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81. Conferences Syriac, Latin translation activity in Occident and Orient; specific facilitatorsof scientific exchange Constantine Africanus, gerard of cremona, William of http://members.aol.com/mcnelis/Medsci/conference.html | |
82. Infobib - Archives Translate this page 1175) a Preliminary Study » 61 Charles Burnett, (( Dialectic and Mathematicsaccording to Ahmad ibn Yusuf a Model for gerard of cremona's Programme of http://htl.linguist.jussieu.fr/infobibarch.htm | |
83. Avicenna Nurses - About Avicenna quite advanced at this time), but was also studied in European universities for centuries,first in a 12thcentury translation by gerard of cremona (printed 15 http://www.avicennanurses.com/avicenna.html | |
84. UzDessert - Your Guide To Uzbek Culture! The canon remained the world's authority on the subject until the seventeenth century.It was translated into Latin by gerard of cremona in the 12th century. http://www.uzdessert.uz/ver4/history/abualisino.html | |
85. G general will, X, Gentner, Dedre, X, genus and differentia, X, geometry, nineteenthcentury, X, gerard of cremona, X, German Idealism, X, Gersonides, X, Gettier, Edmund,X, http://www.ditext.com/encyc/g.html | |
86. Gherard Biography of Gherard (11141187) Gherard of cremona's name is often written as gerard or sometimes Gerhard. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Gherard.html | |
87. Arabische Astronomie Translate this page Zentren der Übersetzungen waren Toledo in Spanien und Sizilien. Ein wichtigerÜbersetzer in Spanien war gerard von cremona (ca. 1150-1190). http://www.gymnasium-zwettl.ac.at/projekte/wissen1200/astronomie/astro06.htm | |
88. Isaac Asimov. Minu Poeg On Füüsik. Peafüüsik gerard cremona. Doktor cremona? Voi heida pikali, tomba hinge,kui tahad. -Ära minu pärast nuretse, gerard - ütles mrs cremona. http://www.ms.ut.ee/mart/raamat/poeg.htm | |
89. Isaac Asimov - Minu Poeg On Füüsik Peafüüsik gerard cremona. Doktor cremona? Või heida pikali, tõmba hinge,kui tahad. - Ära minu pärast nuretse, gerard - ütles mrs cremona. http://virgo.kodu.net/scifi/asimov/short/Asimov, Isaac - Minu poeg on fyysik.htm | |
90. DE AARDE De astronomische werken van Aristoteles en Ptolemaeus werden in de twaalfde eeuwdoor gerard van cremona uit het Arabisch in het Latijn vertaald, evenals de http://bc.leidenuniv.nl/goedgezien/achtergronden/Acht2.htm | |
91. Die Deutsche Bibliothek / Deutsche Bücherei Leipzig / Deutsches Buch- Und Schri Translate this page II67-1b cremona, Antonius de siehe Strata, Antonius de, de cremona Creussner, Friedrich deII63-2a / II63-2b / II63-2c / II63-2d Leeu, gerard II57-1a http://www.ddb.de/dbsm/inkunabel/dru.htm | |
92. Texto gerard de cremona no séculoXII. Neste livro Avicena tentou coordenar todas as doutrinas http://al-hawi.medstudents.com.br/segper.htm | |
93. MONETA OF CREMONA Father gerard de Frachet gives a brief, but beautiful, description of Moneta's zealin this regard.(4) He Moneta of cremona, however, did not change his mind. http://www.op.org/domcentral/trad/disciples/17monetacrem.htm | |
94. Cremona Web Il Portale Delle Aziende Di Cremona Translate this page Sale di cremona. Asterix e Obelix Missione Cleopatra Genere Azione/Commedia Regia Alain Chabat Cast gerard Depardieu, Monica Bellucci, Christian Clavier http://www2.cremonaweb.it/cinema/wmview.php?ArtID=51 |
95. Life In Elizabethan England 60: A Classical Education Hispanus) Arithmetic (John of Holywood, John of Pisa) Geometry (Euclid, Boëthius)Music (Boëthius, Jehan de Muris of Paris) Astronomy (gerard de cremona) http://renaissance.dm.net/compendium/60.html | |
96. GERARD (c. 10401120) young plants should be raised from cuttings about March, and grown on during the summer, but should not be allowed to flower http://22.1911encyclopedia.org/G/GE/GERARD_c_1040_1120_.htm | |
97. GERARD Geranium is the most widely distributed genus; it has 160 species and is spread over all temperate regions with a few species in the tropics http://20.1911encyclopedia.org/G/GE/GERARD.htm | |
98. GERARD, FRANCOIS, BARON young plants should be raised from cuttings about March, and grown on during the summer, but should not be allowed to flower http://25.1911encyclopedia.org/G/GE/GERARD_FRANCOIS_BARON.htm | |
99. Mathematics (Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library & Renaissance Culture) Ptolemy, Almagest. Ptolemy, Almagest In Latin Translated by gerard ofCremona Parchment Thirteenth century. The most important medieval http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/vatican/math.html | |
100. Bodleian Library: Western Manuscripts To C.1500: Checklist Of Manuscripts Acquir Shelfmark MS. Radcliffe Trust d. 60. Author Avicenna, in the translation of Gerardof cremona. Title Canon, Bks. 1, 2, 4, 5. Language Latin. Origin Italy. http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/dept/scwmss/wmss/medieval/colleges/chkradcl.htm | |
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