' Hauptsatz - Sumario Translate this page gentzen' Hauptsatz for the Systems NI and NK. sumario. NI y NK son dos sistemasdiferentes de deducción natural realizados por gerhard gentzen. http://dns.uncor.edu/info/raggio/03obra/logfm/logica/genz1-ab.htm | |
44. Neuerwerbungen Philosophie August_2002 gentzen S. 307 - 311. - Literaturverz.S. 377 - 400 ISBN 3-7643-6574-9 Schlagwoerter gentzen, gerhard ; Biographie. http://www.uni-frankfurt.de/bzg/neuerwerb/4400.August_2002.html | |
45. Index To KR Book Ganter, Bernhard 74 Gärdenfors, Peter 388 Gautama Buddha 56 Geertz, Clifford 355Gelernter, David 237, 239 Genesereth, Michael R. 25 gentzen, gerhard 301, 307 http://users.bestweb.net/~sowa/krbook/krindex.htm | |
46. Gentzens Problem. Mathematische Logik Im Nationalsozialistischen Deutschland. Translate this page Januar 2002 Inhaltsbeschreibung gerhard gentzen (1909 -1945) ist der Begründerder modernen strukturellen mathematischen Beweistheorie. http://www.uni-protokolle.de/buecher/isbn/3764365749/ | |
47. INDEX Gandy, Robin Oliver A/5, A/78, A/19, D/4, D/15. General tensors in a groupC/13. gentzen, gerhard B/42. Gepp, A/19. Gervis, Ruth A/19. Gill, S. B/38. http://www.turingarchive.org/catalogue/catindex.htm | |
48. B PUBLICATIONS, One item printed. B/42 gentzen, gerhard Offprint, Die Widerspruchfreiheitder reinen Zahlentheorie from Mathematische Annalen, (Vol. 112, No. http://www.turingarchive.org/catalogue/bpublica.htm | |
49. Symbolische Mathematik - H - Literaturhinweise Translate this page 1983. gentzen, gerhard Die gegenwärtige Lage in der mathematischenGrundlagenforschung in Deutsche Mathematik 1938, 255-268. Giloi http://www.tydecks.info/online/math_symb_lit.html | |
50. Biographien - Archiv Translate this page Gentrys http//www.taurus-press.de/test.php3?S_Sortie rName=5331 Gentz, Friedrichvon http//www.philosophenlexikon.de/gentz.htm gentzen, gerhard http//www http://www.biografien-im-netz.de/archiv.php?Letter=G&Page=400 |
51. Gadadhara Jonardon Ganeri Gadamer, Hans-Georg Kathleen Wright Genetics and Ethics Ruth Chadwick. Gentile, Giovanni Richard Bellamy. gentzen,gerhard Karl Erich Volker Peckhaus. Geology, Philosophy of Rachel Laudan. http://www.routledge.com/rep/entrie2.shtml | |
52. Sg.htm May91, 56; gentzen, gerhard, natural deduction of, in New Languages,Old Logic (P. Wadler), SR1 Dec2000, 37; geographic information http://www.cstone.net/~bachs/ddj/sg.htm | |
53. Re: Turing & Gentzen According to Premysl Vihan The Last Months of gerhard gentzen in Prague , CollegiumLogicum (Annals of the Kurt Godel Society) Vol 1, gentzen was invited by http://hhobel.phl.univie.ac.at/phlo/199805/msg00019.html | |
54. King's College, Cambridge » Modern Archives Gandy, Robin Oliver A/5, A/78, A/19, D/4, D/15. General tensors in a groupC/13. gentzen, gerhard B/42. Gepp, A/19. Gervis, Ruth A/19. Gill, Stanley B/38. http://www.kings.cam.ac.uk/library/archives/modern/catalogue/turing/contents.htm | |
55. ULB Düsseldorf, Fachsystematiken Translate this page Gentz, Friedrich (Fachbibliothek), gerw34740. Gentz, Friedrich, hisk386. gentzen,gerhard K. phid34300. Geoffrey (of Monmouth) (Fachbibliothek), ange43800. http://www.ulb.uni-duesseldorf.de/allhtml/system/pg.htm | |
56. NFH : Materialien : Bücher: Technikgeschichte Translate this page Buch über Amazon bestellen. Beschreibung gerhard gentzen (1909 -1945) istder Begründer der modernen strukturellen mathematischen Beweistheorie. http://www.nfhdata.de/premium/datenbasis-materialien/pages/B_cher/Technikgeschic | |
57. BibTex References ARTICLE{gentzen1936, author = {gentzen, gerhard}, title = {`{D}ie {W}iderspruchsfreiheitder reinen {Z}ahlentheorie'}, year = 1936, journal = {Mathematische http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~jrgw/bibtexrefs.html | |
58. Investigations Into Logical Deduction by gerhard gentzen. @inbook{gentzen1969a, author = {gerhard gentzen}, editor ={ME Szabo}, note = {Chapter 3 in The Collected Papers of gerhard gentzen''. http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/~bof/Bib/Gentzen1969a.html | |
59. Www.amsta.leeds.ac.uk/events/logic97/abstracts/arai.txt 4 (1938), 1944. \bibitem{K} G. Kreisel, Review of the book 'The Collected Papersof gerhard gentzen', ed. and transl. by ME Szabo, Journal of Philosophy, vol. http://www.amsta.leeds.ac.uk/events/logic97/abstracts/arai.txt |
60. Www.phil.uni-passau.de/dlwg/ws03/22-1-95.txt ARISTOTELES 3 CHURCH 4 CARNAP,RUDOLF 5 10 gentzen,gerhard 7 TARSKI http://www.phil.uni-passau.de/dlwg/ws03/22-1-95.txt | |
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